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802 lines (586 loc) · 52.2 KB

Note: If you received this file from a libint-2.*.tgz source archive, (TARBALL) marks portions of this document relevant to you.

Libint Compiler vs Library

Before you read on:

  • If you want a pre-built libint library, packages may be available:
  • If you want to know how to use a libint library in your code:
  • If you want to build and use a libint library:
    • if all you want is a basic library that computes integrals necessary to compute energies, use the pre-generated library labeled "lmax=6 library (standard ints only)" from the latest release of Libint
    • many codes using libint, e.g. orca and mpqc, already include an appropriately configured libint library, and you do not need to generate it yourself
    • if you need compilation directions, read on, skipping the compiler/generation parts. (TARBALL)
  • If you want to know how to generate a libint library using the libint compiler, these are some compelling circumstances:
    • if you need a custom libint library with choice of integral types, AM, orderings, language interfaces, etc.
    • if you want to develop libint with new integral types, recurrence relations, and computation strategies, you'll need to edit the compiler. If you are interested in working on the compiler code please consider consulting with one of the Libint authors to avoid duplication of effort.
    • if you do need to generate a custom library, read on.


The Libint build is structured into three parts:

  • generator/compiler
    • (1) build src/bin/libint/ into compiler executable build_libint
    • pretty quick, runs in parallel
    • consumes all the enable/max/opt/orderings integral options
    • (2) optionally testable
  • export
    • (3) run build_libint to generate library source (C++) files (that upon compilation can become a Libint2 library) and combine them with other static source files in src/lib/libint/ and general static files (e.g., include/ and docs/) into an independent tarball ready for distribution (with its own CMake configuration, tests, etc.).
    • really slow for non-trivial angular momenta; runs in serial
    • consumes no options
    • build target export to stop after this step and collect source tarball
  • library (TARBALL)
    • from the repo, can be built as a subproject (FetchContent) or completely insulated (bare ExternalProject; default). For FetchContent, must build libint-library-export target before library build targets appear. Alternately, can start from independent TARBALL generated by (3) and build as standalone project or dependency (FetchContent or ExternalProject)
    • (4) unpack the export tarball and build the library and install into <build>/library-install-stage/
    • duration depends on number of integrals requested; runs in parallel
    • consumes language-interface and the CMAKE_INSTALL_[DATA|INCLUDE|LIB]DIR paths options
    • the default build target includes this final library build
    • (5) optionally testable
    • (6) install into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
    • (7) optional Python build alongside library or afterwards. optional testing requires library install

Command-line synopsis. See table for --target choices (steps refer to numbered bullets above) and section for -D options choices.

>>> git clone && cd libint
>>> ls
cmake/  COPYING  src/  tests/  ...
>>> cmake -S. -Bbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/future/install-libint -D options ...
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /current/dir/build
>>> cmake --build build --target install -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`

Build Targets

--target ... incl. steps ( see above ) (TARBALL) --target ... 1
build_libint 1 - - - - - - n/a
check-libint2compiler 1 2 - - - - - n/a
export 1 - 3 - - - - n/a
library (default) 2 1 - 3 4 - - - (default) 2
check 1 2 3 4 5 - - check
install 1 - 3 4 - 6 - install
check install 1 2 3 4 5 6 - check install
check-python 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 check-python
check check-python 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 check check-python

Use combined targets like cmake --target check install to avoid some unnecessary rebuilding (esp. of build_libint) that occurs with successive targets. The CMake dependency structure is imperfect.


(TARBALL): all but first build_libint line.

Task Compilers CMake3 CMake generator4 Py Boost5 Eigen GMPXX6 MPFR7 Pybind11
build target build_libint C++8 🔵9 Ninja 🔵10 🔵
build target library C++8, C 🔵11 Ninja 🔸12
  -D LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API=ON C++8, C 🔵11 Ninja 🔸12 🔸13 🔵14
  -D LIBINT2_ENABLE_FORTRAN=ON C++8, Fortran15, C 🔵11 Ninja 🔵16
  -D LIBINT2_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON C++8, C 🔵11 Ninja 🔵17 🔸13 🔵14 🔵18
build project consuming Libint2 library
 C interface (I/F), Libint2::int2 C++8 🔸19 Ninja, Makefile
 C++11 header I/F, Libint2::cxx C++8 🔸19 Ninja, Makefile 🔸20 🔵
  -D LIBINT2_ENABLE_MPFR=ON C++8 🔸19 Ninja, Makefile 🔸20 🔵 🔵 🔵
 C++11 compiled I/F, Libint2::int2-cxx C++8 🔸19 Ninja, Makefile 🔸20 🔵21
 Fortran I/F, Libint2::fortran Fortran15 🔸19 Ninja, Makefile
  • 🔵 required
  • 🔸 required or recommended, but there's a path forward without
  • not involved

Configuring Libint

  • Notes
    • Codes "G", "L", or "C" for each option indicate whether it is consumed by the _g_enerator, the _l_ibrary, the library _c_onsumer, or a combination.
      • If your final target is the export tarball, use options that include the letter "G".
      • If you're building a library from an export TARBALL, use options that include the letter "L".
      • For a continuous generator->export->library build, options supplied at the top level will be properly handed off to generator and library build.
    • See Update Guide for new names for old options.

