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File metadata and controls

301 lines (179 loc) · 17.2 KB

write_catalog: writing source catalogs

The properties of the fitted Gaussians, sources, and shapelets may be written in a number of formats to a file using the write_catalog task. See below (:ref:`output_cols`) for a detailed description of the output columns.


For BBS and SAGECAL formats, the output catalogs always use the J2000 equinox. If the input image does not have an equinox of J2000, the coordinates of sources will be precessed to J2000. Catalogs in other formats will have the equinox of the image.

The task parameters are as follows:

WRITE_CATALOG: Write the Gaussian, source, or shapelet list to a file.
:term:`outfile` ............... None : Output file name. None => file is named
                               automatically; 'SAMP' => send to SAMP hub (e.g., to
                               TOPCAT, ds9, or Aladin)
:term:`bbs_patches` ........... None : For BBS format, type of patch to use: None => no
                               patches. 'single' => all Gaussians in one patch.
                               'gaussian' => each Gaussian gets its own patch.
                               'source' => all Gaussians belonging to a single
                               source are grouped into one patch. 'mask' => use mask
                               file specified by bbs_patches_mask
:term:`bbs_patches_mask` ...... None : Name of the mask file (of same size as input image)
                               that defines the patches if bbs_patches = 'mask'
:term:`catalog_type` .......... 'srl': Type of catalog to write:  'gaul' - Gaussian
                               list, 'srl' - source list (formed by grouping
                               Gaussians), 'shap' - shapelet list (FITS
                               format only)
:term:`clobber` .............. False : Overwrite existing file?
:term:`correct_proj` .......... True : Correct source parameters for image projection
                               (BBS format only)?
:term:`format` ............... 'fits': Format of output Gaussian list: 'bbs', 'ds9',
                               'fits', 'star', 'kvis', 'ascii', 'csv', 'casabox', or
:term:`incl_chan` ............ False : Include fluxes from each channel (if any)?
:term:`incl_empty` ........... False : Include islands without any valid Gaussians
                               (source list only)?
:term:`srcroot` ............... None : Root name for entries in the output catalog. None
                               => use image file name

Each of the parameters is described in detail below.

.. glossary::

        This parameter is a string (default is ``None``) that sets the name of the output file. If ``None``, the file is named automatically. If 'SAMP' the full catalog (i.e., ``format = 'fits'``) is sent to a running SAMP Hub (e.g., to TOPCAT or Aladin).

        This parameter is a string (default is ``None``) that sets the type of patch to use in BBS-formatted catalogs. When the Gaussian catalogue is written as a BBS-readable sky file, this option determines whether all Gaussians are in a single patch (``'single'``), there are no patches (``None``), all Gaussians for a given source are in a separate patch (``'source'``), each Gaussian gets its own patch (``'gaussian'``), or a mask image is used to define the patches (``'mask'``).

        If you wish to have patches defined by island, then set
        ``group_by_isl = True`` before fitting to force all
        Gaussians in an island to be in a single source. Then set
        ``bbs_patches = 'source'`` when writing the catalog.

        This parameter is a string (default is ``None``) that sets the file name of the mask file to use to define patches in BBS-formatted catalogs. The mask image should be 1 inside the patches and 0 elsewhere and should be the same size as the input image (before any ``trim_box`` is applied). Any Gaussians that fall outside of the patches will be ignored and will not appear in the output sky model.

        This parameter is a string (default is ``'srl'``) that sets the type of catalog to write:  ``'gaul'`` - Gaussian list, ``'srl'`` - source list
        (formed by grouping Gaussians), ``'shap'`` - shapelet list (``'fits'`` format only)

        .. note::

            The choice of ``'srl'`` or ``'gaul'`` depends on whether you want all the source structure in your catalog or not. For example, if you are making a sky model for use as a model in calibration, you want to include all the source structure in your model, so you would use a Gaussian list (``'gaul'``), which writes each Gaussian. On the other hand, if you want to compare to other source catalogs, you want instead the total source flux densities, so use source lists (``'srl'``). For example, say you have a source that is unresolved in WENSS, but is resolved in your image into two nearby Gaussians that are grouped into a single source. In this case, you want to compare the sum of the Gaussians to the WENSS flux density, and hence should use a source list.

        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether existing files are overwritten or not.

        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``True``) that determines
        whether the source parameters in the output catalog will be corrected
        for first-order projection effects. If ``False``, no correction is done. In
        this case, the position angle is relative to the +y axis, NOT true
        north, and source sizes are calculated assuming a constant pixel scale
        (equal to the scale at the image center).

        If ``True``, the position angle and source size are corrected using the
        average pixel size and angle offset (between the +y axis and north) at
        the location of the source center.

