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File metadata and controls

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How LOOT Sorts Plugins

LOOT sorts plugins according to a set of rules that dictate how two plugins load relative to one another. An example rule could be "Cutting Room Floor.esp must load after Skyrim.esm". LOOT derives rules from various data sources: one source for the example rule could be the plugins' master flag fields: Skyrim.esm has its master flag set, and Cutting Room Floor.esp does not. Another source could be the plugins' master fields: Cutting Room Floor.esp has Skyrim.esm as a master.

LOOT represents these rules in a graph, where each point (or vertex) represents a plugin, and each line (or edge) joins two points, going from the plugin that loads earlier to the plugin that loads later. Visualised, a simple set of rules on a small load order looks like this:


It may seem like there are a lot of edges in that image, but a real load order graph can contain thousands of vertices and over a hundred thousand edges.

To improve performance, LOOT actually sorts using two graphs: one for master-flagged plugins and one for the other plugins, and then appends the latter's sorted order to the former's sorted order to give the complete sorted load order. The two graphs are sorted the same way, so the information below applies to both, and the result is the same as if a single graph was used.

Building The Plugin Graph

The plugin graph is constructed in a specific way, partly to ensure that sorting doesn't give you different results every time.

Hard Rules

First the 'hard' rules, which must be followed, are applied. For each plugin, going in lexicographical (like alphabetical, but extended to cover digits and other symbols) order:

  1. If the plugin has its master flag set, edges are added going from it to every other plugin that does not have its master flag set. Note that because plugins are partitioned into separate graphs by their master flag, this doesn't add any edges, but it's kept for completeness.
  2. If the plugin has any masters, edges are added going from each of them to the plugin.
  3. If the plugin has any requirements metadata, edges are added going from each required plugin to the plugin.
  4. If the plugin has any "load after" metadata, edges are added going from each "load after" plugin to the plugin.

Some games, like the various versions of Skyrim and Fallout 4, hardcode the positions of some plugins. To take this into account when sorting, LOOT adds hard rules for them. For each plugin that has a hardcoded position, going from the first/earliest hardcoded position to the last/latest position, an edge is added between each consecutive plugin to enforce that order, and then edges are added from the last hardcoded plugin going to every non-hardcoded plugin.

In the example graph image above, all the edges apart from the one between Cutting Room Floor.esp and Bashed Patch, 0.esp could be due to hard rules:

  • Skyrim.esm is a master of all the other plugins.
  • Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, HearthFires.esm and Dragonborn.esm are all hardcoded to load in that order.
  • All of the *.esm plugins have their master flag set, and both of the *.esp plugins do not have it set.

Group Rules

At this point, all hard rules have been applied. Group rules are applied next. This part has the most complex logic, though the ideas behind it are relatively simple. To summarise, each plugin belongs to a group, and groups can load after other groups. If group C loads after group B, and group B loads after group A, this means that all the plugins in group C load after all the plugins in groups A and B.

However, group rules are 'soft' rules, so can be ignored to avoid cyclic interactions. A cyclic interaction occurs when following the rules results in a load order that loops back on itself, e.g. the two rules "B loads after A" and "A loads after B" are cyclic. If one of those rules is a hard rule and the other is a group rule, LOOT will ignore the group rule to avoid the cycle. There are also a few other cases in which LOOT can avoid a cycle involving group rules, which are detailed in :ref:`groups_editor`.

It's not always possible for LOOT to choose which plugin's group metadata to ignore, and it's often impractical to know all of the hard and group rules that a plugin may be involved in, so plugin grouping is a relatively common source of cyclic interaction errors.

Anyway, after applying all the hard rules, LOOT applies all the group rules it can for each plugin in lexicographical order, avoiding cycles by ignoring those groups that it needs to.

In the example graph image above, the edge from Cutting Room Floor.esp to Bashed Patch, 0.esp is due to a group rule, because Bashed Patch, 0.esp is in a group that loads after Cutting Room Floor.esp's group.

Overlap Rules

Overlap rules are applied after group rules, and have lower priority. They are also soft rules, and are ignored as necessary to avoid cyclic interactions. Two plugins are said to overlap if they both contain a copy of a record, or if they both load one or more BSAs (or BA2s for Fallout 4) and the BSAs loaded by one plugin contain data for a file path that is also included in the BSAs loaded by the other plugin. They don't necessarily have to make any edits to a record for there to be an overlap, it just needs to be in both plugins. Similarly, the assets loaded by the two plugins could be identical or completely different, it's only the presence of the file path that matters.

If two plugins' records overlap, and one overrides more records than the other, then the rule is to load the plugin that overrides fewer records after the other plugin. Otherwise, if the two plugins' loaded assets overlap, the plugin that loads more assets loads first. This is done to help maximise the effect that each plugin has. If the two plugins override the same number of records and load the same number of assets, the overlap is ignored and no rule exists.

Each pair of plugins is checked in lexicographical order for overlap, and all overlap rules are applied, unless adding a rule would cause a cycle.

Morrowind plugins that have one or more masters that are not installed have their total record count used in place of their override record count, as unlike for other games, a Morrowind plugin's override records can only be counted by comparing the plugin against its masters. Morrowind plugins also can't load BSAs, so they can't have overlapping assets.

Tie Breaks

At this point LOOT might be ready to calculate a load order from the graph, but to ensure a consistent result, it needs to make sure there is only one possible path through the graph that visits every plugin. For example, going back to the image above, if there was no edge between Cutting Room Floor.esp and Bashed Patch, 0.esp, the load order could be:

Cutting Room Floor.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp

or it could be:

Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp

as there would be no way to decide which plugin to put last. This could mean that LOOT's sorting would be inconsistent, maybe picking a different result each time, which wouldn't be good.

To avoid this, LOOT first sorts the plugins into their current load order:

  • If both plugins have positions in the current load order, the function preserves their existing relative order.
  • If one plugin has a position and the other does not, the plugin with a position goes before the plugin without a position.
  • If neither plugin has a load order position, a case-insensitive lexicographical comparison of their filenames without file extensions is used to decide their order. If they are equal, a case-insensitive lexicographical comparison of their file extensions is used.

Once sorted, LOOT tries to add an edge between each consecutive pair of plugins, in an attempt to enforce the current load order.

  • If adding the edge would cause a cycle, then the LOOT loops through each plugin in the existing path between the pair of plugins and pins its position relative to the plugins that have already been processed, before continuing with the next pair of plugins.
  • If adding the edge wouldn't cause a cycle but the first plugin of the pair has already had its position pinned, then the second plugin of the pair has its position pinned too.
  • Otherwise, the edge is simply added.

Here's a diagram showing plugins A, B, C, D and E, with that being their current load order. Sorting has already added edges between (C, E) and (D, E) that contradict the current load order:

Topological Sort

At this point the plugin graph is now complete. Before calculating a load order from the graph, the graph is checked for cycles: if one is found, a sorting error occurs. If no cycles are found, then the graph is topologically sorted, which produces a path through the graph's vertices that visits each vertex exactly once. This path is the calculated load order.

The topological sort of the example graph is:

Cutting Room Floor.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp