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132 lines (107 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (107 loc) · 3.31 KB


Fast parallel bulk loading utility for elasticsearch.


$ go get

For deb or rpm packages, see:


$ esbulk -h
Usage: ./esbulk [OPTIONS] JSON
  -cpuprofile string
        write cpu profile to file
  -host string
        elasticsearch host (default "localhost")
  -id string
        name of field to use as id field, by default ids are autogenerated
  -index string
        index name
  -mapping string
        mapping string or filename to apply before indexing
  -memprofile string
        write heap profile to file
  -port int
        elasticsearch port (default 9200)
        purge any existing index before indexing
  -server string
        elasticsearch server, this works with https as well (default "http://localhost:9200")
  -size int
        bulk batch size (default 1000)
  -type string
        elasticsearch doc type (default "default")
  -v    prints current program version
        output basic progress
  -w int
        number of workers to use (default 4)
  -z    unzip gz'd file on the fly

To index a JSON file, that contains one document per line, just run:

$ esbulk -index example file.ldj

Where file.ldj is line delimited JSON, like:

{"name": "esbulk", "version": "0.2.4"}
{"name": "estab", "version": "0.1.3"}

By default esbulk will use as many parallel workers, as there are cores. To tweak the indexing process, adjust the -size and -w parameters.

You can index from gzipped files as well, using the -z flag:

$ esbulk -z -index example file.ldj.gz

Starting with 0.3.7 the preferred method to set a non-default server hostport is via -server, e.g.

$ esbulk -server

This way, you can use https as well, which was not possible before. Options -host and -port are kept for backwards compatibility.

Reusing IDs

Since version 0.3.8: If you want to reuse IDs from your documents in elasticsearch, you can specify the ID field via -id flag:

$ cat file.json
{"x": "doc-1", "db": "mysql"}
{"x": "doc-2", "db": "mongo"}

Here, we would like to reuse the ID from field x.

$ esbulk -id x -index throwaway -verbose file.json

$ curl -s http://localhost:9200/throwaway/_search | jq
  "took": 2,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 2,
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "throwaway",
        "_type": "default",
        "_id": "doc-2",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "x": "doc-2",
          "db": "mongo"
        "_index": "throwaway",
        "_type": "default",
        "_id": "doc-1",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "x": "doc-1",
          "db": "mysql"

A similar project has been started for solr, called solrbulk.