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File metadata and controls

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Example Archive

This is a collection of code snippets that represent common GeoTrellis tasks.

Get the Extent of a Tile

Motivation: Given a pair (SpatialKey, Tile), you'd like to know the geographic area on the earth that they cover (the Extent). This Extent has many uses within GeoTrellis.

This solution assumes you have a LayoutDefinition on hand. If you're working with a TileLayerRDD, as many GeoTrellis operations do, then grabbing one is just:

val layer: TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] = ...  /* Output of previous work */

val layout: LayoutDefinition = layer.metadata.layout

Now to find the Extent of the key/tile pair:

val (key, tile): (SpatialKey, Tile) = ...

val extent1: Extent = key.extent(layout)        /* As of GeoTrellis 1.2 */
val extent2: Extent = layout.mapTransform(key)  /* For versions < 1.2 */

Create a Layer from a single Tile

Motivation: You've gotten a single Tile as output from some GeoTrellis function. Now you'd like to promote it as-is as a GeoTrellis layer, perhaps for easy output.

First, it is assumed that you know the projection (CRS) that your Tile is in, and that you've calculated its Extent. If so, you can construct a ProjectedRaster:

val tile: Tile = ...
val crs: CRS = ...
val extent: Extent = ...

val raster: ProjectedRaster[Tile] = ProjectedRaster(Raster(tile, extent), crs)

This is the minimum amount of information required to construct a Layer. A function that does that could look like this:

import geotrellis.raster._
import geotrellis.spark._
import geotrellis.spark.SpatialKey._  /* To get a `Boundable` instance for `SpatialKey` */
import geotrellis.spark.tiling._
import geotrellis.vector._
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._

/** Convert an in-memory `Tile` into a GeoTrellis layer. */
def toLayer(pr: ProjectedRaster[Tile])(implicit sc: SparkContext): TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] = {

  val layer: RDD[(ProjectedExtent, Tile)] =
    sc.parallelize(List((ProjectedExtent(pr.raster.extent,, pr.raster.tile)))

  val scheme: LayoutScheme = ZoomedLayoutScheme(

  /* The metadata, plus the zoom level corresponding to the size of the Tile.
   * We don't need the zoom level here, but it deserves a note.
  val meta: (Int, TileLayerMetadata[SpatialKey]) = layer.collectMetadata(scheme)

  ContextRDD(layer.tileToLayout[SpatialKey](meta._2), meta._2)

Work with S3 using a custom S3Client configuration

Motivation: You would like to work with assets on S3, but you want to use an S3 client (or clients) with a configuration (various configurations) different form the default client configuration.

That can be accomplished by sub-classing S3AttributeStore and/or S3ValueReader, perhaps anonymously.


val aws: AWSAmazonS3Client = ??? /* Special configuration happens here */
val specialS3client = new AmazonS3Client(aws)

val attributeStore = new S3AttributeStore("my-bucket", "my-prefix") {
   override def s3Client = specialS3Client

val valueReader = new S3ValueReader(attributeStore) {
   override def s3Client = specialS3Client