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ASCII Designer Manual

What is this?

A library that:

  • creates GUI from ASCII-art (with well-defined syntax)
  • maps widgets to virtual class attributes
  • relieves you from the boring parts of Form building while leaving you in control.

The workhorse class is the :any:`AutoFrame`:

from ascii_designer import AutoFrame

The created widgets are "raw", native widgets. You do not get wrappers; instead, the library focuses on specific tasks - building the layout, event-/value binding - and lets you do everything else with the API you know and (maybe) love.

AutoFrame overview

:any:`AutoFrame` is used by subclassing it. Then, define the special attribute f_body to define the design:

class MyForm(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
        |            |
         Hello World!

That's it: A working form. Show it by calling :any:`f_show()`. If necessary, it will set up an application object and main loop for you; the boilerplate code reduces to:

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can set the f_title attribute for a custom window title. Otherwise, your class named is turned into a title by space-separating on uppercase characters.

If you like menus, f_menu can be used for concise definition of menu structures.

The f_icon property can be set to the name of an image file to use as window icon. Note that the supported formats depend on the toolkit and maybe also operating system. I recommend to use .ico on windows and .png on *nix.

Finally, there is the :any:`f_build()` method, which does the actual form generation. It calls the :any:`f_on_build` hook, that you might want to override to initialize controls.


Currently there are implementations for Qt and Tkinter toolkit. You need to decide which one to use. Before showing the first AutoFrame, use set_toolkit(name) to set the toolkit.

In particular, set_toolkit supports:

  • "qt" for Qt toolkit (using qtpy).
  • "tk" for Tkinter
  • "ttk" also for Tkinter, but using ttk-themed widgets wherever possible.

If you use any native methods / properties, e.g. to set text box backgrounds, obviously changing the toolkit requires changing these parts of your code.

Grid slicing, stretching and anchors

ASCII designer generates grid layouts. The first step of processing f_body is to cut it up into text "cells". Each line of the f_body string is converted into one grid layout row.

Before processing, leading and trailing whitespace lines are cropped. Also, common leading whitespace is removed.


The first line is used to define the split points by means of the pipe character (|). The lines below are split exactly underneath the pipe signs, IF the respective text-column is either space or pipe character. If, on the other hand, any other character is present in that line and text-column, a column-spanning cell is created, containing the joint text of both cells.

If you want to join but have a space character at this point, you can use the tilde ~ character instead of the space. It will be converted to space in the subsequent processing.

Row-spans are created by prepending the cell content with a brace { character. No matching close-brace is needed. The brace characters must be aligned, i.e. exactly above each other.


By default, column widths will "shrinkwrap" the content. To make a column stretchable, insert one or more minus - signs in the first line between the pipe chars:

|    -      |             |
 stretches   fixed width

If you want it nice-looking, you can make a double arrow like so: <-->; however to the program only the minus characters count.

If you define multiple stretchable columns, the stretch proportion of each column is equal to the number of minus chars above.

Row-stretch is defined similarly. You need to create a special "first text-column" by having a pipe char before any content underneath:

|              |               |
 <- special text-column
 column 1       column 2

In this text-column, put a capital I before rows that you want to stretch. Stretch proportion is equal for all stretchable rows. Use row-span to have some widgets stretch more than others vertically.


Anchoring refers to the positioning and stretching of the widget within its grid cell.

Horizontal anchoring of widgets within the grid cell is controlled by whether the text is space-padded at the beginning and/or end of its text cell:

  • No space at beginning nor end makes the widget full-width.
  • Space at only beginning gives right-, at end gives left-align.
  • Space at both begin and end gives center alignment.

In graphical form:

|                |
 [Fill          ]
 [Left]         ~
    [Center]    ~
  [also center ] |

Note how tilde character is used as space substitute. This is because trailing space is badly visible, and also removed by some text editors automatically. The last row shows another possibility by explicitly putting a pipe sign at the end.

Vertical anchoring is not controllable. It defaults to "fill", which is the right thing most of the time. If not, you can use toolkit-native methods to change the anchoring afterwards.