Which Integrals Classes, Which Derivative Levels (G)

  • ENABLE_ONEBODY — G — Compile with support for up to N-th derivatives of 1-body integrals. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=0]

  • ENABLE_ERI — G — Compile with support for up to N-th derivatives of 4-center electron repulsion integrals. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=0]

  • ENABLE_ERI3 — G — Compile with support for up to N-th derivatives of 3-center electron repulsion integrals. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=-1]

  • ENABLE_ERI2 — G — Compile with support for up to N-th derivatives of 2-center electron repulsion integrals. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=-1]

  • ENABLE_G12 — G — Compile with support for N-th derivatives of MP2-F12 energies with Gaussian factors. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=-1]

  • ENABLE_G12DKH — G — Compile with support for N-th derivatives of DKH-MP2-F12 energies with Gaussian factors. Use -1 for OFF. [Default=-1]

  • DISABLE_ONEBODY_PROPERTY_DERIVS — G — Disable geometric derivatives of 1-body property integrals (all but overlap, kinetic, elecpot). These derivatives are disabled by default to save compile time. Use OFF to enable. [Default=ON]

  • ENABLE_T1G12_SUPPORT — G — Enable [Ti,G12] integrals when G12 integrals are enabled. Irrelevant when ENABLE_G12=OFF. Use OFF to disable. [Default=ON]

Which Ordering Conventions (G)

  • LIBINT2_SHGAUSS_ORDERING — G — Ordering for shells of solid harmonic Gaussians. [Default=standard]
    • standard — standard ordering (-l, -l+1 ... l)
    • gaussian — the Gaussian ordering (0, 1, -1, 2, -2, ... l, -l)
    • Previous to v1.8 TODO, this option was set at generator-build-time for Operator::sphemultipole but was re-set-able at library-build-time for other classes. Since v1.8 TODO, this ordering is still selected at generator-build-time for Operator::sphemultipole, but other classes can select the ordering at library-run-time through the C++11 API; C API users are fixed at the generator setting.
  • LIBINT2_CARTGAUSS_ORDERING — G — Orderings for shells of cartesian Gaussians. [Default=standard]
  • LIBINT2_SHELL_SET — G — Support computation of shell sets sets subject to these restrictions. [Default=standard]
    • standard — standard ordering: for (ab|cd): l(a) >= l(b), l(c) >= l(d), l(a)+l(b) <= l(c)+l(d) for (b|cd): l(c) >= l(d)
    • orca — ORCA ordering: for (ab|cd): l(a) <= l(b), l(c) <= l(d), l(a) < l(c) || (l(a) == l(c) && l(b) < l(d)) for (b|cd): l(c) <= l(d)
  • ERI3_PURE_SH — G — Assume the 'unpaired' center of 3-center ERIs will be transformed to pure solid harmonics. [Default=OFF]
  • ERI2_PURE_SH — G — Assume the 2-center ERIs will be transformed to pure solid harmonics. [Default=OFF]

How High Angular Momentum (G)

  • Notes

    • example for "semicolon-separated string": -DENABLE_ERI3=2 -DWITH_ERI3_MAX_AM="5;4;3". cmake configuration prints:

      -- Setting option ENABLE_ERI3: 2
      -- Setting option WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM: 5;4;3
    • high MAX_AM generating >20k files may require ulimit -s 65535 for linking library target on Linux to avert "ld: Argument list too long". Unity build (ON by default for library) averts this.

  • WITH_MAX_AM — G — Support Gaussians of angular momentum up to N. Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. Specify values greater or equal to WITH_<class>_MAX_AM; often mirrors WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM. [Default=4]

  • WITH_OPT_AM — G — Optimize maximally for up to angular momentum N (N <= WITH_MAX_AM). Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> (WITH_MAX_AM/2)+1]

  • MULTIPOLE_MAX_ORDER — G — Maximum order of spherical multipole integrals. There is no maximum. [Default=4]

  • WITH_ONEBODY_MAX_AM — G — Support 1-body ints for Gaussians of angular momentum up to N. Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_ONEBODY_OPT_AM — G — Optimize 1-body ints maximally for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_OPT_AM]

  • WITH_ERI_MAX_AM — G — Support 4-center ERIs for Gaussians of angular momentum up to N. Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_ERI_OPT_AM — G — Optimize 4-center ERIs maximally for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_OPT_AM]

  • WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM — G — Support 3-center ERIs for Gaussians of angular momentum up to N. Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_ERI3_OPT_AM — G — Optimize 3-center ERIs maximally for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_OPT_AM]

  • WITH_ERI2_MAX_AM — G — Support 2-center ERIs for Gaussians of angular momentum up to N. Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_ERI2_OPT_AM — G — Optimize 2-center ERIs maximally for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). Can specify values for each derivative level as a semicolon-separated string. [Default=-1 -> WITH_OPT_AM]

  • WITH_G12_MAX_AM — G — Support integrals for G12 methods of angular momentum up to N. No specification with per-derivative list. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_G12_OPT_AM — G — Optimize G12 integrals for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). No specification with per-derivative list. [Default=-1 WITH_OPT_AM]

  • WITH_G12DKH_MAX_AM — G — Support integrals for relativistic G12 methods of angular momentum up to N. No specification with per-derivative list. [Default=-1 -> WITH_MAX_AM]

  • WITH_G12DKH_OPT_AM — G — Optimize G12DKH integrals for up to angular momentum N (N <= max-am). No specification with per-derivative list. [Default=-1 WITH_OPT_AM]

Compilers and Flags (G L) (TARBALL)

Build Library What (L) (TARBALL)

  • LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API — L — Build C++11 Libint API. Define header-only library target and check target (requires Eigen3; Boost recommended; see prereq line). [Default=ON]
  • LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API_COMPILED — L — Build C++11 Libint API. Define compiled (not just header-only) targets (requires Eigen3; Boost recommended). [Default=ON]
  • LIBINT2_ENABLE_FORTRAN — L — Build Fortran03+ module/bindings (requires C and Fortran compilers and Python). [Default=OFF]
  • LIBINT2_ENABLE_MPFR — L — Use MPFR library to test Libint integrals in high precision (requires MPFR; experts only). [Default=OFF]
  • LIBINT2_LOCAL_Eigen3_INSTALL — L — Install an exported target with hard-coded Eigen3 dependency paths. This is potentially useful and important when consuming the compiled C++11 interface library so that the Libint library build and Libint consumer build use the same Eigen3 installation & ABI. This is at most a convenience when consuming the header-only C++11 interface library. See LIBINT2_LOCAL_Eigen3_FIND. [Default=OFF]
  • LIBINT2_ENABLE_PYTHON — L — Build Python bindings (requires Python and Eigen3; Boost and pybind11 recommended; see prereq line). Can instead be enabled and built through separate CMake configuration after library build. [Default=OFF]

Build Library How (G L) (TARBALL)

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE — G L — Standard CMake variable [Default=Release]
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS — L — Build Libint library as shared, not static. Standard CMake variable [Default=OFF]
  • LIBINT2_BUILD_SHARED_AND_STATIC_LIBS — L — Build both shared and static Libint libraries in one shot. Uses -fPIC. [Default=OFF]
  • ENABLE_XHOST — L — Enables processor-specific optimization (with MSVC, it enables AVX2 instructions) [Default=ON]
  • BUILD_TESTING — G L — Whether to build the testing infrastructure and define the check target. Standard CMake variable [Default=ON]
  • LIBINT_BUILD_LIBRARY_AS_SUBPROJECT — G — If building compiler and library in continuous command, build generated library as a subproject (FetchContent); if OFF will configure and build separately (ExternalProject) (expert only). [Default=OFF]

Detecting Dependencies (G L C) (TARBALL)

  • Python_EXECUTABLE — L — Path to Python interpreter.

  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH — G L — Set to list of root directories to look for external dependencies. Standard CMake variable

  • BOOST_ROOT — G L C — Prefix to installation location (BOOST_ROOT/include/boost/ exists)

  • Boost_DIR - G L C - Path to installation location of Boost's config file (Boost_DIR/BoostConfig.cmake exists)

  • CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Boost — L — When Boost required for C++11 Libint API, disable its detection, thereby forcing use of bundled Boost. Note that this (and other Boost-hinting variables) can affect what is installed see here. Standard CMake variable. [Default=OFF]

  • Eigen3_ROOT — L C — Prefix to installation location (Eigen3_ROOT/include/eigen3/Eigen/Core exists)

  • EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR — L C — Path to installation location of Eigen's header files (EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR/include/eigen3 exists)

  • Eigen3_DIR – L C – Path to installation location of Eigen's config file (Eigen3_DIR/Eigen3Config.cmake exists)

  • Multiprecision_ROOT — G L — Prefix to installation location (Multiprecision_ROOT/ contains headers like gmp.h, gmpxx.h, mpfr.h)

  • Libint2_DIR — C — CMake variable, set to directory containing this Config file

  • Libint2_DIR — C — Path to installation location of Libint2's config file (Libint2_DIR/libint2-config.cmake exists)

  • LIBINT2_LOCAL_Eigen3_FIND — C — Set to ON before find_package(Libint2) to load the Eigen3 target exported by LIBINT2_LOCAL_Eigen3_INSTALL=ON if Libint library built locally. [Default=OFF]

