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Future Work

Random notes one possible (but not definitely planned) future work.

Table of Contents

Shared Decision Diagrams

NOTE: This is best done in a completely new repository, where internal data types and data structures are moved over.

Equality Checking in Adiar has an O(sort(N))* worst case I/O complexity, which in most practical cases is going to be an 2 N/B complexity. Since the decision diagrams are stored in separate files, it is unlikely that one can improve this further (both in the constant and in the asymptotics). Question is, whether on can have a shared node table while still being able to deploy the time-forward processing applied here - in this case equality checking would be decreased to O(1)* as desired. In many ways, one can take inspiration from the work of [Ochi93, Ashar94, Sanghavi96], but circumvent the asymptotic bad performance by not using a hash-table for every level.

Let T be the number of elements in the common node data structure.

  • The Apply should then use at most O(T/B + sort(Nf Ng))* I/Os in the worst case.

    Here, "possibly new nodes" that are pairs of existing nodes are placed in a separate output and the following Reduce would bottom-up identify the already existent nodes and add new nodes. The Apply procedure can even shortcut computation for some recursion requests, (v, w), when v = w.

  • The Reduce becomes much more complicated, since one has to check whether the resolved node is a duplicate or should be added to the nodes on said level. The most vital question to resolve to this end is what the common unique node data structure should be?

    • The most likely good way to do so is with a list of nodes sorted lexicographically by their children. This way, duplicates can be found in a single scan. One needs to be sure to keep it sorted while adding new nodes, but this should be possible as a merge of the two sorted lists; one may even be able to do this as an in-place merge on the very unique nodes list.

    • A B-tree may also be applicable to this use case.

    If it is a mere list of nodes, then garbage collection is a simple top-down mark-and-sweep using time-forward processing that uses O(sort(T))* number of I/Os.

The benefit of all this work would be to decrease equality checking to O(1)* in the worst case and to decrease the overall memory occupied, when one has a lot of concurrent decision diagrams alive. Yet, this does also happen at the cost of having to read a much larger input. Only a practical evaluation can gauge whether it is of benefit.


Currently, Adiar only makes use of 1 processor thread and is able to get close to other conventional BDD packages running sequentially. With some fiddling this can be improved such that Adiar is multi-threaded to the same degree as the BeeDeeDee package: each operation is still sequential on a thread, but multiple threads can in parallel run their own BDD operations.

Yet, BDD packages like Sylvan or PJBDD support true multi-threading, i.e. multiple BDD operations can run in parallel and each operation also is parallelized. The question is, how far can we get Adiar to the same? Below are sketches for possible directions to go with the aim of multi-threading.

NOTE: All suggestions below that involve multi-threading are dependent on thread-safety of TPIE. Hence, to be able to parallelize Adiar, we first need to be sure to make Adiar thread-safe and double-check the necessary parts of TPIE is too.

Superscalarity and Pipelining in CAL

The Breadth-first BDD package CAL [Sanghavi96] supports parallelization in a slightly different way: the CPU still only uses a single core, but it solves multiple BDD operations at the same time. These ideas can maybe be reapplied directly in the context of Adiar to improve the performance in practice; or more likely they can serve as inspiration for other avenues of parallelization.


In [Sanghavi96] "superscalarity" is the idea of running independent operations within a single sweep. Since this can be achieved in Adiar with actual thread-safety, this may only becomes relevant if Adiar switches to using a shared forest of BDD nodes.


In [Sanghavi96] "pipelining" is the idea of running dependent operations within a single sweep. They base this off of the following observations

  1. There is a one-to-one correspondence between requests and the nodes in the unreduced BDD..
  2. Operands can also be applied on unreduced BDDs to create another valid unreduced BDD.
  3. Handling each request R is a local operation: R is based on one or more nodes at a level split into Rlow and Rhigh. That is, an operation (even one dependent on another) can progress, assuming both the low and high arcs are available (see 2).

With minor tweaks, these observations also do apply for Adiar. Hence, one can have one top-down sweep right behind another.


The observations and idea for pipelining in [Sanghavi96] (see above) has also independently sprung to my mind: in practice, the Reduce algorithm only removes very few nodes and hence does not do much except safe 1/4 of space. Furthermore, from an automata-language perspective there is no difference between an unreduced OBDD and its equivalent ROBDD (this is the same as observation 2 above) and so we can run a top-down apply operation directly on unreduced BDDs.

