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SinefaCMD is a command line interface for interacting with the Sinefa REST API.

SinefaCMD currently supports a number of different functions based on the api/v1/reports/realtime resource. Additional resources can be implemented by extending the SinefaAPI class and SinefaResource enumeration (see below).

By default, SinefaCMD will output text to the console. Additional output methods can be specified however, allowing you to pipe output to a monitoring system (see below). SinefaCMD currently supports the following output modes:

  • Console
  • PRTG Network Monitor

SinefaCMD utilizes the RestSharp and Newtonsoft.Json NuGet packages. These packages will automatically be installed when you first compile the project. Compile with Visual Studio 2015.


There are three pieces of information you need to know to use SinefaCMD

  • Your API Key
  • Your Account ID
  • Your Probe ID

Your API Key can be found by logging into and navigating to Settings -> Profile. It is recommended by set up a separate account in your organization dedicated to making API requests.

Your Account ID can be identified by logging into, selecting your organization name in the top right hand corner, navigating to Accounts and observing the five digit number listed next to your account name. If you do not specify an account with the -account switch, SinefaCMD will use whatever account was last 'active' in the Sinefa Web Portal.

The Probe ID corresponds to br number of the probe in your account. A full list of probes can be enumerated with SinefaCMD by utilizing the -listprobes switch. See SinefaCMD.exe /? for usage details.

Usage Examples

Top Downloader

sinefacmd -apikey 1234-5678 -account 1234 -topdown -probe 1

    IP Address:
    Hostname  : dc-1
    Username  : administrator
    Bandwidth : 4.12mbps

Top Downloader (PRTG)

sinefacmd -apikey 1234-5678 -account 1234 -topdown -probe 1 -output prtg

  <text>test-pc! (7.49mbps)</text>

List Hosts

sinefacmd -apikey 1234-5678 -account 1234 -listhosts -probe 0

    IP Address       Hostname                  Username
    ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------      dc-1                      Administrator      exch-1                    exchange.admin

Monitor Host

sinefacmd -apikey 1234-5678 -account 1234 -monitor -probe 1 -duration 3

    IP Address       Download Upload
    ---------------- -------- ------      8.11     0.1      5.03     0.3      6.01     1.0

A full list of supported commands and usage details can be found by running SinefaCMD /?



Custom output modes can be specified by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a new type under Code/Output/Type that implements IOutput
  2. Add the new type to the OutputMode enumeration
  3. Implement all IOutput methods usable (or that you are interested in using) with your monitoring system

Step 1: Implement IOutput

IOutput defines all output actions known to SinefaCMD. Implementors are not required to fully implement the methods defined in this interface, as depending on your output method many of these methods may simply be unworkable (such as Monitor).

Custom output types are organized in the Code/Output/Type folder, under the SinefaCMD.Output.Type namespace. If you are interested in performing 'common' actions such as resolving a hosts IP Address to a hostname, or identifying the username of a given system, your type can also inherit from the StandardOutput class. Both ConsoleOutput and PrtgOutput provide examples of this behaviour

Step 2: Extended OutputMode

When an output mode is specified as an argument to SinefaCMD, the argument is checked against the members of the OutputMode enumeration. OutputMode fields include an OutputTypeDescription, specifying the type of object that should be created for displaying the output.

enum OutputMode


Step 3: Implement IOutput Methods

As noted in Step 1, all methods defined by IOutput do not need to be implemented. Methods that are left unimplemented however should be configured to throw OutputNotImplementedException. This exception will dynamically determine the name of the unimplemented that was called, and display an error message via the IOutput Error method.

At a bare minimum the Error method of IOutput should be implemented.

Sinefa API

Resources known to SinefaCMD are defined in the SinefaResource enumeration found under Code/Sinefa. New resources can be added by specifying a resource name, and a description containing the URL of the resource


Actions based on these resources can then be implemented inside class SinefaAPI. As a general rule, four methods need to be called to execute a Sinefa REST API Request

  1. GetSinefaResourceUrl - retrieves the Description property of the SinefaResource enum member
  2. CreateRequest - construct a RestSharp RestRequest from your SinefaResource URL
  3. client.Execute - execute the request with the SinefaAPI RestClient
  4. JObject.Parse - parse the response JSON into a Json.NET JObject

JObject objects can then be parsed with LINQ. See methods GetLiveTraffic and GetHostBandwidth for great examples.


Command Line Interface for Sinefa API






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