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CMSI 370 Interaction Design, Fall 2019

Assignment 1114

Once you have your front end sufficiently built out, it’s time to make it load up some real data, do real searches, save real information, etc. Strictly speaking, this part isn’t really interaction design nor implementation, but we want to do it so that your application has some genuine utility. Furthermore, if you do take on front end work in the future, you are likely to write code at this level anyway, even if it resides just below the user interface.

Background Reading

For this assignment, you will most likely use the reference documentation of your chosen web service API. To review the big picture, you can refer back to this Prezi along with the class screengrab recording that talks through this big picture.

Best Practices and Automated Feedback

Because you are using the same repository for this assignment, you should be good to go with automated feedback. If not, then what’s taking you so long?

For Submission: API Integration

Replace the API stubs and mocks in your front end with actual requests to your chosen web service API. If you maintained the recommended design for this layer in Assignment 1029, then this part should be a no-brainer: once finished, your front end will “just work” and immediately shift to reading and writing real information to/from your chosen web service API. Once you have a broader range data coming in and out of your application, undiscovered bugs or areas of improvement may emerge, so make sure you run your front end through its paces afterward, fixing any issues that emerge.

The starter code for the technology stacks all contain an extra “real API” file that genuinely implements one web service API call for you. Pattern your full API implementation after that code.

Once this step is finished, you should have a complete application, with a user interface of your design and implementation communicating with a real-world web service.

How to Turn it In

Edit your front end code “in place” (i.e., keep on working on the code that you submitted for Assignment 1029) and continue to commit and push it as needed. If you need to revisit first principles, you can refer to the original starter code in the repository (aren’t you glad that you copied these files in the beginning, rather than going straight to editing them?).

Thus, your submission is simply a continuation of the work that you started with the front end. Evaluating your work will proceed as before, based on the files at the top level of the repository.

Specific Point Allocations

Programming assignments are scored according to outcomes 3a, 3b, and 4a to 4f in the syllabus. For this particular assignment, graded categories are as follows:

Category Points Outcomes
API Calls (evenly divided among the implemented 3 or more calls) 60 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4d
Test Suite and Coverage 20 4a
Linting deduction only 4c
Version Control deduction only 4e
Punctuality deduction only 4f
Total 80

The last three graded categories are “deduction only,” meaning that you will only get points taken off if there are significant issues with those categories. Such issues include but are not limited to: lingering linting errors as of the final commit (4c), insufficiently granular or unmessaged commits (4e), and late commits (4f).