Widget specification

To create a: Use the syntax:
blah blah (just write plain text),
label_id: Text or
[ ] or
[Text] or
[control_id: Text].
(From here on simplified as id_and_text).
Text field
[id_and_text_] (single-line) or
[id_and_text__] (multi-line)
Dropdown Chooser
[id_and_text v] or
[id_and_text (choice1, choice2) v]
[id_and_text_ v] or
[id_and_text_ (choice1, choice2) v]
[ ] id_and_text or
[x] id_and_text
Radio button
( ) id_and_text or
(x) id_and_text
Slider (horizontal)
[id: 0 -+- 100]
List/Tree view (only in Tk for now)
[= id_and_text] or
[= id_and_text (Column1, Column2)]
Placeholder (empty or framed box)
<name> for empty box;
<name:Text> for framed box

Control ID

Each control gets an identifier which is generated as follows:

  • If a control id is explicitly given, it has of course precedence.

  • Otherwise, the control Text is converted to an identifier by

    • replacing space with underscore
    • lower-casing
    • removing all characters not in (a-z, 0-9, _)
    • prepending x if the result starts with a number.
    • Special-Case: Labels get label_ prepended.
  • If that yields no ID (e.g. Text is empty), the ID of a preceding Label (without label_ prefix) is used. This requires the label to be left of the control in question.

  • If that fails as well, an ID of the form x1, x2, ... is assigned.


  • [ Hello ] gives id hello
  • [ Hello World! ] gives id hello_world
  • Hello World: | [ ] gives a label with id label_hello_world and a button with id hello_world
  • [ $%&§§% ] gives a button with id x1 (assuming this is the first control withoud id).

The control id can be used to get/set the control value or the control object from the form - see below.

Notes about specific widgets

Dropdown and combobox without values can be populated after creation.

All radio buttons on one form are grouped together. For multiple radio groups, create individiual AutoFrames for the group, and embed them in a box.

Slider: only supported with horizontal orientation. For a vertical slider, change orientation afterwards; or use a placeholder box and create it yourself.

Listview: The first column will have the text as heading. The subsequent columns have the given column headings. If Text is empty (or only id given), only the named columns are there. This makes a difference when using value-binding (see below).

Value and event binding

Control objects

Usually you will access your controls from methods in your :any:`AutoFrame` subclass. So let us assume that your AutoFrame variable is called self.

Then, access the generated controls by using self["control_id"] or self.f_controls["control_id"]. The result is a toolkit-native widget, i.e. a QWidget subclass in Qt case, a tkinter widget in Tk case.

For Tk widgets, if there is an associated Variable object, which you can find it as self["control_id"].variable attribute on the control. For textual widgets (Entry, Combobox, etc) this will be a .GenericVar instance, which you can consider a supercharged StringVar. See below for what features it brings.

Event binding

If you define a method named after a control-id, it will be automatically called ("bound", "connected") as follows:

  • Button: When user clicks the button; without arguments (except for self).
  • Any other widget type: When the value changes; with one argument, being the new value.


class EventDemo(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
        |               |
         [ My Button   ]
         [ Text field_ ]
    def my_button(self):
        print('My Button was clicked')

    def text_field(self, val):
        print('Text "%s" was entered'%val)

In case of the ListView, the method is called on selection (focus) of a row.

As second option, you can name the method on_<control-id> (e.g.: on_text_field). Thus the handler can easily coexist with the virtual value attribute (read on).

Virtual value attribute

If the control is not bound to a function, you can access the value of the control by using it like a class attribute:

class AttributeDemo(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
        |               |
         [ Text field_ ]
    def some_function(self):
        x = self.text_field
        self.text_field = 'new_text'

For label and button, the value is the text of the control.

Boxes are a bit special. An empty box's value is the box widget itself. A framed box contains an empty box, which is returned as value.

You can set the virtual attribute to another (any) widget the toolkit understands. In this case, the original box is destroyed, and the new "value" takes its place. For a framed box, the inner empty box is replaced. So you can use the box as a placeholder for a custom widget (say, a graph) that you generate yourself.


The new widget must have the same parent as the box you replace.

A second possibility is to use the box as parent for one or more widgets that you add later. For instance, you can render another AutoFrame into the box. (see under Extending). For your convenience, you can directly assign an AutoFrame subclass instance to the virtual value, which triggers building of the AutoFrame.

