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Send Kubernetes logs to LM Logs

This chart deploy a fluentd based daemonset to collect and forward logs to LogicMonitor



Install the lm-logs chart, filling in the required values.

helm install -n <namespace> \
--set lm_company_name="<lm_company_name>" \
--set lm_access_id="<lm_access_id>" \
--set lm_access_key="<lm_access_key>" \
lm-logs logicmonitor/lm-logs


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the lm-logs chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.imagePullSecrets List of global registry secret names [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
global.nameOverride Global storage class for dynamic provisioning ""
global.fullnameOverride Global storage class for dynamic provisioning ""
global.lm_company_name LogicMonitor account name nil
global.lm_access_id LogicMonitor API Token Access ID nil
global.lm_access_key LogicMonitor API Token Access Key nil
image.repository Container image repository logicmonitor/lm-logs-k8s-fluentd
image.pullPolicy Container image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Container image tag ""
resources.limits.memory Container memory resource limit 1000Mi
resources.requests.cpu. Container cpu resource requests 300m
resources.requests.memory Container memory resource requests 700Mi
fluent.device_less_logs beta feature. when set true, do not send resource information. send service and namespace as metadata when true false
fluent.include_metadata if true send all metadata along with log msg true
fluent.buffer.memory fluentd's buffer memory plugin config flush_interval 1s,chunk_limit_size 8m,flush_thread_count 8
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment {} (evaluated as a template)
nodeSelectors Node labels for pod assignment {} (evaluated as a template)
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} (evaluated as a template)
env Map to add extra environment variables {}
kubernetes.multiline_start_regexp Regexp to match beginning of multiline /^\[(\d{4}-)?\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}.*\]/
kubernetes.cluster_name ClusterName given while adding k8s cluster ""

Avaialble Environment variables

For descriptions see:


New deviceless logs k8s integration (beta)

Note: This feature may not be available to all customers. To enable this feature set fluent.device_less_logs=true

Problems with current integration
  • k8s pods are ephemeral, anomaly detection is done per pod. Which creates high volume of anomalies and makes it hard to monitor.
  • When new pod is created, argus takes time to register it as LM Device and resource mapping fails until then. Consequently we miss initial pod logs.

When fluent.device_less_logs=true Anomaly detection will be done on namespace and service

  • namespace will be k8s namespace
  • service will be extracted from metadata for yaml in the following priority.
    • ( deployments )
    • kubernetets.labels.app_kubernetes_io/name (daemon sets)
    • kubernetets.container_name
    • kubernetets.pod_name

Multiline log support for k8s lm logs

To use regexp to match beginning of multiline set kubernetes.multiline_start_regexp=<some-regex-pattern> by default the regex is set to /^\[(\d{4}-)?\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}.*\]/