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This contains only MonoGame specific things. Refer to the main doc for everything else.


To install SpriterDotNet.MonoGame either install the NuGet Package or clone the repo and add SpriterDotNet.MonoGame as a project reference.


  • Follow the steps 2 to 8 from generic usage
  • For step 6. instantiate MonoGameAnimator
  • As an additional step, call MonoGameAnimator.Draw every frame

The MonoGame specific implementation of Animator with Texture2D and SoundEffect as the generic types. It operates in two phases. During Update, it calculates the transforms for every Texture2D and stores them into a buffer which gets rendered during Draw.

MonoGame specific properties

  • Scale - the scale of the whole animator
  • Rotation - rotation (in radians)
  • Position - position on the screen (in pixels)
  • Depth - the rendering depth ([0...1])
  • DeltaDepth - the depth difference between individual sprites of the animation