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louisremi committed Dec 4, 2012
1 parent b40233a commit d83e66f
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Showing 2 changed files with 490 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/IE8-adapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
(function(window, document, Element, undefined) {

// This adpater isn't required if jQuery is present
if ( window.jQuery ) { return; }

var rdescendant = /^>/,
matchesSelector = Element.prototype.matchesSelector
|| Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector
|| Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector
|| Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector
|| Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector,
classList = !!document.documentElement.classList;

function $( selector, context ) {
return new $.prototype.init( selector, context );

/* $ prototype

// in the following methods, loops will be inlined for perf
$.prototype = {
init: function( selector, context ) {
// init with selector
if ( ( typeof selector ) == "string" ) {
selector = exa( selector, context );

// init with domReady callback
} else if ( ( typeof selector ) == "function" ) {
return domReady( selector );

var i = -1,
l = selector.length;

// init with selector or nodeList
if ( l === +l ) {
while ( ++i < l ) {
this[i] = selector[i];
this.length = l;

// init with node
} else if ( selector.nodeName ) {
this[0] = selector;
this.length = 1;

return this;

// check if the first element of the collection matches the given selector
// (doesn't match jQuery behavior exactly)
is: function( selector ) {
if ( matchesSelector ) {
return this[0], selector );

var nodes = ( elem.parentNode || document ).querySelectorAll(selector),
i = -1,
l = nodes.length;

while ( ++i < l ) {
if ( nodes[i] == elem ) {
return true;

return false;

// check if the first element of the collection has the given className
hasClass: function( name ) {
return classList ?
this[0].classList.has( name ) :
className( this[0], "has", name );


// add the className to all elements of the collection
addClass: function( name ) {
var i = -1;

while ( ++i < this.length ) {
classList ?
this[i].classList.add( name ) :
className( this[i], "add", name );

return this;

// remove the className from all elements of the collection
removeClass: function( name ) {
var i = -1;

while ( ++i < this.length ) {
classList ?
this[i].classList.add( name ) :
className( this[i], "remove", name );

return this;

// toggle the className all elements of the collection, individually
toggleClass: function( name ) {
var i = -1;

while ( ++i < this.length ) {
classList ?
this[i].classList.add( name ) :
className( this[i], "toggle", name );

return this;

/* Utils

// A very limited version of $.ajax()
$.ajax = function( params ) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); params.type || "GET", params.url, true );

xhr.send( || null );

xhr.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) {
if ( isAbort || xhr.readyState !== 4 ) { return; }

var responses = {};
if ( xhr.responseXML ) {
responses.xml = xhr.responseXML;
if ( xhr.responseText ) {
responses.text = xhr.responseText;

params.complete( xhr.status, xhr.statusText, responses, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() );

// jQuery's version of forEach
$.each = function( obj, iterator ) {
var i = -1,
l = obj.length,

if ( obj === null ) {

if ( l === +l ) {
while ( ++i < l ) {
if ( obj[i], i, obj[i] ) === false ) {

} else {
for ( key in obj ) {
if ( obj[key], key, obj[key] ) === false ) {

// Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
$.extend = function( obj ) {
$.each( arguments, 1 ), function() {
for ( var prop in this ) {
obj[ prop ] = this[ prop ];

return obj;

$.support = {};

// enhanced querySelecorAll, understand queries starting with ">"
function exa( selector, context ) {
var parent,

if ( !context ) {
context = document;

// if the selector starts with ">",
if ( rdescendant.test( selector ) ) {
// execute the search from the parent node
parent = context.parentNode;

// prefix the selector
selector = ( parent ?
"#" + (
// with the @id of the context ||
// or a temporary id
( = needTempId = "t" + ( Math.random() * 1E9 | 0 ) )
) :
// or "html" if no parent
) + selector;

result = ( parent || context ).querySelecorAll( selector );

if ( needTempId ) { = "";

return result;

// execute the callback when the DOM is ready
function domReady( callback ) {
if ( document.readyState == "complete" ) {
return callback();

var proxy = function() {
if ( document.readyState == "complete" ) {
document[ listener.remove ]( listener.prefix + "readystatechange", proxy );
// this object is defined in core.js
listener = $.support.listener;

document[ listener.add ]( listener.prefix + "readystatechange", proxy, false );

// className manipulation
function className( elem, verb, name ) {
var originalClassName = elem.className,
replacedClassName = originalClassName.replace( RegExp( " *\\b" + name + "\\b", "g" ), "" );

switch ( verb ) {
case "has":
return replacedClassName != originalClassName;
case "add":
if ( replacedClassName == originalClassName ) {
elem.className = replacedClassName + " " + name;
case "remove":
if ( replacedClassName != originalClassName ) {
elem.className = replacedClassName;
case "toggle":
elem.className = replacedClassName == originalClassName ?
replacedClassName + " " + name :

window.jQuery = $;

})(window, document, Element);

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