In any case, you can retrieve the new widget or the AutoFrame as new virtual value of the placeholder.

TK Textbox / Combobox conversion + validation

ASCII designer ships with its own supercharged Tk variable class, the .GenericVar. It is used for Entry, Combobox, Label and Button widgets.

Without further setup, it behaves like a regular StringVar.

Type conversion is done using the ~.GenericVar.convert property. convert is a callback that is used within .get() to convert the string value into something else. This also applies when accessing the value via the virtual attribute, or when the automatic handler is called.

For example, you can do the following:

class ConvertingFrame(AutoFrame):
    f_body = """
     [entry_ ]

    def f_on_build(self):
        self.f_controls["entry"].variable.convert = int

When retrieving the value via self.entry, you will get a bona-fide Integer.

If the converter fails, GenericVar.get() will return the special .Invalid object.

For your convenience, there are also some "compositors" for common value restrictions. See .nullable, .gt0 and .ge0.

If needed, you can also setup a conversion in the opposite direction (Value to display text) using variable.convert_set. In most cases, the default (str) should suffice.

Conversion implies Validation of the input text: We consider the input valid if the converter does not raise an Exception. GenericVar allows you to couple a side effect to get() using the .validated_hook property. It might have a slight smell to it, but is frequently very convenient. :-)

You can enable this on a per-class level by setting the f_option_tk_autovalidate attribute of your frame class to True. In this case, for all Entry and Combobox widgets, invalid-state will be updated whenever the converted value is retrieved. For non-ttk widgets, the foreground color will be changed to red if invalid. For ttk widgets, invalid state is set.

Note that this also applies to plain-string entryboxes - they will always be valid, meaning that invalid state will be reset on each access. If you want to do custom validation for a single control, you can "opt-out" by using: self.f_controls["name"].variable.validated_hook = None.

List / Tree View


Lists and tree views are considerably more complex than the other widgets. I am still experimenting with how to make handling as convenient as possible. Be prepared for changes here if you update.

The general picture is this: The Listview has a value, which on the python side looks mostly like a list. You can slice it, insert/remove items and so on. It is actually an instance of ObsList, which provides "events" for all changes to the list. Also you can make it into a tree by configuring children_source (see below).

There is a toolkit specific adapter between the ObsList object and the actual onscreen widget - the ListBinding. It interconnects list and widget events, and provides the mapping between list item (any object) and column values.

  • With TK/TTk Toolkit, get the binding object by self['widgetname'].variable.
  • With Qt Toolkit, get the binding object by self['widgetname'].model().

Items are displayed in the list view in textual form. The value list is attached to the actual list view. I.e. if you update the list, the changes immediately reflect in the ListView widget.

The value list can become detached if you replace the virtual value while keeping the old reference somehow. You can still use it like a normal python object, but it will not have an onscreen representation anymore. If you attached own event handlers, take care of detaching them.

The :any:`ListBinding.sources` method of the binding is used to configure how values are read from the given objects into the predefined columns. By default we look for attributes matching the column names. If you have a first column (defined via the "Text", not the "Columns" list in parens), it gets the object's string representation.

The simplemost way of using the List is this:

class SimpleList(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
         [= Some Items]
    def f_on_build(self):
        # populate the list
        self.some_items = ['First', 'Second', 'Fifth']

A more complex example to showcase how additional columns work:

# RankRow is a stand-in for a "real" class.
RankRow = namedtuple('RankRow', 'name points rank')

class TreeDemo(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
    |              <->                |
    I[= Players (,Name, Points, Rank)]
    def f_on_build(self):
        self.players = [
            RankRow('CaptainJack', 9010, 1),
            RankRow('MasterOfDisaster', 3010, 2),
            RankRow('LittleDuck', 12, 3),
        # Replacing items triggers updating of the displayed data
        self.players[2] = RankRow('BigDuck', 24, 3)
        # change the data binding:
                lambda obj: 'ItsLikeMagic',  # unnamed arg: sets the default text (first column)
                name=['foo'], points=['bar'], # use __getitem__ for those
                # custom callback
                rank=lambda obj: obj['baz'],
        self.players.append({'foo': 'Last', 'bar': -1, 'baz': 4})

When working with the list, keep in mind that it can be changed by user interaction (like any other widget's value). E.g. if the user sorts the list view, the underlying ObsList changes order. In case of doubt, make a copy.