  • Hint dependency locations all at the same installation prefix:

    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/installation/prefix"
    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/home/miniconda/envs/l2dev"
  • Hint dependency locations all at different installation prefixes:

    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/home/miniconda/envs/onlyboost;/home/miniconda/envs/onlygmp;/home/miniconda/envs/onlyeigen"
  • Hint dependency locations targeted by package:

    -D BOOST_ROOT="/home/miniconda/envs/onlyboost"
    -D Multiprecision_ROOT="/home/miniconda/envs/onlygmp"
    -D Eigen3_ROOT="/home/miniconda/envs/onlyeigen"
  • Hint dependency locations targeted by Config.cmake (most CMake-like):

    -D Eigen3_DIR="/home/miniconda/envs/onlyeigen/share/eigen3/cmake"
    -D Boost_DIR="/home/miniconda/envs/onlyboost/lib/cmake/Boost-1.73.0"

Install Paths (L) (TARBALL)

  • Notes

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX — L — Directory into which library installed. Standard CMake variable

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which executables and runtime libraries are installed. Standard CMake variable [Default=bin]

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which libraries are installed. Standard CMake variable [Default=lib]

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which headers are installed. Standard CMake variable [Default=include]

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which data files are installed. Standard CMake variable [Default=share]

  • LIBINT2_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which CMake files are installed. [Default=lib/cmake/libint2]

  • LIBINT2_INSTALL_BASISDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which data (basis) files are installed. basis/ directory created within this. [Default=share/libint/<LIBINT_VERSION>]

  • LIBINT2_INSTALL_FMODDIR — L — Directory within CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to which Fortran module files are installed if LIBINT2_ENABLE_FORTRAN=ON. [Default=include/libint2/fortran2/modules]

  • LIBINT2_PREFIX_PYTHON_INSTALL — L — For LIBINT2_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON, whether to install the Python module in the Linux manner to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or to not install it. Note: not a path; the installation sub-path below CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is determined by querying Python_EXECUTABLE. For alternate installation in the Python manner to Python_EXECUTABLE's site-packages, see target libint2-python-wheel. [Default=OFF]

Miscellaneous (G L)

  • LIBINT2_REALTYPE — L — Specifies the floating-point data type used by the library. [Default=double] By overriding the default it is possible to customize the library to use a lower-precision representation (which typically results in a performance boost) and/or to generate SIMD vectorized code. N.B. C++11 interface cannot be currently used with SIMD vectorized libraries! The following values are valid:

    • double -- double-precision floating-point representation of a real number;
    • float -- single-precision floating-point number;
    • libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble -- vector of 4 packed doubles that can be used with AVX instructions available on reasonably-modern x86 hardware (starting with Intel Sandy Bridge and AMD Bulldozer microarchitectures, available in processors since 2011);
    • libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble -- vector of 2 packed doubles that can be used with SSE2 instructions available on all x86 platforms, including those released before 2011;
    • libint2::simd::VectorSSEFloat -- vector of 4 packed floats that can be used with SSE instructions available on all x86 platforms, including those released before 2011;
    • libint2::simd::VectorQPXDouble -- vector of 4 packed doubles that can be used with QPX instructions available on recent PowerPC hardware (IBM Blue Gene/Q);
    • libint2::simd::VectorFP2Double -- vector of 2 packed doubles that can be used with FP2 (Double Hummer) instructions available on older PowerPC hardware (IBM Blue Gene/P).

    With the exception of float, these are vector types implemented in Libint using compiler intrinsics, functions that translate directly into vector instructions. To use these vector types you may need to provide additional compiler flags that will enable support for vector instructions. For example, to enable support for AVX in Clang use the -mavx compiler flag. With Intel compiler use flag -xHOST to enable all vector instruction sets supported by the processor on which you are compiling.

    N.B. It is also possible to use real vector types of Agner Fog's vectorclass library, e.g. Vec4d and Vec8f for AVX. To use this library you need to add this to CPPFLAGS or CXXFLAGS: -Ipath_to_vectorclass -DLIBINT2_HAVE_AGNER_VECTORCLASS . On macOS, we only succeeded in using this library with a recent GNU C++ compiler, not with Clang. Not tested after CMake rework.

  • LIBINT_CONTRACTED_INTS — G — Turn on support for contracted integrals. [Default=ON]

  • LIBINT_ERI_STRATEGY — G — Compute ERIs using the following strategy (experts only). [Default=1]

  • LIBINT_USE_COMPOSITE_EVALUATORS — G — Libint will use composite evaluators (i.e. every evaluator will compute one integral type only). [Default=ON]

  • LIBINT_SINGLE_EVALTYPE — G — Generate single evaluator type (i.e. all tasks use the same evaluator). [Default=ON]

  • LIBINT_ENABLE_UNROLLING — G — Unroll shell sets into integrals (will unroll shell sets larger than N) (no->0, yes->1000000000). [Default=100]

  • LIBINT_ALIGN_SIZE — G — If posix_memalign is available, this will specify alignment of Libint data, in units of sizeof(LIBINT2_REALTYPE). Default is to use built-in heuristics (experts only). [Default=0]

  • LIBINT_GENERATE_FMA — G — Generate FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions (to benefit must have FMA-capable hardware and compiler). [Default=OFF]

  • LIBINT_ENABLE_GENERIC_CODE — G — Use manually-written generic code. [Default=OFF]

Consuming Libint

Programming to Access Integrals

  • if you use C++11 or later (strongly recommended): read the Libint Wiki
  • if you use pre-2011 C++, C, Fortran, or any other language, refer to the Libint Programmer's Manual for brief information on how to use the library in your code.

Consumption Targets

Namespaced Target22 CMake23 Component Built by Default Ensure Built Ensure Excluded Internal Target(s)24 Alias25
yes always impossible int-obj
Libint2::int2 C yes always impossible int-{static,shared} libint2
Libint2::cxx CXX_ho yes LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API=ON LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API=OFF & withhold Eigen3 & LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API_COMPILED=OFF & LIBINT2_ENABLE_PYTHON=OFF int-cxx-headeronly-{static,shared} libint2_cxx
Libint2::int2-cxx CXX yes LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API_COMPILED=ON LIBINT2_REQUIRE_CXX_API_COMPILED=OFF int-cxx-compiled-{static,shared}

Detection-Time Compatibility

Since Libint2 can be built in so many different ways that are incompatible with the consuming project, it is important to confirm compatibility when building the consuming project. The main tool for this is CMake components. Read more at TODO

  • (A) Detect pre-built installation

    find_package(Libint2 COMPONENTS eri_c4_d0_l2 CXX_ho sss)
  • (B) Build as subproject from library source with consuming-project compilers, etc.

      # you're responsible for providing a tarball configured compatibly for consuming project. no component checks
      URL /path/to/export/tarball/libint-2.7.2-post1.tgz
  • (C) Detect pre-built like (A), then fall back on building as subproject like (B). Needs CMake 3.24

      # you're responsible for providing a tarball configured compatibly for consuming project. no component checks
      URL ""
      # TODO update to master
      FIND_PACKAGE_ARGS COMPONENTS eri_c4_d0_l2 CXX_ho sss

After one of the above, the CMake targets are equally available. A sample usage is shown in the CMakeLists.txt and commands below.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)

# (A), (B), or (C) above

get_target_property(Libint2_VERSION Libint2::int2 Libint2_VERSION)
get_target_property(Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI Libint2::int2 Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI)
get_target_property(Libint2_CONFIGURATION Libint2::int2 Libint2_CONFIGURATION)
message(STATUS "Using Libint2 ${Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI} v${Libint2_VERSION}: ${Libint2_CONFIGURATION}")

add_executable(hf++ "<libint2_clone>/src/lib/libint/tests/hartree-fock/")
target_link_libraries(hf++ Libint2::cxx Threads::Threads)
> cmake -S. -Bbuild <deps-hints-for-eigen-etc>
> cmake --build build
> ./build/hf++ <libint2_clone>/src/lib/libint/tests/hartree-fock/

Note: Due to header import details, compiling against a Libint2 library (or repository) build tree requires a preprocessor variable; whereas compiling against a Libint2 library install tree must not have it set. The CMake targets should all have this set up correctly, so you need never add or remove this. But in case you're building manually, the below may be helpful.

target_compile_definitions(hf++ PRIVATE -D__COMPILING_LIBINT2=1)

Another way to consume Libint2 that provides the detect-or-build advantages of (C) above is to use ExternalProject and a CMake superbuild. Further advantages are that is (1) doesn't need very new CMake, (2) FetchContent and find_package are still having their best-practices ironed out, and (3) explicit control of the L2 build. Disadvantages are (1) requires a restructuring of consuming project build and (2) build conditions from the top project must be passed down explicitly. (D) below is a rough outline; it will not run. See the Psi4 project for a working model.

