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343 lines (254 loc) · 13.4 KB

File metadata and controls

343 lines (254 loc) · 13.4 KB



Frame for a preferential looking "alternation" or "change detection" paradigm trial, in which separate streams of images are displayed on the left and right of the screen.

Typically, on one side images would be alternating between two categories - e.g., images of 8 vs. 16 dots, images of cats vs. dogs - and on the other side the images would all be in the same category.

The frame starts with an optional brief "announcement" segment, where an attention-getter video is displayed and audio is played. During this segment, the trial can be paused and restarted.

You can customize the appearance of the frame: background color overall, color of the two rectangles that contain the image streams, and border of those rectangles. You can also specify how long to present the images for, how long to clear the screen in between image pairs, and how long the test trial should be altogether.

You provide four lists of images (or videos!) to use in this frame: leftImagesA, leftImagesB, rightImagesA, and rightImagesB. The left stream will alternate between images/videos in leftImagesA and leftImagesB. The right stream will alternate between images/videos in rightImagesA and rightImagesB. They are either presented in random order (default) within those lists, or can be presented in the exact order listed by setting randomizeImageOrder to false.

The timing of all image presentations and the specific images presented is recorded in the event data.

What it looks like

Example screenshot from exp-lookit-change-detection frame


If doRecording is true (default), then we wait for recording to begin before the actual test trial can begin. We also always wait for all stimuli to pre-load, so that there are no delays in loading images that affect the timing of presentation.


This frame is displayed fullscreen; if the frame before it is not, that frame needs to include a manual "next" button so that there's a user interaction event to trigger fullscreen mode. (Browsers don't allow us to switch to FS without a user event.)


This frame supports flexible pausing behavior due to the use of pause-unpause. See that link for more detailed information about how to adjust pausing behavior.

If the user pauses using the pauseKey (space bar by default), or leaves fullscreen mode, the study will be paused. You can optionally disable either form of pausing; see pause-unpause. While paused, audio is paused and stimuli are not displayed, and instead a pauseImage or looping pauseVideo and some pausedText are displayed. Audio can be played upon pausing and upon unpausing.

Upon unpausing, either this frame will restart (default) or the study can proceed to a frame of your choice (see the frameOffsetAfterPause parameter in pause-unpause.

If doRecording is true and you are recording webcam video during this frame, that recording will stop when the study is paused. If you are doing session-level recording, you can optionally stop that upon pausing; if you do that, you will probably want to send families back to an exp-lookit-start-recording frame upon unpausing.

Specifying where files are

Several of the parameters for this frame can be specified either by providing a list of full URLs and file types, or by providing just a filename that will be interpreted relative to the baseDir. See the expand-assets tool that this frame uses.

More general functionality

Below is information specific to this particular frame. There may also be available parameters, events recorded, and data collected that come from the following more general sources:

  • the base frame<base frame> (things all frames do)
  • pause-unpause
  • video-record
  • expand-assets


This frame will alternate between fruit and shapes on the left, and just fruit on the right.

"alt-trial": {
    "kind": "exp-lookit-change-detection",

    "baseDir": "",
    "videoTypes": ["mp4", "webm"],
    "audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],

    "unpauseAudio": "return_after_pause",
    "pauseAudio": "pause",
    "pauseVideo": "attentiongrabber",
    "frameOffsetAfterPause": 0,

    "trialLength": 15,
    "attnLength": 2,
    "videoSources": "attentiongrabber",
    "musicSources": "music_01",
    "audioSources": "video_01",
    "endAudioSources": "all_done",

    "border": "thick solid black",
    "leftImagesA": ["apple.jpg", "orange.jpg"],
    "rightImagesA": ["square.png", "tall.png", "wide.png"],
    "leftImagesB": ["apple.jpg", "orange.jpg"],
    "rightImagesB": ["apple.jpg", "orange.jpg"],
    "startWithA": true,
    "randomizeImageOrder": true,
    "displayMs": 500,
    "blankMs": 250,

    "containerColor": "white",
    "backgroundColor": "#abc"

This frame will alternate between interesting and boring videos on the left, and between similarly-interesting videos on the right. The left "boring" videos will be displayed for 4 seconds; everything else will display for 2 seconds.

(Note that you can also mix videos with images in the same or different streams.

"alt-trial": {
    "kind": "exp-lookit-change-detection",

    "baseDir": "",
    "videoTypes": ["mp4"],
    "audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],

    "unpauseAudio": "return_after_pause",
    "pauseAudio": "pause",
    "pauseVideo": "attentiongrabber",
    "frameOffsetAfterPause": 0,

    "trialLength": 15,
    "attnLength": 2,
    "videoSources": "attentiongrabber",
    "musicSources": "music_01",
    "audioSources": "video_01",
    "endAudioSources": "all_done",

