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File metadata and controls

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Roles shared with CLAP

Here are some roles shared by default with CLAP. Setup action is always executed when adding a node to a role. Also, variables needed by actions must be passed via extra parameter, as keyword value.

Role commands-common

This role provide means to execute common known commands in several machines in the role, such as: reboot, copy files to nodes, copy and execute shell scripts, among others. Consider add nodes to this role to quickly perform common commands in several nodes in a row.

The following actions is provided by this role:

  • copy: Copy a file from the localhost to the remote nodes
  • fetch: Fetch files from the remote nodes to the localhost
  • reboot: Reboot a machine and waits it to become available
  • run-command: Execute a shell command in the remote hosts
  • run-script: Transfer a script from localhost to remote nodes and execute it in the remote hosts
  • update-packages: Update packages in the remote hosts


No host must be specified by this role.

Action commands-common copy

Copy a file from the localhost to the remote nodes

Required Variables

commands-commands copy action variables
Name Type Description
src path File to be copied to the remote hosts. If the path is not absolute (it is relative), it will search in the role's files directory else the file indicated will be copied. If the path is a directory, it will be recursive copied.
dest path Destination path where the files will be put into at remote nodes


clapp role action commands-common copy --extra src="/home/ubuntu/file" -e dest="~"

The above command copy the file at /home/ubuntu/file (localhost) the the ~ directory of the nodes.

Action commands-common fetch

Fetch files from the remote nodes to the localhost

Required Variables

commands-common fetch action variables
Name Type Description
src path File to be copied from the remote hosts. If the file is a directory, it will be recursive copied.
dest path Destination path where the files will be put into (localhost)


clapp role action commands-common fetch --extra src="~/file" --extra dest="/home/ubuntu/fetched_files/"

The above command fetch a file at ~/file directory from the nodes and place at the /home/ubuntu/fetched_files/ directory of the localhost.

Action commands-common install-packages

Install packages in the remote hosts

Required Variables

commands-common install-packages action variables
Name Type Description
packages string Comma-separated list of packages to install.


clapp role action commands-common install-packages --extra "packages=openmpi-bin,openmpi-common"

The above command will install openmpi-bin and openmpi-common packages to remote hosts

Action commands-common reboot

Reboot a machine and waits it to become available

Required Variables

This action does not require any additional variable to be passed.


clapp role action commands-common reboot

The command reboot all machines belonging to the commands-common role.

Action commands-common run-command

Execute a shell command in the remote hosts

Required Variables

commands-common run-command action variables
Name Type Description
cmd string String with the command to be executed in the nodes
workdir (optional) path Change into this directory before running the command. If none is passed, home directory of the remote node will be used


clapp role action commands-common run-command --extra cmd="ls"
clapp role action commands-common run-command --extra cmd="ls" -e "workdir=/bin"

In the above command (first one) runs the command ls in the remote nodes, the second one runs the command ls in the remote nodes, after changing to the "/bin" directory

Action commands-common run-script

Transfer a script from localhost to remote nodes and execute it in the remote hosts

Required Variables

commands-common run-script action variables
Name Type Description
src string Shell script file to be executed in the remote nodes. The file will be first copied (from localhost) to the nodes and after will be executed. Note: the script file must begin with the bash shebang (#!/bin/bash). Also the script filepath must be absolute else, if relative path is passed, Ansible search in the role's file directory. The script will be deleted from nodes after execution.
args (optional) string Command-line arguments to be passed to the script.
workdir (optional) path Change into this directory before running the command. If none is passed, home directory of the remote node will be used (Path must be absolute for Unix-aware nodes)


clapp role action commands-common run-script --extra src="/home/ubuntu/"
clapp role action commands-common run-script --extra src="/home/ubuntu/" -e args="1 2 3"
clapp role action commands-common run-script --extra src="/home/ubuntu/" -e args="1 2 3" -e workdir="/home"

The above command (first one) will copy the /home/ubuntu/ script from localhost to the remote nodes and execute it (similar to run bash -c in the hosts).

The above command (second one) will copy the /home/ubuntu/ script from localhost to the remote nodes and execute it using the arguments "1 2 3" (similar to run bash -c 1 2 3 in the hosts).

The above command (third one) is similar to the second one but will execute the script in the /home directory.

Action commands-common update-packages

Update packages in the remote hosts

Required Variables

This action does not require any additional variable to be passed


clapp role action commands-common update-packages

The above command will update the package list from remote hosts (similar to apt update command)

Group ec2-efs

This role setup and mount an network EFS filesystem on AWS provider. The following actions are provided by the role.

  • setup: Install nfs client
  • mount: Mount an EFS filesystem
  • umount: Unmount EC2 File System


No hosts must be specified by this role.

Action ec2-efs setup

Install nfs client at remote host. This action is executed when nodes are added to the role.

Required Variables

This action does not require any additional variable to be passed

Action ec2-efs mount

Mount an AWS EC2 EFS filesystem at remote host.

Required Variables

ec2-efs mount action variables
Name Type Description
efs_mount_ip string Mount IP of the filesystem (see AWS EFS Documentation for more information)
efs_mount_point (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the filesystem will be mounted. Default path is: /efs
efs_owner (OPTIONAL) string Name of the user owner (e.g. ubuntu). Default user is the currently logged user
efs_group (OPTIONAL) string Name of the group owner (e.g. ubuntu). Default group is the currently logged user
efs_mount_permissions (OPTIONAL) string Permission used to mount the filesystem (e.g. 0644). Default permission is 0744


clapp role action ec2-efs mount --extra "efs_mount_ip="" -e "efs_mount_point=/tmp"

The above command will mount the EFS Filesystem from it at /tmp with 744 permissions (read-write-execute for user and read-only for group and others).

