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File metadata and controls

135 lines (104 loc) · 4.14 KB


A Docker image that you can schedule on HSDP IronIO to perform PostgreSQL backups to an S3 bucket


  • Streaming backups so not dependent on runner disk storage
  • Compresses and encrypts backups



  • IronIO CLI
  • Siderite CLI
  • Provisioned: one or more PostgreSQL RDS instances you want to backup
  • Provisioned: HSDP Iron instance
  • Provisioned: HSDP S3 bucket for storing backups

Preparing payload.json

As the image uses siderite for runtime orchestration all the required credentials will be passed through a payload.json file which will be stored encrypted in the IronIO scheduled task definition.

The payload should have the following cmd and env-ironment variables

  "version": "1",
  "cmd": ["/app/"],
  "env": {
	"PGPASS_FILE_BASE64": "cG9zdGdyZXMtZGIuZGVmc2ZzYS51cy1lYXN0LTEucmRzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb206NTQzMjpoc2RwX3BnOnh4VXNlckF4eDp5eVBhc3N3ZEF5eTpkYjEKcG9zdGdyZXMtZGIuZGVmc2ZzYi51cy1lYXN0LTEucmRzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb206NTQzMjpoc2RwX3BnOnh4VXNlckJ4eDp5eVBhc3N3ZEJ5eTpkYjIK",
	"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "SecretKeyHere",
	"S3_BUCKET": "cf-s3-some-random-uuid-here"


The pgpass file contains the credentials for each PostgreSQL database you want to back up. The format is one database per line:



Once you've prepared the file encode it using base64 to get the value to use:

cat pgpass|base64


The pass file contains the key (password) that will be used to encrypt the database backups using AES-256

echo -n 'MySecretPassword'|base64


This should be the api_key of the HSDP S3 Bucket you provisioned


This should be the secret_key of the HSDP S3 Bucket you provisioned


This should be the bucket of the HSDP S3 Bucket you provisioned

Scheduling the task

Once you've prepared the payload.json file can you encrypt it using siderite

cat payload.json|siderite encrypt > payload.enc

Now you need the IronIO cluster ID

cat ~/.iron.json |jq -r .cluster_info[0].cluster_id

Register the iron-streaming-backup Docker image in IronIO. You only need to do this once or after updating or publishing the Docker image in this repository

iron register philipslabs/iron-streaming-backup:latest

Finally, you can schedule the task. In the below example the backup task will run once every day

iron worker schedule \
	-cluster 56someclusteridhere34554 \
	-run-every 86400 \
	-payload-file payload.enc philipslabs/iron-streaming-backup

Bucket lifecycle policy

It is advised to set a S3 Bucket lifecycle policy. A good practice is to move your database backups to the GLACIER storage class after a couple of days and to set a expiration date to automatically delete older backups. The below policy moves dumps to CLACIER after 7 days and deletes them after 6 months (180 days)

    "Expiration": {
      "Days": 180
    "ID": "Move to Glacier and expire after 6 months",
    "Prefix": "",
    "Status": "Enabled",
    "Transitions": [
        "Days": 7,
        "StorageClass": "GLACIER"

Retrieving and decrypting a backup

  • Copy the .gz.aes file from the bucket back to your restore system
  • Decrypting the file, assuming your password is stored in the file ${password_file}:
openssl enc -in backup_file.gz.aes -aes-256-cbc -d -pass file:${password_file} |gzip -d > pg_dump_file.sql


License is MIT