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152 lines (117 loc) · 5.03 KB


Add a transmute(self) method to Vec, VecDeque and BinaryHeap.


The mentioned types cannot safely be transmuted by mem::transmute. Adding a method for that purpose will hopefully discourage users to try anyway.

E.g. the following code is UB:

let x = vec![0u32; 2];
let y = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, Vec<[u8; 4]>>(x) };

This is explained in the docs for Vec, but with an unsound solution. The way to do this correctly turns out surprisingly tricky:

let x = vec![0u32; 2];
let y = unsafe {
    let y: &mut Vec<_> = &mut *ManuallyDrop::new(x);
    Vec::from_raw_parts(y.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u8; 4],

Though the code is not too large, there are a good number of things to get wrong – this solution was iteratively created by soundness-knowledgeable Rustaceans, with multiple wrong attempts. So this method seems like a good candidate for inclusion into std.

This also applies to VecDeque and BinaryHeap, which are implemented in terms of Vec.

Guide-level explanation

The types std::vec::Vec, std::collections::VecDeque and std::collections::BinaryHeap all get a new unsafe transmute method that takes self by value and returns a new Vec/VecDeque/BinaryHeap with a caller-chosen item type.

The API might look like this (exemplified for Vec):

impl<T> Vec<T> {
    /// Transmute this `Vec` to a different item type
    /// # Safety
    /// Calling this function requires the target item type be compatible with
    /// `Self::Item` (see [`mem::transmute`]).
    /// # Examples
    /// transmute a `Vec` of 32-bit integers to their byte representations:
    /// ```
    /// let x = vec![0u32; 5];
    /// let y = unsafe { x.transmute::<[u8; 4]>() };
    /// assert_eq!(5, y.len());
    /// assert_eq!([0, 0, 0, 0], y[0]);
    /// ```
    /// [`mem::transmute`]: ../../std/mem/fn.transmute.html
    unsafe fn transmute<I>(self) -> Vec<I> {

This would mean our example above would become:

let x = vec![0i32; 2];
let y = unsafe { x.transmute::<[u8; 4]>() };

The documentation of mem::transmute should link to the new methods.

A clippy lint can catch offending calls to mem::transmute and suggest using the inherent transmute method where applicable.

Reference-level explanation

The implementation for Vec copies the above solution. The methods for VecDeque and BinaryHeap use the Vec method on their data.


Adding a new method to std increases code size and needs to be maintained. However, this seems to be a minor inconvenience when compared to the safety benefit.

Rationale and alternatives

As explained above, the method is useful, yet non-obvious. There were multiple wrong implementation attempts before that were not chosen for being unsound.

We could do nothing, but this means users wanting to transmute the items of a Vec will be left without an obvious solution which will lead to unsound code if they get it wrong.

We could document the correct solution instead of putting it into std. This would lead to worse ergonomics.

We could create a trait to hold the transmute method. This would allow more generic usage, but might lead to worse ergonomics due to type inference uncertainty.

It would even be possible to provide a default implementation using mem::transmute, but having a default implementation that might be unsound for some types is a footgun waiting to happen.

Prior art

mem::transmute offers the same functionality for many other types. We have added similar methods to different types where useful, see the various iterator-like methods in std. @Shnatsel and @danielhenrymantilla came up with the solution together in a clippy issue.

Unresolved questions

  • are there other types that would benefit from such a method? What about HashSet, HashMap and LinkedList?
  • would it make sense to add implementations to types where mem::transmute is acceptable, to steer people away from the latter?
  • this RFC does not deal with collection types in crates such as SmallVec, though it is likely an implementation in std might motivate the maintainers to include similar methods.

Future possibilities

The author cannot think of anything not already outlined above.