  • (D)
    find_package(Libint2 COMPONENTS eri_c4_d0_l2 CXX_ho sss)
    if (TARGET Libint2::cxx)
      add_library(l2 INTERFACE)  # dummy
        URL ${_url_l2_tarball}
    set(Libint2_DIR ${STAGED_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/libint2 CACHE PATH "path to internally built libint2-config.cmake" FORCE)
    find_package(Libint2 REQUIRED COMPONENTS eri_c4_d0_l2 CXX_ho sss)
    get_target_property(Libint2_VERSION Libint2::int2 Libint2_VERSION)
    get_target_property(Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI Libint2::int2 Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI)
    get_target_property(Libint2_CONFIGURATION Libint2::int2 Libint2_CONFIGURATION)
    message(STATUS "Using Libint2 ${Libint2_MAX_AM_ERI} v${Libint2_VERSION}: ${Libint2_CONFIGURATION}")
    add_executable(hf++-core "<libint2_clone>/src/lib/libint/tests/hartree-fock/")
    target_link_libraries(hf++ Libint2::cxx Threads::Threads)

Run-Time Compatibility

Functions are provided to check the library configuration and solid harmonics orderings at runtime:

printf("SHGShell: %d\n", libint2::solid_harmonics_ordering());
printf("SHGShell: %d\n", libint2::solid_harmonics_ordering());
printf("Configuration: %s\n", libint2::configuration_accessor().c_str());
SHGShell: 1
SHGShell: 2
Configuration: eri_c4_d0_l2;eri_c4_d0_l3;sss;...

For the C library, a similar function is available:

printf("CMake Configuration (C)  : %s\n", configuration_accessor());
CMake Configuration (C)  : eri_c4_d0_l2;eri_c4_d0_l3;sss;...

If you have a built libint2 library whose history you don't know, a command like this on Linux can provide the same information:

strings -n80 /a/random/L2/lying/around/

GNU Autotools Update Guide

  • Notes

    • Multiple option names can be from any long-lived branch but usually libtool+cmake --> final cmake+cmake.
  • --enable-1body=N --> -D ENABLE_ONEBODY

  • --enable-eri=N --> -D ENABLE_ERI=N

  • --disable-eri --> -D ENABLE_ERI=-1

  • --enable-eri3=N --> -D ENABLE_ERI3=N

  • --enable-eri2=N --> -D ENABLE_ERI2=N

  • --with-shgauss-ordering=label --> -D LIBINT2_SHGAUSS_ORDERING=label

  • --with-cartgauss-ordering=label --> -D LIBINT2_CARTGAUSS_ORDERING=label

  • --with-shell-set=label --> -D LIBINT2_SHELL_SET=label

  • --enable-eri3-pure-sh --> -D ERI3_PURE_SH=ON

  • --enable-eri2-pure-sh --> -D ERI2_PURE_SH=ON

  • --with-max-am=N --> -D WITH_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-max-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_MAX_AM="N0;N1;N2" (notice semicolons and quotes. This is standard CMake list syntax)

  • --with-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-opt-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_OPT_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-multipole-max-order=N --> -D MULTIPOLE_MAX_ORDER=N

  • --with-1body-max-am=N --> -D WITH_ONEBODY_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-1body-max-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ONEBODY_MAX_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-1body-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_ONEBODY_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-1body-opt-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ONEBODY_OPT_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri-max-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-eri-max-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI_MAX_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-eri-opt-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI_OPT_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri3-max-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-eri3-max-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri3-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI3_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-eri3-opt-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI3_OPT_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri2-max-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI2_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-eri2-max-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI2_MAX_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --with-eri2-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_ERI2_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-eri2-opt-am=N0,N1,N2 --> -D WITH_ERI2_OPT_AM="N0;N1;N2"

  • --enable-g12=N --> -D ENABLE_G12=N

  • --enable-g12dkh=N --> -D ENABLE_G12DKH

  • --disable-t1g12-support --> -D ENABLE_T1G12_SUPPORT=OFF

  • --with-g12-max-am=N --> -D WITH_G12_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-g12-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_G12_OPT_AM=N

  • --with-g12dkh-max-am=N --> -D WITH_G12DKH_MAX_AM=N

  • --with-g12dkh-opt-am=N --> -D WITH_G12DKH_OPT_AM=N

  • --disable-1body-property-derivs --> -D DISABLE_ONEBODY_PROPERTY_DERIVS=ON

  • --enable-shared --> -D BUILD_SHARED=ON --> -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON (standard CMake variable)

  • --enable-static --> -D BUILD_STATIC=ON --> -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF (standard CMake variable)

  • --enable-shared --enable-static --> -D BUILD_SHARED=ON -D BUILD_STATIC=ON --> -D LIBINT2_BUILD_SHARED_AND_STATIC_LIBS=ON


  • --enable-mpfr --> assumed present --> -D ENABLE_MPFR=ON --> -D LIBINT2_ENABLE_MPFR=ON

  • --prefix=path --> -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path (standard CMake variable)

  • --with-cmakedir=partialpath --> -D LIBINT2_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR=partialpath

  • --with-real-type=type --> -D LIBINT2_REALTYPE=type

  • (target) libint2 --> Libint2::int2

  • (target) libint2_cxx --> Libint2::cxx

  • ENV(CXX)=/path/to/c++/compiler --> -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/c++/compiler


  • ENV(CPPFLAGS)=-I/path/to/boost/includes --> -D BOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost/prefix

  • ENV(FC)=/path/to/fortran/compiler --> -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/path/to/fortran/compiler







  • Decide if you want the Boost preprocessor headers bundled with Libint (library install includes copies of Boost headers) or if they should be a build-against-time dependency of the C++11 interface. Withhold (bundle) or supply (dependency) Boost detection paths from the library build accordingly. FWIW, Conda bundles.
  • Decide if you want the compiled cxx library. Something like it is in use in MPQC4, but it's not well tested in GitHub CI

Platform-Specific Notes

See the continuous integration for working examples of compiling on different platforms.