        This parameter is a string (default is ``'fits'``) that sets the format of the output catalog. The following formats are supported:

        * ``'bbs'`` - BlackBoard Selfcal sky model format (Gaussian list only)

        * ``'ds9'`` - ds9 region format

        * ``'fits'`` - FITS catalog format, readable by many software packages, including IDL, TOPCAT, Python, fv, Aladin, etc.

        * ``'star'`` - AIPS STAR format (Gaussian list only)

        * ``'kvis'`` - kvis format (Gaussian list only)

        * ``'ascii'`` - simple text file with spaces separating the values

        * ``'csv'`` - Comma-separated Values (CSV) text file

        * ``'casabox'`` - CASA region file (boxes only)

        * ``'sagecal'`` - SAGECAL sky model format (Gaussian list only)

        Catalogues with the ``'fits'``, ``'ascii'``, and ``'csv'`` formats include all available
        information (see :ref:`output_cols` for column definitions). The
        other formats include only a subset of the full information.

        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether the total flux densities of each source measured in each channel by the spectral index module are included in the output.

        This parameter is a Boolean (default is ``False``) that determines whether islands without any valid Gaussians are included in the output catalog. This option is only available for source lists. If True, islands for which Gaussian fitting failed will be included in the output catalog. In these cases, the source IDs are negative and only a subset of the standard columns will be populated (columns requiring information from Gaussian fits are left blank).

        This parameter is a string (default is ``None``) that sets the root for source names in the output catalog.

Definition of output columns

The information included in the Gaussian and source catalogs varies by format and can include the following quantities.


For ACSII, CSV, and FITS formats, the reference frequency (in Hz) and equinox are stored in the header of the catalog. The header in ASCII and CSV catalogs is the first few lines of the catalog. For FITS catalogs, this information is stored in the comments as well as in the FREQ0 and EQUINOX keywords in the primary header.