Action ec2-efs umount

Unmount the EC2 File System

Required Variables

ec2-efs umount action variables
Name Type Description
efs_mount_point (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the filesystem will be mounted. Default path is: /efs


clapp role action ec2-efs umount --nodes node-0 --extra efs_mount_point="/efs"

The above command will unmount EC2 EFS filesystem at /efs directory from node-0

Role spits

Install spits runtime for the SPITS programming model in nodes, deploy SPITS applications and collect results from execution. The following actions are provided by this role.

  • add-nodes: This action informs to the job manager node, the public address of all task managers.
  • job-copy: Copy the results (job directory) from the job manager to the localhost.
  • job-create: Create a SPITS job in nodes
  • job-status: Query job manager nodes the status and the metrics of a running SPITS job
  • setup: Install SPITS runtime and its dependencies at nodes
  • start: Start a SPITS job at job manager and task manager nodes


For now, shared filesystem is not supported for SPITS runtime.


SPITS application are started using random TCP ports. For now, your security group must allows the communication from/to random IP addresses and ports. So, set inbound and outbound rules from you security group to allow the communication from anywhere to anywhere at any port.


This role defines two host types:

  • jobmanager: Nodes where job manager will be executed for a job
  • taskmanager: Nodes where task manager will be executed for a job

Typical Workflow

The spits role is used to run SPITS applications. For each SPITS application to run, you must create a SPITS job, with an unique Job ID. One node can execute multiple SPITS jobs.

Thus, a typical workflow for usage is:

  1. Add job manager desired nodes to spits/jobmanager role and task manager desired nodes to spits/taskmanager
  2. Use job-create action the create a new SPITS job in all machines belonging to spits role (filter nodes if you want to create a job at selected nodes only).
  3. Use start action to start the SPITS job manager and SPITS task manager at nodes to run the SPITS job
  4. Use the add-nodes action to copy public addresses from task managers nodes to the job manager node.
  5. Optionally, check the job status using the job-status action.
  6. When job is finished, use job-copy action to get the results.

Action spits add-nodes

This action informs to the job manager node, the public address of all task managers.

Required Variables

spits add-nodes action variables
Name Type Description
jobid string Unique job identifier (must match the job ID used in the job-create action)
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role action spits add-nodes --extra "jobid=my-job-123"

The above example will add all task manager addresses, from nodes belonging to the spits/taskmanager role to the spits/jobmanager nodes at job my-job-123. At this point, the job manager nodes recognizes all task managers.


  • This action is not needed if job manager and task managers are running at same node

Action spits job-copy

Copy the results (job directory) from the job manager to the localhost

Required Variables

spits job-copy action variables
Name Type Description
jobid string Unique job identifier (must match the job ID used in the job-create action)
outputdir path Path where job will be copied to
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role action spits job-copy -e "jobid=my-job-123" -e "outputdir=/home/app-output"

The above example will copy the entire job folder (including logs/results) to the localhost and put at /home/app-output directory.

Action spits job-create

Create a SPITS job in nodes to run an SPITS application. If you are using a shared filesystem, use this action in only one node and set the SPITS_JOB_PATH variable to the desired location.

Required Variables

spits job-create action variables
Name Type Description
jobid string Unique job ID to identify the SPITS job.
spits_binary path Absolute path to the SPITS binary (at localhost) that will be copied to nodes
spits_args string Arguments that will be passed to the SPITS binary when executing the SPITS application
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role action spits job-create --extra "jobid=my-job-123" -e "spits_binary=/home/xxx/spits-app" -e "spits_args=foo bar 10"

The above example create the a job called my-job-123 in all nodes belonging to the spits role. The job will execute the SPITS runtime with the binary /home/xxx/spits-app (that will be copied from localhost to nodes) with arguments foo bar 10.

Action spits job-status

Query job manager nodes the status and the metrics of a running SPITS job

Required Variables

spits job-status action variables
Name Type Description
jobid string Unique job identifier (must match the job ID used in the job-create action)
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role action spits job-status --extra "jobid=my-job-123"

The above example query the status of a SPITS job with ID my-job-123 from nodes belonging to spits/jobmanager role. The job status will be displayed at the command output (in green).

Action spits setup

Install SPITS runtime and its dependencies at nodes

Required Variables

This action does not require any additional variable to be passed. Optional variables can be passed.

spits setup action variables
Name Type Description
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role add -n jobmanager:node-0 -n taskmanager:node-1,node-2

The above example install SPITS runtime at node-0, node-1 and node-2. node-0 is set as job manager host and nodes node-1 and node-2 are set as task manager host.

Action spits start

Start a SPITS job at job manager and task manager nodes

Required Variables

spits start action variables
Name Type Description
jobid string Unique job identifier (must match the job ID used in the job-create action)
jm_args string Arguments to be passed to the job manager SPITS runtime
tm_args string Arguments to be passed to the task manager SPITS runtime
PYPITS_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the pypits will be installed (default: ${HOME}/pypits/)
SPITS_JOB_PATH (OPTIONAL) path Directory path where the spits jobs will be created (default: ${HOME}/spits-jobs/)


clapp role action spits start --extra "jobid=my-job-123" -e "jm_args=-vv"

The above example starts job managers and task managers for job my-job-123 in nodes belonging to spits role. Also, job managers SPITS runtime are executed passing the -vv parameter.


The job-create action must be used before to create the SPITS job at nodes belonging to spits role.