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File metadata and controls

136 lines (87 loc) · 6.44 KB


This is the structure that brings all the others together, and forms the main component of a metadata file. It is a key-value map.



Required. Can be an exact plugin filename or a regular expression plugin filename. If the filename contains any of the characters :\*?|, the string will be treated as a regular expression, otherwise it will be treated as an exact filename. For example, Example\.esm will be treated as a regular expression, as it contains a \ character.



Enables or disables use of the plugin object. Used for user rules, but no reason to use it in the masterlist. If unspecified, defaults to true.



Modifies plugin position relative to others that change one or more of the same records, but which are otherwise unrelated (ie. neither plugin lists the other as a master, requirement, or in its after list). Plugins that don't change any of the same records are not compared, unless one of the plugins contains only a header record.

A plugin with a higher priority value will load after a plugin with a lower priority value. The value can be anything in the range -127 to 127 inclusive, and if unspecified defaults to 0.



Modifies plugin position relative to all unrelated plugins (ie. neither plugin lists the other as a master, requirement, or in its after list).

A plugin with a higher global_priority value will load after a plugin with a lower priority value. The value can be anything in the range -127 to 127 inclusive, and if unspecified defaults to 0.

global_priority takes precedence over priority when comparing two plugins' priorities: the priority value is only compared if the two plugins have the same global_priority value.


file set

Plugins that this plugin must load after, but which are not dependencies. Used to resolve specific compatibility issues. If undefined, the set is empty.


file set

Files that this plugin requires to be present. This plugin will load after any plugins listed. If any of these files are missing, an error message will be displayed. Intended for use specifying implicit dependencies, as LOOT will detect a plugin's explicit masters itself. If undefined, the set is empty.


file set

Files that this plugin is incompatible with. If any of these files are present, an error message will be displayed. If undefined, the set is empty.


message list

The messages attached to this plugin. The messages will be displayed in the order that they are listed. If undefined, the list is empty.


tag set

Bash Tags suggested for this plugin. If a Bash Tag is suggested for both addition and removal, the latter will override the former when the list is evaluated. If undefined, the set is empty.


location set

An unordered set of locations for this plugin. If the same version can be found at multiple locations, only one location should be recorded. If undefined, the set is empty. This metadata is not currently used by LOOT.


cleaning data set

Cleaning data for this plugin, identifying dirty plugins. Plugin entries with regular expression filenames must not contain cleaning data.


cleaning data set

An unordered set of cleaning data structures for this plugin, identifying clean plugins. Plugin entries with regular expression filenames must not contain cleaning data. The itm, `udr and nav fields are unused in this context, as they're assumed to be zero.


The equality of two plugin data structures is determined by comparing the values of their name keys.

  • If neither or both values are regular expressions, then the plugin data structures are equal if the lowercased values are identical.
  • If one value is a regular expression, then the plugin data structures are equal if the other value is an exact match for it.

Merging Behaviour

Key Merge Behaviour (merging B into A)
name Not merged.
enabled Replaced by B's value.
priority Replaced by B's value, unless that value is 0 and it was not explicitly set.
global_priority Replaced by B's value, unless that value is 0 and it was not explicitly set.
after Merged. If B's file set contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's file set, B's item is discarded.
req Merged. If B's file set contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's file set, B's item is discarded.
inc Merged. If B's file set contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's file set, B's item is discarded.
msg Merged. If B's message list contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's message list, B's item is discarded.
tag Merged.If B's tag set contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's tag set, B's item is discarded.
url Merged. If B's location set contains an item that is equal to one already present in A's location set, B's item is discarded.
dirty Merged.If B's dirty data set contain an item that is equal to one already present in A's dirty data set, B's item is discarded.
clean Merged. If B's clean data set contain an item that is equal to one already present in A's clean data set, B's item is discarded.


name: 'Oscuro''s_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm'
  - 'Oblivion.esm'  # Don't do this, Oblivion.esm is a master of Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm, so LOOT already knows it's required.
  - name: 'example.esp'
    display: '[Example Mod]('
    condition: 'version("Oscuro''s_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm", "15.0", ==)'
  - Actors.Spells
  - Graphics
  - Invent
  - Relations
  - Scripts
  - Stats
  - name: -Relations
    condition: 'file("Mart''s Monster Mod for OOO.esm") or file("FCOM_Convergence.esm")'
  - type: say
    content: 'Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.'