As of v0.4, a list column can be made editable by appending _ (underscore) to the column caption. Some default shortcuts (F2, Return, etc.) apply.

The ListBinding.sources setting for the column also determines how edits are processed.

  • If set to a string value, the corresponding property is set.
  • If set to a 1-item list, setitem is used. I.e. object[<name>] = <value>.
  • If set to a callable, fn(obj, val) is called.

Especially in the latter case, you will want to split into getter and setter method. To achieve this, set the source to a 2-tuple of definitions. Example:

def my_setter(obj, val):
  obj.my_property = float(val)

self.my_list.binding.sources(my_column=('my_property', my_setter))

reads the value of my_column by taking my_property, but upon edit, converts the value to float.

If you use the Tk toolkit, instead of ttk.Treeview you will get a tk_treeedit.TreeEdit instance. This is a custom Tk widget providing the edit functionality as well as some more. Please refer to its documentation for details.

The add, adchild and remove actions, if permitted, are handled by the binding. ListBindingTk has a factory property which provides new items when add function is used.

In Qt toolkit, Add / Add Child / Remove functions are currently not provided as builtin function.


Differences between Qt and Tk:

Tk retrieves the "source" values once to build all the list items. Meaning that changes in the underlying items do not reflect in the list unless explicitly updated.

Qt on the other hand queries the items permanently (e.g. on mouse-over). This means that changes are immediately visible onscreen, but that you should not do complicated calculations or I/O to retrieve column values.

In Tk, a custom editable list widget is provided. In Qt, the native editing capabilites are used.


Trees are created by using the :any:`ObsList.children_source` method, which works similar to ListBinding.sources. Here you can define two sources, one for has_children (bool) and one for children (list).

The tree is lazy-loading, i.e. children are only retrieved when a node is expanded. On repeated expansion, children are reloaded.

has_children is queried to determine whether expanders should be drawn on each item. If not given, we assume that each entry might have children, and they all get expanders initially.

The children property, if retrieved, is again a special list like the "root" one.

The list object now stores two things for each index: The item at this index, and the list of the item's children. This is a bit different to how trees are usually implemented. Particularly, there is no single "root" item, instead we have a root list.

To index within the tree, use index tuples:

  • tree[1] gives you the second item of the root list.
  • tree[1, 2] gives you the third item in the child list of the second item.
  • tree[1, 2, 44, 21] goes 4 levels deep
  • tree[1, None] gives you the child list of the second item. This is a separate .ObsList instance.
  • Again, tree[1, 2, 44, None] to retrieve a "deeper" level.

You can only access subitems that have been lazy-loaded already. Use .Obslist.get_children to ensure loading.


If you assign a non-ObsList value to a ListView virtual-value, it is converted into an ObsList. The children_source is taken over from the previous value. I.e. you can configure it once and then assign plain lists, retaining tree configuration. This is done for your convenience and for backward compatibility.

If on the other hand, you assign an ObsList instance as value, it is assumed that its children_source is already configured, and it won't be touched. This is because children_source is taken to be part of the data-model and not of the GUI binding.

Toolkit-native identifiers

If you handle toolkit-native events yourself, you will likely need to cope with "toolkit native" identifiers (TKinter item id or Qt QModelIndex, respectively). ObsList keeps track of the association between toolkit ID and actual list item for you.

To identify items in the tree, the two methods :any:`ObsList.find` and :any:`ObsList.find_by_toolkit_id` are provided, which yield container list and index given the item or its toolkit-native identifier, respectively.

For Tk, the toolkit-native identifier is the iid value of the tree item.

For Qt it is unset; only parent_toolkit_id is set to the parent QModelIndex. Given a QModelIndex, its internalPointer() refers to the containing list and row() gives the index of the item.


