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基于WebGL的GPGPU指南 - 各阶段实现 #29

llwanghong opened this issue Apr 28, 2023 · 0 comments

基于WebGL的GPGPU指南 - 各阶段实现 #29

llwanghong opened this issue Apr 28, 2023 · 0 comments


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llwanghong commented Apr 28, 2023




我们将方法放在GPGPUtility中。构造函数提供了定义函数的上下文。具体来说,函数将使用这里定义的实例变量,例如高度 $height$、宽度 $width$ 和渲染上下文 $gl$

 * Set of functions to facilitate the setup and execution of GPGPU tasks.
 * @param {integer} width_  The width (x-dimension) of the problem domain.
 *                          Normalized to s in texture coordinates.
 * @param {integer} height_ The height (y-dimension) of the problem domain.
 *                          Normalized to t in texture coordinates.
 * @param {WebGLContextAttributes} attributes_ A collection of boolean values to enable or disable various WebGL features.
 *                                             If unspecified, STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES are used.
 *                                             @see STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES
 *                                             @see{@link}
GPGPUtility = function (width_, height_, attributes_)
  var attributes;
  var canvas;
  /** @member {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The WebGL context associated with the canvas. */
  var gl;
  var canvasHeight, canvasWidth;
  var problemHeight, problemWidth;
  var standardVertexShader;
  var standardVertices;
  /** @member {Object} Non null if we enable OES_texture_float. */
  var textureFloat;
  ⋮ The code in the following paragraphs goes here.
  canvasHeight = height_;
  problemHeight = canvasHeight;
  canvasWidth = width_;
  problemWidth = canvasWidth;
  attributes = typeof attributes_ === 'undefined' ? GPGPUtility.STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES : attributes_;
  canvas = this.makeGPCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  gl = this.getGLContext();
  // Attempt to activate the extension, returns null if unavailable
  textureFloat  = gl.getExtension('OES_texture_float');

// Disable attributes unused in computations.
GPGPUtility.STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES = { alpha: false, depth: false, antialias: false };


即使第一步中我们已可以看到与常规 $WebGL$ 用法不同的地方。我们创建了画布,但是并没有将画布附加到 $DOM$ 上。只有当想将其渲染到屏幕上时,才需要将画布附加到 $DOM$ 上。许多纯计算问题可能永远不会渲染到屏幕上。

 * Create a canvas for computational use. Computations don't
 * require attachment to the DOM.
 * @param {integer} width The width (x-dimension) of the problem domain.
 * @param {integer} height The height (y-dimension) of the problem domain.
 * @returns {HTMLCanvasElement} A canvas with the given height and width.
this.makeGPCanvas = function (width, height)
  var canvas;

  canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  canvas.width = width;
  canvas.height = height;

  return canvas;


// Disable attributes unused in computations.
GPGPUtility.STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES = { alpha: false, depth: false, antialias: false };
 * Get a 3d context, webgl or experimental-webgl. The context presents a
 * javascript API that is used to draw into it. The webgl context API is
 * very similar to OpenGL for Embedded Systems, or OpenGL ES.
 * @returns {WebGLRenderingContext} A manifestation of OpenGL ES in JavaScript.
this.getGLContext = function ()
  // Only fetch a gl context if we haven't already
    gl = canvas.getContext("webgl", attributes)
      || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', attributes);

  return gl;


一个三角形带中的四个顶点覆盖了整个画布。x 和 y 是归一化的设备坐标。s 和 t 是纹理坐标。

覆盖画布最简单的几何形状是一个矩形,每个角都有一个顶点。幸运的是,在归一化设备坐标中,画布的各角坐标为 $(-1, -1)$$(1, -1)$$(1, 1)$$(-1, 1)$,顶点着色器会原样传递这些坐标,并不会进行任何投影或其它修改。

回想一下,问题网格与画布像素和纹理元素都是精确匹配的。这意味着我们也要将纹理附加到画布各角上。这可能有点令人困惑,因为纹理坐标是另一种坐标系。纹理坐标的范围从 $(0, 0)$,在 $(-1, -1)$ 顶点上,到 $(1, 1)$,在 $(1, 1)$顶点上。

