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论文笔记:Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents



  • 机器学习算法要求文本输入被表示为固定长度的向量


  • The bag-of-words or bag-of-n-grams
    • 优点: 简单,有效,并且可以得到不错的精确度
    • 缺点:
      • 失去了词序信息
      • 忽略了词的语义信息
      • 往往有数据稀疏(data sparsity)和高维(high dimensionality)的问题,导致模型泛化能力较低
  • Using the word vectors
    • 使用文档(document)中所有词向量的加权平均作为文档表示
      • 缺点:失去了词序信息
    • 根据句子的句法树,使用矩阵-向量操作(matrix-vector operations),将词向量按一定顺序拼接在一起 (Socher et al., 2011b)
      • 缺点:由于依赖句法树,仅仅适用于句子
    • Paragraph Vector (本篇论文内容)


Learning Vector Representation of Words



  • The objective: 最大化平均对数概率,即给定上下文,预测最可能的目标词

    $$\frac{1}{T} \sum\limits_{t=k}^{T-k} \log{p(w_t|w_{t-k}, \dots, w_{t+k})}$$

  • The prediction task: 一个多类别分类器,如softmax:

    $$p(w_t|w_{t-k}, \dots , w_{t+k}) = \frac{e^{y_{w_t}}}{\sum_i{e^{y_i}}}$$

    • $y$的计算公式如下:$$y=b+Uh(w_{t-k}, \dots, w_{t+k}; W)$$ , 其中, $U$, $b$ 是softmax的参数。$h$ 是一个输入多个词向量,输出一个向量的函数,通常设置为向量均值函数或向量连接函数。多个词向量通过对词向量矩阵$W$ 进行Lookup获得。
    • 由于词表可能很大,softmax计算代价很大,因此可以采取一些加速trick,如Hierarchical softmax
      • 基于binary Huffman tree, 词频大的词用短的编码

Paragraph Vector: A distributed memory model(PV-DM)

Paragraph Vector: A distributed memory model(PV-DM) 是论文提出的第一个学习段落向量的模型,如下图:


  • 模型的具体步骤如下:
    • 每个段落都映射到一个唯一的向量,由矩阵$D$中的一列表示,每个词也被映射到一个唯一的向量,表示为$W$ ;
    • 当前段落向量当前上下文所有词向量一起进行取平均值或连接操作,生成的向量用于输入到softmax层,以预测上下文中的下一个词: $$y=b+Uh(w_{t-k}, \dots, w_{t+k}; W; D)$$
  • 这个段落向量可以被认为是另一个词。可以将它理解为一种记忆单元,记住当前上下文所缺失的内容或段落的主题
  • 矩阵$D$ 和$W$ 的区别:
    • 通过当前段落的index,对$D$ 进行Lookup得到的段落向量,对于当前段落的所有上下文是共享的,但是其他段落的上下文并不会影响它的值,也就是说它不会跨段落(not across paragraphs)
    • 当时词向量矩阵$W$对于所有段落、所有上下文都是共享的。

Paragraph Vector without word ordering: Distributed bag of words (PV-DBOW)

Paragraph Vector without word ordering: Distributed bag of words (PV-DBOW) 是论文提出的第二个学习段落向量的模型,如下图:


  • PV-DBOW模型的输入忽略了的上下文单词,但是关注模型从输出的段落中预测从段落中随机抽取的单词;
  • PV-DBOW模型和训练词向量的Skip-gram模型非常相似。


论文设置了三个实验,分别是句子级别的情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)、篇章级的情感分析 以及信息检索 ,验证了paragraph vector 的有效性。

Sentiment Analysis with the Stanford Sentiment Treebank Dataset

  • Dataset
  • Tasks and Baselines
    • a 5-way fine-grained classification task where the labels are {Very Negative, Negative,Neutral, Positive, Very Positive}
    • a 2-way coarse-grained classification task where the labels are{Negative, Positive}.
  • Experimental protocols
    • Each subphrase is treated as an independent sentence
    • Classifier: logistic regression
    • Window size is 8
    • Classifier input: a concatenation of two vectors (800 dim), one from PV-DBOW(400dim) and one from PV-DM(400dim)
      • In PV-DM, 400 dimensions for both words and paragraphs, concatenate the paragraph vectors and 7 word vectors to predict the 8-th word.Special characters such as ,.!? are treated as a normal word. If the paragraph has less than 9 words, we pre-pad with a special NULL word symbol.
  • Results
    • Bag-of words or bag-of-n-grams models (NB, SVM, BiNB) perform poorly.
    • More advanced methods (such as Recursive-NN)perform much better.
    • The method in this paper performs better than all these baselines.

Beyond One Sentence: Sentiment Analysis with IMDB dataset

  • Dataset (
    • The100,000 movie reviews: 25,000 labeled training instances, 25,000 labeled test instances and 50,000 unlabeled training instances. (篇章级)
    • Two types of labels: Positive and Negative.
  • Experimental protocols
    • Learn the word vectors and paragraph vectors using 75,000 training documents (25,000 labeled and 50,000 unlabeled instances)
    • Window size is 10 words.
    • Classifier: a neural network with one hidden layer with 50units and a logistic classifier
    • Classifier Input: the same as Sentiment Analysis with the Stanford Sentiment Treebank Dataset
  • Results
    • For long documents, bag-of-words models perform quite well (12.20%) and it is difficult to improve upon them using word vectors. The significant improvements:
      • Combine a Restricted Boltzmann Machines model with bag-of-words.(10.77%)
      • NBSVM on bigram features. (8.78%)
    • Best result: Paragraph Vectors. (7.42%)

Information Retrieval with Paragraph Vectors

  • Dataset: a new dataset to test vector representations of paragraphs.
    • 数据集中的段落是由使用一个搜索引擎从100万个最受欢迎的查询返回的前10个结果构成;
    • 对于每个查询,创建一个段落的三元组: 三元组的前两个段落是同一个查询的结果,而第三个段落是从其他查询结果中随机抽取的段落。
  • Tasks
    • The Principle: 一个更好的表示(representation)应该使得相同查询返回的段落之间的距离很近,而不同查询返回的段落之间的距离很大。
    • 记录三元组中前两个段落所产生的距离比第一段和第三段小的次数。如果一个三元组段落中无法产生理想的距离度量,该三元组就作为一个错误实例。
  • Experimental protocols: 80% for training, 10% for validation, and 10% for testing
  • Results
    • TF-IDF weighting performs better than raw counts(so only report the results of methods with TF-IDF weighting.
    • The paragraph vector method significantly outperforms bag of words and bigrams.
    • Paragraph Vector is useful for capturing the semantics of the input text


  • Some further observations
    • PV-DM is consistently better than PV-DBOW.
    • The combination of PV-DM and PV-DBOW often work consistently better (recommended).
    • Using concatenation in PV-DM is often better than sum.
      • Perhaps,this is because the model loses the ordering information if using sum.
    • It’s better to cross validate the window size. A good guess of window size in many applications is between 5 and 12.
    • Paragraph Vector can be expensive, but it can be done in parallel at test time.
  • Advantages of paragraph vectors
    • They are learned from unlabeled data.
    • They inherit an important property of the word vectors: the semantics of the words. So they are useful for capturing the semantics of the input text
    • They take into consideration the word order.
    • It is general and applicable to texts of any length: sentences, paragraphs, and documents.
    • It does not require task-specific tuning of the word weighting function nor does it rely on the parse trees.