Define menus by setting (overriding) the f_menu property of your AutoFrame. An example menu looks like this:

f_menu = [
    "File >", ["Open", "Save", "Quit"],
    "Nested >", [
        "Item 1 #C-I",
        "Submenu 1 >", [ "Subitem 1"],
        "Item 2",

There are two kinds of menu entries:

  • Normal actions are just simple strings. An identifier is created from the text according to the rules above, e.g. item_1 for the text "Item 1". The AutoFrame must have a method of that name and without parameters except self. It will automatically be bound to the menu entry.
  • If on the other hand the text ends with >, it defines a submenu. The next list entry is expected to be a nested list defining the submenu. No handler function is bound to the submenu label.

Normal actions can be followed by a shortcut definition introduced by hash sign #. It can contain any of C-, A-, S- modifiers followed by a letter.

For common actions like Open/Save or Cut and Paste, Shortcuts are generated automatically. Those are defined in :any:`ToolkitBase.default_shortcuts`. (In :any:`ToolkitQt` this map is overriden to use the QKeySequence.X defaults).

The menu is generated by the :any:`AutoFrame.f_build_menu` function, which is called from :any:`f_show`. No menu is built if using :any:`f_build` directly (since you are most likely embedding the frame). If crucial functionality is missing because of this, it is your own fault...

Extending / integrating

In any real-world scenario, you will hit the limits of this library pretty soon. Usually it boils down to one of the questions:

  • How do I use toolkit-native methods on the widgets?
  • How can I embed generated controls into a "3rd-party" window?
  • How can include "3rd-party" controls in the generated grid?

Toolkit-native methods

Having an AutoFrame self, access the toolkit-native controls by using self["control_id"] or self.f_controls["control_id"]. Do whatever you like with them.

Embedding AutoFrame into a 3rd-party host window

The :any:`AutoFrame.f_build` method takes a parent window as argument. You can use this to "render" the AutoFrame into a custom container.

  • The container can be any widget taking children. It must be preconfigured to have a grid layout. I.e. for tk toolkit, .pack() must not have been used; in case of qt toolkit, a QGridLayout must have been set via .setLayout().
  • Already-existing children are ignored and left in place. However, row/column stretching is modified.
  • Automatic method / property binding works as usual.

Including 3rd-party controls into an AutoFrame

This is what the <placeholder> control is for. It creates an empty Frame / Widget / Panel which you can either use as parent, or replace with your own control.

For the former, get the placeholder object (via its value attribute) and use it as parent. You must do the layout yourself.

For the latter, set its virtual value attribute to your widget. This destroys the placeholder. The layout of the placeholder (Grid position and stretching) is copied onto the new widget.

Nesting AutoFrame

Combining both methods, you can also embed one AutoFrame into another. The following example showcases everything:

class Host(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
    def f_on_build(self):
        # self.placeholder.setLayout(QGridLayout()) # only for Qt

        # create instance
        af_embedded = Embedded()
        # render widgets as children of self.placeholder
        # store away for later use
        self._embedded = af_embedded

        # # can be simplified to:
        # self.placeholder = Embedded()
        # # (later, get the instance from self.placeholder)

class Embedded(AutoFrame):
    f_body = '''
         <another placeholder>
    def f_on_build(self):
        parent = self.another_placeholder.master
        self.another_placeholder = tk.Button(parent, text='3rd-party control')

Custom widget classes

The toolkit has a widget_classes property, listing the widget class to generate for each widget type (per the widget creation syntax). By changing this dictionary, you can make the toolkit return a custom subclass. For instance, you could use a tk.Entry subclass with custom functionality:

class MyEntry(tk.Entry):
    # Just add a demonstration property here
    special_property = True

class FrameWithCustomWidget(AutoFrame):
    f_body = """
       [My text_ ]

    def __init__(self):
        self.f_toolkit.widget_classes["textbox"] = MyEntry
        # f_build will now use the changed class (only in *this* frame!)

    def on_my_text(self, val):
        widget = self["my_text"]
        print(widget.__class__.__name__) # "MyEntry"
        if widget.special_property:
            pass # do something special

These are the names of the widget classes:

  • label
  • box
  • box_labeled
  • option
  • checkbox
  • slider
  • multiline
  • textbox
  • treelist
  • treelist_editable (tk only)
  • combo
  • dropdown
  • button
  • scrollbar (tk only)