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Home Assistant Custom Add-on: In-memory MariaDB


This is a fork of the official add-on!

This version uses tmpfs to store MariaDB databases in-memory. If you are trying to minimize your SD-card's wear, give this add-on a try.

Even this is an in-memory database, it can automatically export (from memory to SD card) the database's content during backup, update, restart or even periodically, and can automatically import (from SD card to memory) the content when the add-on starts again. The database dump is gzip-ed before written to the storage to minimize SD-card wear.

Though it won't protect you from power failures completely. After a power failure, when the add-on is restarted, it will import the last known exported database content. So when eg. daily periodic export (from memory to SD card) is enabled, you will loose the latest sensory data within that day, but your long term statistics information will remain mostly intact.


You can use this add-on to install an in-memory MariaDB, which is an open-source (GPLv2 licensed) database. MariaDB can be used as the database backend for Home Assistant. For more information, please see MariaDB


Follow these steps to get the add-on installed on your system:

  1. Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Settings -> Add-ons -> Add-on Store.
  2. In the ... menu at the top right corner click Repositories, add as repository.
  3. Find the "In-memory MariaDB" add-on and click it. If it doesn't show up, wait until HA refreshes the information about the add-on, or click Check for updates in the ... menu at the top right corner.
  4. Click on the "INSTALL" button.

How to use

  1. Under the Configuration tab set the logins -> password field to something strong and unique.
  2. Save the configuration.
  3. Start the add-on.
  4. Check the add-on log output to see the result.
  5. Add the recorder integration to your Home Assistant configuration. See details below.

How to update

If you update or restart the add-on, please stop HA core to avoid error messages that the database is not available (during plain backup, stopping HA core is not necessary). You can execute in the command line the /share/bin/update-mariadb-inmemory-while-ha-core-restarted or /share/bin/restart-mariadb-inmemory-while-ha-core-restarted scripts to do it automatically.

Or you can execute these commands step by step manually to update the add-on:

  • > ha core stop
  • > ha addons update 45207088_mariadb --backup
  • > ha addons info 45207088_mariadb | grep -E '^version' # wait until the new version is really installed
  • > ha addons log 45207088_mariadb # wait until the add-on is started
  • > ha core start

Add-on Configuration

The MariaDB server add-on can be tweaked to your likings. This section describes each of the add-on configuration options.

Example add-on configuration:

  size: 200m
  enabled: true
  periodic: disabled
  period: monthly
  keep_periods: 6
  archive: false
  - homeassistant
  - username: homeassistant
    password: PASSWORD
  - username: read_only_user
    password: PASSWORD
  - username: homeassistant
    database: homeassistant
  - username: read_only_user
    database: homeassistant
      - SELECT

Option: tmpfs

This add-on uses tmpfs to store MariaDB databases in-memory. This section defines the tmpfs filesystem.

Option: tmpfs.size

Specify an upper limit on the size of the in-memory filesystem. The size may have a k, m, or g suffix.


During the first days regularly check the database size from eg. HeidiSQL, DBeaver, BeeKeeper-Studio. Or hardcore users can use Portainer add-on to get a console to this add-on's container (or without Portainer add-on SSH into the system, use docker exec -it addon_45207088_mariadb /bin/bash) and see the container's file-system directly, use df or ls to check free space and file sizes (databases are located at /tmp/databases.

Note: The database occupies more space on tmpfs than you see in the client. And it needs even more temporary space to repack tables after purge deleted rows.

Rule of thumb: <minimum tmpfs size [MB]> = <data stored daily [MB]> * (<purge_keep_days> + 1) * 2.0 + 50[MB]

Note: If you delete data from the database manually, use OPTIMIZE TABLE states, events; to decrease database file sizes also.

Use the query below to calculate database size requirements - Click to expand!

SELECT round(sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) INTO @database_size_in_MB FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = database();

SELECT from_unixtime(min(time_fired_ts)), from_unixtime(max(time_fired_ts)), round(timestampdiff(minute, from_unixtime(min(time_fired_ts)), from_unixtime(max(time_fired_ts))) / 1440, 2) INTO @first_entry_in_UTC, @last_entry_in_UTC, @timespan_in_days FROM events;

SELECT @first_entry_in_UTC AS first_entry_in_UTC, @last_entry_in_UTC AS last_entry_in_UTC, @timespan_in_days AS timespan_in_days, @database_size_in_MB AS database_size_in_MB, round(@database_size_in_MB / @timespan_in_days, 2) AS growth_per_day_in_MB, round((@database_size_in_MB / @timespan_in_days) * 8 * 2.0 + 50, 0) AS suggested_tmpfs_size_for_1_week_data_in_MB;


Option: retention

This section defines the data retention parameters.

Option: retention.enabled

Even this is an in-memory database, it can automatically export (from memory to SD card) the database's content during backup, update, restart or even periodically, and can automatically import (from SD card to memory) the content when the add-on starts again. The database dump is gzip-ed before written to the storage to minimize SD-card wear.


  • the database dump is located in the /data folder, so it is part of the normal Home Assistant backup process
  • the database dump is gzip-ed before written to the storage to minimize SD-card wear
  • after a power failure, when the add-on is restarted, it will import the last known exported database content

If enabled (default) the add-on will

  • export the database content before each backup and when stopped (restarted)
  • import the database content when started (restarted)

If disabled the add-on will delete any previously saved database content when started (restarted).

Option: retention.periodic

This option helps to minimize data loss in case of power failure by periodically exporting the database's content.

Though it won't protect you from power failures completely. After a power failure, when the add-on is restarted, it will import the last known exported database content. So when eg. daily periodic export (from memory to SD card) is enabled, you will loose the latest sensory data within that day, but your long term statistics information will remain mostly intact.