    "border": "thick solid black",
    "leftImagesA": [
        {"video": "salience_interesting_wrench_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "salience_interesting_spoon_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "salience_interesting_scissors_c1_b1"}
    "leftImagesB": [
        {"video": "salience_boring_wrench_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "salience_boring_spoon_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "salience_boring_scissors_c1_b1"}
    "rightImagesA": [
        {"video": "same_A_wrench_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "same_A_spoon_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "same_A_scissors_c1_b1"}
    "rightImagesB": [
        {"video": "same_B_wrench_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "same_B_spoon_c1_b1"},
        {"video": "same_B_scissors_c1_b1"}
    "startWithA": true,
    "randomizeImageOrder": true,
    "displayMsLeftA": 2000,
    "displayMsLeftB": 4000,
    "displayMsRightA": 2000,
    "displayMsRightB": 2000,
    "blankMs": 500,

    "containerColor": "white",
    "backgroundColor": "#abc"


doRecording [Boolean | true]

Whether to do webcam recording on this frame

attnLength [Number | 0]

minimum amount of time to show attention-getter in seconds. If 0, attention-getter segment is skipped.

trialLength [Number | 60]

length of alternation trial in seconds. This refers only to the section of the trial where the alternating image streams are presented - it does not count any announcement phase.

audioSources [String or Array | []]

Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for instructions during attention-getter video, OR string relative to baseDir. The entire audio file will play before moving on, even if it's longer than attnLength.

musicSources [String or Array | []]

Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects, OR string relative to baseDir, for music during trial. This will loop for the duration of the trial.

endAudioSources [String or Array | []]

Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for audio, OR string relative to baseDir, to play after completion of trial (optional; used for last trial "okay to open your eyes now" announcement)

videoSources [String or Array | []]

Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for attention-getter video, OR string relative to baseDir. Will play in a loop for announcement phase.

startWithA [Boolean | true]

Whether to start with the 'A' image list on both left and right. If true, both sides start with their respective A image lists; if false, both lists start with their respective B image lists.

randomizeImageOrder [Boolean | true]

Whether to randomize image presentation order within the lists leftImagesA, leftImagesB, rightImagesA, and rightImagesB. If true (default), the order of presentation is randomized. Each time all the images in one list have been presented, the order is randomized again for the next 'round.' If false, the order of presentation is as written in the list. Once all images are presented, we loop back around to the first image and start again.

Example of randomization: suppose we have defined

leftImagesA: ['apple', 'banana', 'cucumber'],
leftImagesB: ['aardvark', 'bat'],
randomizeImageOrder: true,
startWithA: true

And suppose the timing is such that we end up with 10 images total. Here is a possible sequence of images shown on the left:

['banana', 'aardvark', 'apple', 'bat', 'cucumber', 'bat', 'cucumber', 'aardvark', 'apple', 'bat']

displayMs [Number | 500]

Amount of time to display each image, in milliseconds

displayMsLeftA [Number]

Amount of time to display each image in the left A stream, if different from displayMs.

displayMsLeftB [Number]

Amount of time to display each image in the left B stream, if different from displayMs.

displayMsRightA [Number]

Amount of time to display each image in the right A stream, if different from displayMs.

displayMsRightB [Number]

Amount of time to display each image in the right B stream, if different from displayMs.

blankMs [Number | 250]

Amount of time for blank display between each image, in milliseconds

border [String | thin solid gray]

Format of border to display around alternation streams, if any. See for syntax.

backgroundColor [String | 'white']

Color of background. See CSS specs for acceptable syntax: can use color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#')

containerColor [String | 'white']

Color of image stream container, if different from overall background. Defaults to backgroundColor if one is provided. See CSS specs for acceptable syntax: can use color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#')

leftImagesA [Array | []]

Set A of images to display on left of screen. Left stream will alternate between images from set A and from set B.

Elements of this list can be:

  • Strings, in which case they will be assumed to represent images. This can be the full URL to the image or relative to baseDir/img/.
  • Objects, in which case they should be either of the form (a) {"video": "VIDEONAME"}, where videoName is relative to the baseDir/EXT/ (e.g., baseDir/mp4/ if videoTypes specifies mp4s) and omits the file extension or (b) {"image": "IMAGENAME"} where IMAGENAME is a string as in the first option.
leftImagesB [Array | []]

Set B of images to display on left of screen. Left stream will alternate between images from set A and from set B. Elements of list can be full URLs to image, image filenames, or objects specifying either video or images as in leftImagesA.

rightImagesA [Array | []]

Set A of images to display on right of screen. Right stream will alternate between images from set A and from set B. Elements of list can be full URLs to image, image filenames, or objects specifying either video or images as in leftImagesA.

rightImagesB [Array | []]

Set B of images to display on right of screen. Right stream will alternate between images from set A and from set B. Elements of list can be full URLs to image, image filenames, or objects specifying either video or images as in leftImagesA.

Data collected

The fields added specifically for this frame type are:

leftSequence [Array]

Sequence of images shown on the left

rightSequence [Array]

Sequence of images shown on the right

hasBeenPaused [Boolean]

Whether the trial was paused at any point

Events recorded

The events recorded specifically by this frame are:


Just before stopping webcam video capture


Immediately before starting intro/announcement segment


Immediately before starting test trial segment


Records each time images are cleared from display


Immediately after making images visible


url of left image


url of right image