Top-down Operations: Levelized Pipe

Hence, we can skip the Reduce step and have one operation start processing level i of another operation when all arcs with source at level i have been processed. To this end, we need to replace Adiar's writer and stream classes with some kind of a pipe. To Adiar's algorithms, nothing really changes: they still push and pull from these sequential streams. Hence, most of this can be achieved with further templating Adiar's internal/ folder.

The pipe on the other hand needs to orchestrate what is the safe to read parts of the unreduced output still under construction. Since the top-down algorithms work on nodes but they produce arcs, we need to convert them on-the-fly back to be nodes. Here, we can use a sorter similar as in the levelized priority queue. A level is safe to read, when the sorter for level i includes all of the arcs corresponding to requests made at level i. The number of requests is directly given as part of the level_info in the meta data.

This effectively splits the queue in two: (1) the ready sorters that can be used by the target operation at the end of the pipe and (2) the sorters still waiting for some elements by the source operation at the start of the pipe. All of this can be boiled down into a single semaphore levels_ready: for (1) it is decremented each time the target operation proceeds and for (2) it is incremented each time a level is fully finished.

Negation Operation

Negation can be stored inside this computation tree as a "complement edge". If the computation result is negated, then this merely is a flag on the pipe to do so on the fly (similar to what we do now).

Bottom-up Reduce Operation

The final BDD still has to be an ROBDD to safe on space. Some operations, e.g. Equality Checking, may also take advantage of the canonical form of Adiar's ROBDDs.

Yet, even in all other cases it might be valuable to not pipe two top-down sweeps together in favour of decreasing the size of the unreduced OBDD. Here, one can make a prediction of how many nodes will be removed with a Reduce. When this estimate meets a certain threshold, then one can place a Reduce computation inside of the pipe to keep the disk usage close to what otherwise would be used.

Processing/Scheduling Tree

It probably is necessary to first precompute some (read-only) binary tree that describes the operations and the base cases.

Part of this tree should also be whether the operation should be parallelised or not, because every thread should have some disjoint amount of TPIEs memory. So, one needs to find a scheduling on the tree, such that all concurrent threads have 128+ MiB of their own, and which balances the number of threads with the amount of the memory they have.

As part of this scheduling, one may want to use the numbers in [Sanghavi96] as a guide.

Per-level Multi-threading

There are a few avenues where Adiars algorithms can be parallelised.

  • The levelized priority queue can be fully replaced with per-level sorting algorithms, which can be parallelised.

Furthermore, within a single level, each recursion request is independent of all other requests. Hence, while the time-forward processing technique is sequential with respect to the levels, we can maybe parallelize it for each level.

Specifically, the recursion requests from the levelized priority queue can be distributed to worker threads. Each worker has its own sequential reading of the input stream and will only deal with requests ahead of itself. There are two possible directions to take with this worker thread (the second of which sounds the most interesting and promising):

  1. Each worker places the request back into a per-level priority queue. This safes on memory but there is likely a lot of contention on these per-level priority queues.

    • This may lead to some workers being blocked, since they are ahead of the per-level priority queue. One solution is for them to keep processing based on requests in the levelized priority queue, even if it is ahead of the per-level priority queue (as some other thread must be behind it).
  2. Each worker has its own per-level priority queue(s) to defer some requests. This decreases contention on shared data and so benefits of parallelization are more likely.

    • It might be possible to have no coordinating main thread but only a parallelized levelized priority queue and a thread safe writer. If this is the case, then a singly-threaded version essentialy is just a single worker thread!

      This also leads to no threads being blocked. Each thread is still behind the levelized priority queue and can take from that or its own per-level priority queue.

    • To decrease the contention on the sorters in the levelized priority queue, each worker thread can push to its own block rather than a shared one. This block is then sorted and pushed to disk as a base case.

Delayed Pointer Processing

In [Arge10] the delayed pointer processing technique was described as a way to design graph algorithms that are both I/O-efficient and parallelized.


  • [Arge10] Arge, Lars, Michael T. Goodrich, and Nodari Sitchinava. “Parallel external memory graph algorithms”. In: IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS). (2010).

  • [Ochi93] Hiroyuki Ochi, Koichi Yasuoka, and Shuzo Yajima. “Breadth-first manipulation of very large binary-decision diagrams”. In: Proceedings of 1993 International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD),* (1993)

  • [Sanghavi96 Jagesh V. Sanghavi, Rajeev K. Ranjan, Robert K. Brayton, and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. “High performance BDD package by exploiting memory hierarchy”. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Design Automation Conference (1996)