  • With Intel compilers, there have been problems using tarballs generated with it. Save Intel compilers for compiling the library.
  • With older Intel compilers, there have been problems compiling Libint2 headers with c++17. This is no longer seen by 2023.0 compiler version.


  • Apple clang++ and MacPorts g++ (4.8) both work with -std=c++11 flag
  • MacPorts gmp package works fine
  • On macOS the default ar program lacks support for response files (e.g., evaleev#135 and see Thus you should install the GNU ar program (e.g., using HomeBrew: brew install binutils) and tell CMake to use it (e.g., add -DCMAKE_AR=/usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/ar to the CMake command line).


  • Several blocking or correctness issues exist; the most thorough list is at .github/workflows/cmake.yml
  • A production path is to generate an export tarball with Linux, build static library on Windows, and consume
  • Use MPIR package for GMP

Program-Specific Notes


  • standard libtool configuration:

    --enable-generic-code --with-max-am=6 --with-opt-am=3 --enable-eri3=0 --enable-eri2=0 --enable-eri3-pure-sh --enable-eri2-pure-sh --enable-fma --disable-1body-property-derivs
  • libtool configuration prior to Jan. 8, 2015:

    --enable-eri=0 --with-max-am=7 --with-opt-am=4 --disable-unrolling --enable-generic-code --enable-contracted-ints


  • standard libtool configuration:

    --enable-eri=0 --with-max-am=7 --with-opt-am=4 --disable-unrolling --enable-generic-code --enable-contracted-ints --with-cartgauss-ordering=gamess


  • a libint library (version 2.0.2) is embedded in ORCA

  • standard libtool configuration:

    --enable-eri=2 --enable-eri3=2 --enable-eri2=2 --with-max-am=7 --with-opt-am=4 --with-eri-max-am=7,4,3 --with-eri-opt-am=4,3,2 --disable-unrolling --enable-generic-code --enable-contracted-ints --with-cartgauss-ordering=orca --with-shell-set=orca --enable-eri3-pure-sh --enable-eri2-pure-sh


  • standard libtool configuration:

    --with-max-am=4 --with-eri3-max-am=6 --with-eri2-max-am=6 --enable-eri3=1 -enable-eri=1 --enable-eri2=1 --disable-unrolling --enable-generic-code --enable-contracted-ints --with-cartgauss-ordering=bagel
  • if you want to use spherical Gaussians only add: --enable-eri3-pure-sh --enable-eri2-pure-sh (some tests may fail)

  • It appears that on a Mac Libint and BAGEL must be either both static or both shared (2/3/2014)


  • production CMake configuration:

    -D LIBINT2_SHELL_SET=standard
    -D ENABLE_ERI3=2
    -D ENABLE_ERI2=2
    -D ENABLE_G12=1
    -D WITH_MAX_AM="6;5;4"
    -D WITH_ERI_MAX_AM="5;4;3"
    -D WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM="6;5;4"
    -D WITH_ERI2_MAX_AM="6;5;4"
    -D WITH_G12_MAX_AM=4
  • minimal detection:

        eri_c4_d0_l3  eri_c3_d0_l4  eri_c2_d0_l4  onebody_d0_l4
        eri_c4_d1_l2  eri_c3_d1_l3  eri_c2_d1_l3  onebody_d1_l3
        eri_c4_d2_l2  eri_c3_d2_l3  eri_c2_d2_l3  onebody_d2_l3
  • see notes for details of Psi4/Libint2 configuration

Miscellaneous Questions

Where do I get the source code?

The only way to get the compiler source is from the Libint source code repository on GitHub. You can use a client, like GitHub app or (our favorite) SourceTree app from Atlassian. Or from the command line: git clone

What happened to autoconf?

Version 2.5.0 and older of the exported libint library was buildable using GNU Autoconf and GNU Make. As of version 2.6.0 the Autoconf build is deprecated; the exported libint library should be configured with CMake and built with any CMake-supported generator, e.g. Ninja and GNU Make.

Version 2.7 and older of the compiler repo was buildable using GNU Autoconf. As of version 2.8, the Autoconf build is deprecated; use CMake instead. TODO 2.8

What is the status and importance of SIMD vectorization in Libint?