  • Gaus_id: a unique number that identifies the Gaussian, starting from zero
  • Source_id: a unique number that identifies the Source, starting from zero
  • Isl_id: a unique number that identifies the Island, starting from zero
  • Wave_id: the wavelet scale from which the source was extracted, starting from zero (for the ch0 image)
  • RA: the right ascension of the source (for the equinox of the image), in degrees
  • E_RA: the error on the right ascension of the source, in degrees
  • DEC: the declination of the source (for the equinox of the image), in degrees
  • E_DEC: the 1-\sigma error on the declination of the source, in degrees
  • RA_max: the right ascension of the maximum of the source (for the equinox of the image), in degrees ('srl' catalogs only)
  • E_RA_max: the 1-\sigma error on the right ascension of the maximum of the source, in degrees ('srl' catalogs only)
  • DEC_max: the declination of the maximum of the source (for the equinox of the image), in degrees ('srl' catalogs only)
  • E_DEC_max: the 1-\sigma error on the declination of the maximum of the source, in degrees ('srl' catalogs only)
  • Total_flux: the total, integrated Stokes I flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • E_Total_flux: the 1-\sigma error on the total flux density of the source, in Jy
  • Peak_flux: the peak Stokes I flux density per beam of the source, in Jy/beam
  • E_Peak_flux: the 1-\sigma error on the peak flux density per beam of the source, in Jy/beam
  • Aperture_flux: the total Stokes I flux density of the source within the specified aperture, in Jy ('srl' catalogs only)
  • E_Aperture_flux: the 1-\sigma error on the total flux density of the source within the specified aperture, in Jy ('srl' catalogs only)
  • Xposn: the x image coordinate of the source, in pixels
  • E_Xposn: the 1-\sigma error on the x image coordinate of the source, in pixels
  • Yposn: the y image coordinate of the source, in pixels
  • E_Yposn: the 1-\sigma error on the y image coordinate of the source, in pixels
  • Xposn_max: the x image coordinate of the maximum of the source, in pixels ('srl' catalogs only)
  • E_Xposn_max: the 1-\sigma error on the x image coordinate of the maximum of the source, in pixels ('srl' catalogs only)
  • Yposn_max: the y image coordinate of the maximum of the source, in pixels ('srl' catalogs only)
  • E_Yposn_max: the 1-\sigma error on the y image coordinate of the maximum of the source, in pixels ('srl' catalogs only)
  • Maj: the FWHM of the major axis of the source, in degrees
  • E_Maj: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the major axis of the source, in degrees
  • Min: the FWHM of the minor axis of the source, in degrees
  • E_Min: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the minor axis of the source, in degrees
  • PA: the position angle of the major axis of the source measured east of north, in degrees
  • E_PA: the 1-\sigma error on the position angle of the major axis of the source, in degrees
  • Maj_img_plane: the FWHM of the major axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • E_Maj_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the major axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • Min_img_plane: the FWHM of the minor axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • E_Min_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the minor axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • PA_img_plane: the position angle in the image plane of the major axis of the source measured east of north, in degrees
  • E_PA_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the position angle in the image plane of the major axis of the source, in degrees
  • DC_Maj: the FWHM of the deconvolved major axis of the source, in degrees
  • E_DC_Maj: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the deconvolved major axis of the source, in degrees
  • DC_Min: the FWHM of the deconvolved minor axis of the source, in degrees
  • E_DC_Min: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the deconvolved minor axis of the source, in degrees
  • DC_PA: the position angle of the deconvolved major axis of the source measured east of north, in degrees
  • E_DC_PA: the 1-\sigma error on the position angle of the deconvolved major axis of the source, in degrees
  • DC_Maj_img_plane: the FWHM of the deconvolved major axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • E_DC_Maj_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the deconvolved major axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • DC_Min_img_plane: the FWHM of the deconvolved minor axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • E_DC_Min_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the FWHM of the deconvolved minor axis of the source in the image plane, in degrees
  • DC_PA_img_plane: the position angle in the image plane of the deconvolved major axis of the source measured east of north, in degrees
  • E_DC_PA_img_plane: the 1-\sigma error on the position angle in the image plane of the deconvolved major axis of the source, in degrees
  • Isl_Total_flux: the total, integrated Stokes I flux density of the island in which the source is located, in Jy. This value is calculated from the sum of all non-masked pixels in the island with values above thresh_isl
  • E_Isl_Total_flux: the 1-\sigma error on the total flux density of the island in which the source is located, in Jy
  • Isl_rms: the average background rms value of the island (derived from the rms map), in Jy/beam
  • Isl_mean: the averge background mean value of the island (derived from the mean map), in Jy/beam
  • Resid_Isl_rms: the average residual background rms value of the island (derived from the residual map, after subtraction of fitted Gaussians), in Jy/beam
  • Resid_Isl_mean: the averge residual background mean value of the island (derived from the residual map, after subtraction of fitted Gaussians), in Jy/beam
  • S_Code: a code that defines the source structure.
    • 'S' = a single-Gaussian source that is the only source in the island
    • 'C' = a single-Gaussian source in an island with other sources
    • 'M' = a multi-Gaussian source
  • Spec_Indx: the spectral index of the source
  • E_Spec_Indx: the 1-\sigma error on the spectral index of the source
  • Total_flux_ch# the total, integrated Stokes I flux density of the source in channel #, in Jy
  • E_Total_flux_ch# the 1-\sigma error on the total, integrated Stokes I flux density of the source in channel #, in Jy
  • Freq_ch# the frequency of channel #, in Hz
  • Total_Q: the total, integrated Stokes Q flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • E_Total_Q: the 1-\sigma error on the total Stokes Q flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • Total_U: the total, integrated Stokes U flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • E_Total_U: the 1-\sigma error on the total Stokes U flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • Total_V: the total, integrated Stokes V flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • E_Total_V: the 1-\sigma error on the total Stokes V flux density of the source at the reference frequency, in Jy
  • Linear_Pol_frac: the linear polarization fraction of the source
  • Elow_Linear_Pol_frac: the 1-\sigma error on the linear polarization fraction of the source
  • Ehigh_Linear_Pol_frac: the 1-\sigma error on the linear polarization fraction of the source
  • Circ_Pol_Frac: the circular polarization fraction of the source
  • Elow_Circ_Pol_Frac: the 1-\sigma error on the circular polarization fraction of the source
  • Ehigh_Circ_Pol_Frac: the 1-\sigma error on the circular polarization fraction of the source
  • Total_Pol_Frac: the total polarization fraction of the source
  • Elow_Total_Pol_Frac: the 1-\sigma error on the total polarization fraction of the source
  • Ehigh_Total_Pol_Frac: the 1-\sigma error on the total polarization fraction of the source
  • Linear_Pol_Ang: the linear polarization angle, measured east of north, in degrees
  • E_Linear_Pol_Ang: the 1-\sigma error on the linear polarization angle, in degrees

The shapelet catalog contains the following additional columns:

  • shapelet_basis: the basis coordinate system: 'c' for cartesian, 's' for spherical
  • shapelet_beta: the \beta parameter of the shapelet decomposition
  • shapelet_nmax: the maximum order of the shapelet
  • shapelet_cf: a (flattened) array of the shapelet coefficients