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SSL Labs API client for .NET

This is an SSL Labs API client wrapper for SSLLabs asssesment tool, based on the official SSL Labs API Documentation

Generic Build Nuget


The easiest way to get the library is to use Nuget. The library has been published here, and is also available at Github in source form. The following Nuget command will fetch the package for you.

Install-Package MBW.Client.SslLabsLib

Example usage

The SSL Labs API is built up around a polling method, where you regularly poll the API for the status on an ongoing assesment. An example client that fetches a result for is below:

SslLabsClient client = new SslLabsClient();
HostInfo analysis = await client.Analyze("");

Console.WriteLine("TLS Grade of");

A simple client that will initiate a new scan, and poll for the results is below.

SslLabsClient client = new SslLabsClient();
TimeSpan waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
string target = "";

HostInfo analysis = await client.Analyze(target, startNew: true);
while (analysis.Status != AnalysisStatus.READY)
    Console.WriteLine($"Last status was {analysis.Status}, waiting {waitTime}");
    await Task.Delay(waitTime);

    // Note that Ssllabs tracks progress per endpoint that a domain resolves to
    analysis = await client.Analyze(target, all: AnalysisAll.WhenDone);
    Console.WriteLine($"Current status: {analysis.Status}, progresses: {string.Join(", ", analysis.Endpoints.Select(x => x.Progress + "%"))}");

    if (analysis.Endpoints.Select(s => s.Progress).Min() > 80)
        waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

Console.WriteLine($"TLS Grade of {target}: {analysis.Endpoints.First().Grade}");