 * Return a standard geometry with texture coordinates for GPGPU calculations.
 * A simple triangle strip containing four vertices for two triangles that
 * completely cover the canvas. The included texture coordinates range from
 * (0, 0) in the lower left corner to (1, 1) in the upper right corner.
 * @returns {Float32Array} A set of points and textures suitable for a two triangle
 *                         triangle fan that forms a rectangle covering the canvas
 *                         drawing surface.
this.getStandardGeometry = function ()
  // Sets of x,y,z(=0),s,t coordinates.
  return new Float32Array([
    -1.0,  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,  // upper left
    -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  // lower left
    1.0,  1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,  // upper right
    1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]);// lower right


普通纹理中的像素颜色数据,红 $red$、绿 $green$、蓝 $blue$ 以及透明 $alpha$ 每个参数通道有8位,所以每个像素的颜色会占用一个 $32$ 位字。浮点纹理则为 $RGB$$A$ 每个通道都分配了一个完整的32位浮点数。这样我们就能够轻松地使用一个纹理元素来存储浮点数。我们将利用这个机制来存储计算数据。正如将会看到的,我们也需要谨慎,因为浮点纹理是WebGL的一个可选部分。

OES_texture_float$OpenGL\ ES$ (因此也是 $WebGL$ )的扩展。这是 $OpenGL$ 的一个可选部分,可能不存在,并且需要使用 $getExtension$ 激活。如果扩展不可用, $getExtension$ 返回 $null$。后面我们将看到即使在浮点纹理不可用的情况下如何利用 $GPU$

// Non null if we enable OES_texture_float
var textureFloat;

// Attempt to activate the extension, returns null if unavailable
textureFloat = gl.getExtension('OES_texture_float');

 * Check if floating point textures are available. This is an optional feature,
 * and even if present are usually not usable as a rendering target.
this.isFloatingTexture = function()
  return textureFloat != null;

既然现在我们已启用了浮点纹理,那就来创建一个。我们使用 $createTexture$ 创建纹理,然后使用 $bindTexture$ 绑定使其成为当前活动纹理。

我们设置了一些选项可以使纹理更适合存储计算数据。将 $TEXTURE\_MIN\_FILTER$$TEXTURE\_MAG\_FILTER$ 都设置为 $NEAREST$,以避免纹理尺寸比几何形状更小或更大时产生问题。当纹理映射到一个比纹理更小或更大的几何形状时,这些设置就会发挥作用。但请记住,我们要保证画布、几何形状和纹理大小匹配同步,所以我们并不期望这些设置会真正发挥作用。任何情况下都不会期望在纹理值之间进行插值。

如果我们读取超过纹理边缘的值,则希望得到边缘的值。我们通过将 $TEXTURE\_WRAP\_S$$TEXTURE\_WRAP\_T$ 设置为 $CLAMP\_TO\_EDGE$ 来实现这一点。请记住, $s$$t$ 是归一化的纹理坐标。同样,我们实际上不期望 $GPU$ 计算中会真正使用这个功能。

$texImage2D$ 设置纹理的格式,并可选地设置纹理的数据。这次我们将设置一个 $RGBA$ 浮点纹理。这意味着 $R$$G$$B$$A$ 每个通道都包含一个浮点数。现在我们只会使用其中一个,但稍后将看到,通过利用所有四个通道可以实现一些显著的性能优化。

 * Create a width x height texture of the given type for computation.
 * Width and height must be powers of two.
 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} The WebGL context for which we will create the texture.
 * @param {integer} width The width of the texture in pixels. Normalized to s in texture coordinates.
 * @param {integer} height The height of the texture in pixels. Normalized to t in texture coordinates.
 * @param {number} type A valid texture type. FLOAT, UNSIGNED_BYTE, etc.
 * @param {number[] | null} data Either texture data, or null to allocate the texture but leave the texels undefined.
 * @returns {WebGLTexture} A reference to the created texture on the GPU.
this.makeTexture = function (gl, width, height, type, data)
  var texture;

  // Create the texture
  texture = gl.createTexture();
  // Bind the texture so the following methods effect this texture.
  gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
  // Pixel format and data for the texture
    gl.TEXTURE_2D, // Target, matches bind above.
    0,             // Level of detail.
    gl.RGBA,       // Internal format.
    width,         // Width - related to s on textures.
    height,        // Height - related to t on textures.
    0,             // Always 0 in OpenGL ES.
    gl.RGBA,       // Format for each pixel.
    type,          // Data type for each chanel.
    data);         // Image data in the described format, or null.
  // Unbind the texture.
  gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);

  return texture;


通常来说,片段着色器的结果会绘制到屏幕上并且 $gl\_FragColor$ 的值就是像素的颜色。然而,我们将 $gl\_FragColor$ 捕获到纹理元素 $(texel)$ 中。因为画布、几何形状以及纹理的尺寸和位置都是匹配对齐的,所以我们甚至可以知道正在为哪个 $texel$ 赋值。


纹理的 $x$ 坐标 $s$,从 $0$ 变化到 $1$,而画布从 $0$ 变化到 $canvas.width$。同样,纹理的 $y$ 坐标从 $0$ 变化到 $1$,而画布从 $0$ 变化到 $canvas.height$。我们因此可得到纹理的一些重要结论信息。

纹理元素之间的 $x$ 间距 $\delta_s$$y$ 间距 $\delta_t$,分别为:

$$\delta_s = \frac{1}{canvas.width}$$

$$\delta_t = \frac{1}{canvas.height}$$


$$i = floor\left( canvas.width \times s \right)$$

$$j = floor\left( canvas.height \times t \right)$$

最后,我们将纹理设置为渲染目标。 $OpenGL$ 始终渲染到帧缓冲区。我们创建自己的帧缓冲区对象 $(FBO)$,然后将其绑定为 $GPGPU$ 处理帧缓冲区操作的目标,比如渲染或附加一个纹理进行离屏渲染。

 * Create and bind a framebuffer, then attach a texture.
 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The WebGL context associated with the framebuffer and texture.
 * @param {WebGLTexture} texture The texture to be used as the buffer in this framebuffer object.
 * @returns {WebGLFramebuffer} The framebuffer
this.attachFrameBuffer = function (gl, texture)
  var frameBuffer;

  // Create a framebuffer
  frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
  // Make it the target for framebuffer operations - including rendering.
  gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
  // Our texture is the target of rendering ops now.
    gl.FRAMEBUFFER,       // The target is always a FRAMEBUFFER.
    gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, // We are providing the color buffer.
    gl.TEXTURE_2D,        // This is a 2D image texture.
    texture,              // The texture.
    0);                   // 0, we aren't using MIPMAPs

  return frameBuffer;

为了确保帧缓冲区对象可用,我们还必须调用 $checkFramebufferStatus$。如果返回的结果不是 $FRAMEBUFFER\_COMPLETE$,则代表帧缓冲区设置失败了。这一点尤其重要,因为我们假设可以将渲染结果写入浮点纹理。这是确定平台是否允许这样做的最早时刻。实际上这也是帧缓冲区不完整响应的最常见原因。

 * Check the framebuffer status. Return false if the framebuffer is not complete,
 * That is if it is not fully and correctly configured as required by the current
 * hardware. True indicates that the framebuffer is ready to be rendered to.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the framebuffer is ready to be rendered to. False if not.
this.frameBufferIsComplete = function ()
  var message;
  var status;
  var value;

  status = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER);

  switch (status)
      value = true;
      message = "Framebuffer is unsupported";
      value = false;
      message = "Framebuffer incomplete attachment";
      value = false;
      message = "Framebuffer incomplete (missmatched) dimensions";
      value = false;
      message = "Framebuffer incomplete missing attachment";
      value = false;
      message = "Unexpected framebuffer status: " + status;
      value = false;
  return {isComplete: value, message: message};
@llwanghong llwanghong changed the title 基于 WebGL 的 GPGPU 指南 - 各阶段实现 基于WebGL的GPGPU指南 - 各阶段实现 Apr 29, 2023
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