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Administrator's Guide

routetility is the name for a database hosted by the Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club to manage routes for running, biking, hiking, etc. routetility imports gpx files created by other tools (e.g., MapMyRun), and renders a user interface with a map and table for all the routes within an :term:`interest`, individual route with map and elevation, directions to the starting point, and turn by turn directions.

This guide instructs a routetility administrator on how to create and update routes in this database.

To become a routetility administrator, you must have be configured into the system. If you get error messages or otherwise are having trouble logging in, please contact for access.

Adminstrator's Manual

Route Admin

An :term:`route admin` can create and edit :term:`routes <route>` for one or more :term:`interests <interest>`, as set up by a :term:`super admin`.

Access the Admin Page

Navigate to, or navigate to, then scroll down and click the Admin link near the bottom of the page.

Logging In

When your user account is created, you will receive an email to you to reset your password. Follow the instructions to set your password. PLEASE pick a strong password with letters, numbers, and punctuation.

When you are not logged in, you will see a page similar to what is shown below. Click the Log In button, then enter the email address you received the password reset email on. If you forgot your routetility password, fill in your Email Address, click on Forgot password, and you will be sent an email to reset it.


Select Interest

After logging in, you'll see the admin home page with navigation on the left and a pull-down labeled Interest: near the top. This pull-down can be used to select the :term:`interest` you'll be working on. The last :term:`interest` you choose will be automatically selected the next time you log in, but this may need to be selected the first time you use the system.


Edit Routes View

Click Edit Routes on the navigation to get to this view.

The Edit Routes view allows you to page through the available :term:`routes <route>`. A Search box allows the table to be filtered down to the rows which contain that text. For instance, if you’d like to search for :term:`routes <route>` with Baker Park in the name, just type in Baker Park in the search box.


Add Route

Before adding a route, it seems reasonable to check to see that the route isn’t already in the database. This can be done in the user interface ( You should check routes of about that distance which start in the same location. Note you can sort the route table by distance by clicking on the arrow next to the miles heading.

To add a route, from the admin view, click the New button. You will see a Create form. In another window, bring up MapMyRun, Strava, Garmin Connect, RunningAHEAD or other application where you’ll pull the route from. These instructions assume MapMyRun, but any application from which you can download a gpx file will work. For details on how to download a GPX file, see :ref:`download-gpx-file`.

Enter the fields as described, then click Create after Processing disappears from File button.

Route Name
Name of the route, could be the same as what is used in MapMyRun. We suggest using mixed case, not all capitals, though.
Optional short description, e.g., where to meet. E.g., "Meet in front of Zi Pani".
Choose road, trail or mixed.
Route URL
Copy the URL to access the route from MapMyRun. This is for information only, but it’s nice to know where the data came from.
Copy / paste or type the turn by turn directions into this window. You’ll need a carriage return between each turn. It’s ok if the lines wrap after pasting or when typing. Pasting from an email may give extra carriage returns, but don’t worry about this.
Select the GPX file downloaded from MapMyRun. Note when you select the file, it takes a bit of time for it to upload and do some calculations/processing.
Start Location
This defaults to the first point in the GPX file. This provides a destination for the driving directions for the user. You can change this to an address if you’d like, but please check that what you type will work in a google maps search. Probably best to leave this alone.
Distance (miles)
This is calculated from the gpx file. You can change this if you’d like. E.g., if you see 19.9 or 20.1 you might want to change the field to 20.
Elev Gain (ft)
This is calculated from the gpx file. This can be changed but again probably best to leave this alone.


Edit Route

To edit a route, select the route you want to edit, then click Edit. When you are done with your edits click Update. If changing File click Update after Processing disappears from File button.

The Edit form has all the same fields as the Create form, and one additional field.

If you want to make the route so the user won’t see it, change Active from “active” to “deleted”. This is done this way so we can add it back later if we want.


User View

To see what a regular user will see, click User View on the navigation. The user sees a map with all the routes, and a table below the map from which they can click on links to see the start, route, and turns for an individual route.

My Account (Change Password)

You can use the My Account view to change your password.

Download GPX File

This section shows how to download GPX file from various applications.

For all of these we suggest when you download the GPX file you name the file the same as the Route Name you chose.


Bring up the route you want to download. Click MORE on top of map. Click DOWNLOAD GPX. Name the file the same name as the route.



Bring up the activity you want to download. Click the ellipses link under Laps on the left. Click Export GPX. Name the file the same name as the route.


Garmin Connect

Bring up the activity you want to download. Click on the Settings gear button on the top right. Click Export to GPX. Name the file the same name as the route.



Bring up the workout you want to download. Click the hamburger / menu button next to the run type. Click Download GPX. Name the file the same name as the route.


Super Admin

A super admin can create users, create :term:`interests <interest>`, assign user roles, :term:`interests <interest>`, etc.

.. todo:: This section needs additional work.

Create a New User

From User/Roles > Users, create new user

From /reset type in new user's email address, then click Recover Password

Known Problems / Planned Enhancements


Contact if any other problems are noticed, or if you’d like to see any enhancements.