SIMD vectorization is the crucial contributor to performance of a modern processor core. Libint code can typically hit up to 70% of FLOP peak on a scalar core, hence on a SIMD core divide that number by the vector length (4 for AVX in double precision). The situation is only going to get worse (accelerators already use 8- and 16-wide vector units, and future mainstream processors are likely to use 8-wide units also). Hence if your method spends significant portion of its time computing integrals start rewriting your code now.

Vectorization of Libint is work in progress. However, by switching to AVX we see a factor of 2-2.5 speedup of the integrals kernels compared to scalar performance, thus we are optimistic that it will be possible to attain 50% of peak on AVX hardware. It is clear that significant reorganization of the manner in which integrals are computed and digested is involved, but these costs are unavoidable.

What compiler is best?

To obtain peak performance it is very important to use the C++ compiler and compiler options that are appropriate for the given platform. It is impossible to provide specific recommendations for specific platforms. The ENABLE_XHOST option does allow the compiler to optimize for current architecture. We recommend to use a vendor compiler (e.g., Intel) before trying clang++ and g++. In some situations, however, clang++ and g++ are known to outperform the x86 vendor compiler, so we recommend trying several compilers.


  1. (TARBALL) targets can include steps 4 onwards; the starting tarball itself is the product of step 3.

  2. See see "Internal Targets" column in table for individual library targets. 2

  3. CMake 3.16 or higher.

  4. Tested CMake generators are Ninja or GNU Make. The use of Ninja is strongly recommended!

  5. Boost 1.57 or higher. Only header-only (no compiled libraries) components needed.

  6. Building the Libint2 compiler or building the Libint2 library with -D LIBINT2_ENABLE_MPFR=ON for high-precision testing requires the GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) library. A detectable system installation is required, and it must include C++ support. For Windows, the MPIR project satisfies the requirement.

  7. Building against the Libint2 library for the purpose of high-precision testing with define LIBINT_HAS_MPFR=1 requires the MPFR library. A detectable system installation is required.

  8. C++ compiler that supports C++11 standard. C++11 standard is the fourth most recent international standard for C++, hence most modern compilers support it fully. A common compiler flag is -std=c++11, which CMake will impose on the compilation. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  9. Since Libint2 v2.8 TODO, the GNU toolchain has been replaced by CMake as the sole buildsystem for the Libint2 compiler, build_libint. See update guide.

  10. Building the Libint2 compiler needs several Boost components including MPL, Type Traits, and Preprocessor. A detectable system installation is required. (That is, "bundled Boost" is insufficient.)

  11. Since Libint2 v2.8 TODO, the CMake buildsystem for the exported library has been reworked. See update guide. 2 3 4

  12. Python used for testing. 2

  13. Building the Libint2 library with C++11 API needs the Boost Preprocessor (PP) component. For the compiled C++11 interface, Libint2::int2-cxx, the PP is actually compiled against, but for the header-only target, Libint2::cxx, the PP only sets up the usage dependency. A system installation of Boost is sought, but if none suitable found, a bundled version of PP is installed within the Libint2 header namespace. 2

  14. Building the Libint2 library with C++11 API needs the header-only Eigen library. For the compiled C++11 interface, Libint2::cxx, Eigen is actually compiled against, but for the header-only target Libint2::cxx_ho, Eigen only sets up the usage dependency. A detectable (either through Eigen3Config.cmake or through location-hinting) system installation is required. 2

  15. Fortran 2003 compiler to enable Fortran bindings generation. 2

  16. Python used to process files for Fortran binding.

  17. Python headers and interpreter needed for Pybind11 module

  18. Pybind11 used to export Libint2 C++11 API into a Python module. If a system installation is not detected, source from 2019 is fetched from GitHub.

  19. Consuming an installed Libint2 library is simplest with CMake by employing find_package(Libint2) and target_link_libraries(... Libint2::...) commands. To facilitate consumption outside CMake, pkgconfig files are available for the C interface, and more could be provided. 2 3 4 5

  20. Consuming an installed Libint2 library through a C++11 interface requires the Boost Preprocessor (PP) component. Depending on the library build environment, a copy may have been bundled/vendored with the install at CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR/libint2/boost/. 2 3

  21. Consuming an installed Libint2 library through the compiled C++11 interface, Libint2::int2-cxx requires Eigen. It is strongly recommended that the same installation of Eigen be used both to build and consume the Libint2::int2-cxx target, especially as regards configuring BLAS and other backends.

  22. Targets for library consumer use. These are available after find_package(Libint2) or add_subdirectory().

  23. Ensure target found in installation after find_package(Libint2 COMPONENTS ...).

  24. Targets in src/lib/libint/CMakeLists.txt.export . Names subject to change. Use namespaced target names in any consuming code.

  25. Deprecated legacy aliases. Update any uses to namespaced target.

  26. The libint_f internal target defines the Fortran interface to Libint2. One must also link to Libint2::int2 or Libint2::cxx. At present, it is not exported, and a namespaced target is not defined.