Possible values:

  • disabled (default)
  • hourly (periodically export at each hour 00 minute)
  • daily (periodically export at 02:00h)
  • weekly (periodically export at 03:00h on each Saturday)
  • monthly (periodically export at 05:00h on the first day of each month)

Note: This option exports the database content from memory to SD card, but doesn't create a complete Home Assistant backup nor uploads it to anywhere. In case you use a periodic Home Assistant backup solution, you don't need to enable this periodic retention option, only enable the retention functionality above, because exporting database content is part of the add-on's backup.

Option: purge_statistics

This section defines the parameters for statistics data purging.

By default, Home Assistant never deletes statistics data. This means that over time the size of the database can grow beyond the memory limit.

Option: purge_statistics.period

Specifies how frequently should the statistics data be purged.

Possible values:

  • daily (periodically purge at 02:00h)
  • weekly (periodically purge at 03:00h on each Saturday)
  • monthly (periodically purge at 05:00h on the first day of each month) (default)

Option: purge_statistics.keep_periods

The number of periods to keep in database after a purge.

Default is 6 months.


Purging of statistics data impacts "Energy dashboard - Energy usage" graph in a weird way:

  • Energy usage values are stored in the database as cumulative (continuously increasing) values.
  • Energy usage graph values are calculated as the difference between these cumulative database values.
  • After the statistics data purge, the first graph values will be compared to 0, so the displayed first graph values will be unrealistically high.

Please consider increasing keep_periods to a high enough value that will not disturbe your Energy dashboard (eg. 13 months).

"Energy dashboard - Energy usage" graph after purge
Month Energy statistic value
(before purge)
Change to previous value
(before purge)
Energy statistic value
(after purge)
Change to previous value
(after purge)
Jan 400 200 0 0
Feb 600 200 0 0
Mar 800 200 800 800 !!!
Apr 1000 200 1000 200
May 1200 200 1200 200

For more details see Issue #58

Option: purge_statistics.archive

Whether export the data before deletion.

Default is disabled.

Note: The export location is in the /share/purged-statistics folder, that can be acessed with eg. the Samba share add-on. This folder is also part of the full backup of Home Assistant, so without moving these exported old data anywhere, they will be part of the Home Assistant backup (not the add-on's backup, these are deleted from the database, these are archive values, not belonging to the add-on anymore).

Option: databases

Database name, e.g., homeassistant. Multiple are allowed.

Option: logins

This section defines a create user definition in MariaDB. Create User documentation.

Option: logins.username

Database user login, e.g., homeassistant. User Name documentation.

Option: logins.password

Password for user login. This should be strong and unique.

Option: rights

This section grant privileges to users in MariaDB. Grant documentation.

Option: rights.username

This should be the same user name defined in logins -> username.

Option: rights.database

This should be the same database defined in databases.

Option: rights.privileges (optional)

A list of privileges to grant to this user from grant like SELECT and CREATE. If omitted, grants ALL PRIVILEGES to the user. Restricting privileges of the user that Home Assistant uses is not recommended but if you want to allow other applications to view recorder data should create a user limited to read-only access on the database.

Home Assistant Configuration

MariaDB will be used by the recorder and history components within Home Assistant. For more information about setting this up, see the recorder integration documentation for Home Assistant.

Example Home Assistant configuration:

  db_url: mysql://homeassistant:<PASSWORD>@45207088-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8mb4
  db_max_retries: 20
  db_retry_wait: 15
  auto_purge: false
      - call_service
      - <the entity ids you really need>

  default: warning
      - 'Error during connection setup: .MySQLdb.OperationalError. .2002' # Can't connect to MySQL server on '45207088_mariadb'
      - 'Error during connection setup: .MySQLdb.OperationalError. .1130' # Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server
      - 'Error during connection setup: .MySQLdb.OperationalError. .1044' # Access denied for user 'homeassistant'@'%' to database 'homeassistant'

  - alias: Auto purge with repack
      platform: time
      at: "04:12:00"
      service: recorder.purge
        keep_days: 7
        repack: true

Note: Change the <PASSWORD> string in the db_url field to the password you entered in the add-on configuration.

Note: The 45207088-mariadb is the Hostname displayed on the add-on's Info tab.


  • Don't use auto_purge, regular auto purge does not repack the database files, they slowly grow because of fragmentation (new data will not fill perfectly the temporarily unused space of deleted/purged data). Instead call recorder.purge service with automation with repack: true service data.
  • Exclude all call_service entries from the database! These fill up the database really fast with all the parameters to the service calls, MQTT messages, etc.
  • Let the recorder to wait for the database to import the last known database content (from SD card to memory) during Home Assistant startup (that can take up to a few minutes on large databases), use the recorder's db_max_retry and db_retry_wait paramaters to wait for max. 5 minutes, and use the logger's filters parameter to filter out the recorder's error messages when it waits for the database to be ready during startup.
  • See History or use eg. HeidiSQL, DBeaver, BeeKeeper-Studio to access the database and analyze it's content. Search for the entries you don't need, but fill up the database!

Reported diagnostic sensor values

Values are reported in each 5 minutes.

Note: Please wait until the values are first reported, the sensors as entity states won't be available until the first value update. Though the historical values for charts are available from recorder, not from Home Assistant's entity states.

Sensor: sensor.in_memory_mariadb_memory_storage_percent

The usage of the specified tmpfs capacity in percent.

Sensor: sensor.in_memory_mariadb_memory_storage_capacity

Basically the specified tmpfs.size option in human readable format.

Sensor: sensor.in_memory_mariadb_memory_storage_used

Used capacity in human readable format.

Sensor: sensor.in_memory_mariadb_memory_storage_available

Available capacity in human readable format.


Got questions?

You have several options to get them answered:

In case you've found a bug, please open an issue on our GitHub.