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Better populatef2c launch + RM raw_rect_ptr usage.
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samuelkgutierrez committed Aug 25, 2014
1 parent db5c871 commit 6a7733a
Showing 1 changed file with 17 additions and 28 deletions.
45 changes: 17 additions & 28 deletions legion/lgncg/drivers/hpcg/
Expand Up @@ -64,17 +64,14 @@ struct HPCGTaskArgs {
* task arguments for populatef2cTasks
struct PF2CTaskArgs {
// fine to coarse operator vector
lgncg::DVector f2c;
// fine geometry
lgncg::Geometry fGeom;
// coarse geometry
lgncg::Geometry cGeom;

PF2CTaskArgs(const lgncg::Vector &f2c,
const lgncg::Geometry &fGeom,
PF2CTaskArgs(const lgncg::Geometry &fGeom,
const lgncg::Geometry cGeom)
: fGeom(fGeom), cGeom(cGeom) { this->f2c = f2c; }
: fGeom(fGeom), cGeom(cGeom) { ; }

} // end namespace
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,20 +336,14 @@ Problem::populatef2c(lgncg::SparseMatrix &Af,
using LegionRuntime::Arrays::Rect;
// start task launch prep
int idx = 0;
// setup task launcher to populate f2cOp
ArgumentMap argMap;
PF2CTaskArgs targs(Af.mgData->f2cOp, fineGeom, coarseGeom);
for (int i = 0; i < Af.vals.lDom().get_volume(); ++i) {
targs.f2c.sgb = Af.mgData->f2cOp.sgb()[i];
TaskArgument(&targs, sizeof(targs)));
PF2CTaskArgs targs(fineGeom, coarseGeom);
lgncg::MGData *mgd = Af.mgData;
IndexLauncher il(Problem::populatef2cTID, mgd->f2cOp.lDom(),
TaskArgument(NULL, 0), argMap);
TaskArgument(&targs, sizeof(targs)), argMap);
// f2cOp
RegionRequirement(mgd->f2cOp.lp(), 0, READ_WRITE,
RegionRequirement(mgd->f2cOp.lp(), 0, WRITE_DISCARD,
il.add_field(idx++, mgd->f2cOp.fid);
Expand All @@ -376,41 +367,39 @@ populatef2cTask(
using namespace lgncg;
static const uint8_t f2cOpFID = 0;
// f2cOp
assert(1 == rgns.size());
size_t rid = 0;
const PF2CTaskArgs args = *(PF2CTaskArgs *)task->local_args;
const lgncg::DVector &f2cv = args.f2c;
const PF2CTaskArgs args = *(PF2CTaskArgs *)task->args;
const Geometry &fGeom = args.fGeom;
const Geometry &cGeom = args.cGeom;
// name the regions
const PhysicalRegion &f2cpr = rgns[rid++];
const PhysicalRegion &f2cpr = rgns[f2cOpFID];
// convenience typedefs
typedef RegionAccessor<AccessorType::Generic, int64_t> GIRA;
// get handles to all the matrix accessors that we need
// fine length (both are the same)
GIRA f2c = f2cpr.get_field_accessor(f2cv.fid).typeify<int64_t>();
Rect<1> f2csr; ByteOffset f2cOff[1];
int64_t *f2cp = f2c.raw_rect_ptr<1>(f2cv.sgb, f2csr, f2cOff);
bool offd = offsetsAreDense<1, int64_t>(f2cv.sgb, f2cOff);

const size_t f2cLen = args.f2c.sgb.volume();
(void)memset(f2cp, 0, f2cLen * sizeof(*f2cp));
GIRA f2c = f2cpr.get_field_accessor(0).typeify<int64_t>();
const Domain f2cOpDom = lrt->get_index_space_domain(
ctx, task->regions[f2cOpFID].region.get_index_space()
const int64_t nxf = fGeom.nx;
const int64_t nyf = fGeom.ny;
const int64_t nxc = cGeom.nx;
const int64_t nyc = cGeom.ny;
const int64_t nzc =;
GenericPointInRectIterator<1> f2cOpItr(f2cOpDom.get_rect<1>());
for (int64_t izc = 0; izc < nzc; ++izc) {
const int64_t izf = 2 * izc;
for (int64_t iyc = 0; iyc < nyc; ++iyc) {
const int64_t iyf = 2 * iyc;
for (int64_t ixc = 0; ixc < nxc; ++ixc) {
const int64_t ixf = 2 * ixc;
const int64_t currentCoarseRow = izc * nxc * nyc + iyc * nxc + ixc;
//const int64_t currentCoarseRow = izc * nxc * nyc + iyc * nxc + ixc;
const int64_t currentFineRow = izf * nxf * nyf + iyf * nxf + ixf;
f2cp[currentCoarseRow] = currentFineRow;
f2c.write(DomainPoint::from_point<1>(f2cOpItr.p), currentFineRow);
//f2cp[currentCoarseRow] = currentFineRow;
} // end iy loop
} // end even iz if statement
} // end iz loop
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