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File metadata and controls

285 lines (223 loc) · 9.04 KB


Searching Loupe is achieved by using the SearchParameters object. That one is passed on to Loupe and you get a SearchResult back:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create();
$results = $loupe->search($searchParameters);



The one thing you'd expect from a search engine is to search for a query:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withQuery('Hello World')

This will return all documents matching Hello or World while considering the typo tolerance settings.

Loupe also supports phrase search, so if you want to query for documents containing exactly Hello World, you'll have to use " to encapsulate your query:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withQuery('"Hello World"')

Hint: Note that your query is stripped if it's very long. See the section about maximum query tokens in the configuration settings.

Attributes to receive

By default, Loupe returns all the attributes of the documents you've indexed. If you are interested in only a subset of them, you can specify which ones you want to retrieve:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withAttributesToRetrieve(['id', 'firstname'])

Attributes to search on

By default, Loupe searches all configured searchable attributes but you can limit your query to only a subset of those:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()


Loupe provides a powerful way to filter your documents. Know SQL? Then you'll have absolutely no issues filtering with Loupe either. You can combine your filters with AND and OR, nest them the way you want and use the following operators:

  • =
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • IN ()
  • NOT IN ()
  • IS NULL (takes no value)
  • IS NOT NULL (takes no value)
  • IS EMPTY (takes no value, empty values are '' and [])
  • IS NOT EMPTY (takes no value, empty values are '' and [])

Note that you can only filter on attributes that you have defined to be filerable in the configuration.

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withFilter("(departments = 'Backoffice' OR departments = 'Project Management') AND age > 17")

Loupe can even filter on geo distance! See geo search section for more information.

To make sure you properly escape the filter values, you can use SearchParameters::escapeFilterValue().


By default, Loupe sorts your results based on relevance. Relevance is determined using a TF-IDF algorithm combined with cosine similarity. The relevance attribute is reserved and is called _relevance. You can sort by your own attributes or by multiple ones and specify whether to sort ascending or descending:

Note that you can only sort on attributes that you have defined to be sortable in the configuration.

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withSort(['lastname:asc', '_relevance:desc']) // First by lastname alphabetically and then by best match

In case you are interested in the ranking score of the relevance sorting, you can ask Loupe to add the score to the search result hits using

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()

In this case, every hit will have an additional _rankingScore attribute with a value between -1.0 and 1.0.


When searching Loupe, it will always return the current page, totalPages as well as totalHits in its search results. You can navigate through the pages by specifying the desired page in the search parameters:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()

By default, Loupe returns 20 results per page but you can configure this as well:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()

Note: You cannot go any higher than 1000 documents per page. The higher the value you choose, the slower Loupe gets.

Term highlighting

You can enable term highlighting by telling Loupe, which attributes you're interested in:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withAttributesToHighlight(['title', 'overview'])

Your result hits will then contain a _formatted key where you'll find the matches embedded in <em> and </em> tags. The opening and closing tags can also be configured, in case you need something different from <em> and </em>. For this, use the second and third parameters like so:

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()
    ->withAttributesToHighlight(['title', 'overview'], '<mark>', '</mark>')

This is how this could look like when having searched for assassin:

$results = [
    'hits' => [
            'id' => 24,
            'title' => 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1',
            'overview' => 'An assassin is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.',
            '_formatted' => [
                'id' => 24,
                'title' => 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1',
                'overview' => 'An <em>assassin</em> is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their <em>assassination</em> circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.',

If you need to somehow highlight things differently, you can also ask Loupe to return the match positions (or even combine with withAttributesToHighlight() if you need both):

$searchParameters = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()

In this case, the result would look something like this:

$results = [
    'hits' => [
            'id' => 24,
            'title' => 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1',
            'overview' => 'An assassin is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.',
            '_matchesPosition' => [
                'overview' => [
                        'start' => 3,
                        'length' => 8,
                        'start' => 79,
                        'length' => 13,


Loupe does not ship with built-in caching, so you are free to choose the caching mechanism of your choice. However, you can identify a search parameter combination using the getHash() method:

$hash = \Loupe\Loupe\SearchParameters::create()

Geo search

Yes, Loupe also supports geo search! In contrast to MeiliSearch, however, Loupe does not need any special _geo attribute, but you can filter and sort by multiple geo attributes. The only requirement is that your attribute represents the following format:


$myGeoAttribute = [
    'lat' => 45.4777599,
    'lng' => 9.1967508,

If your attribute is of this format, and you define it as being filterable and/or sortable, Loupe can both, filter and sort on it. Let's take an example:

First, we have to index some restaurants. See the restaurants.json from the test fixtures. Then we need to define the _location attribute as being filterable and sortable:

$configuration = \Loupe\Loupe\Configuration::create()

We can then filter for all the restaurants within 2km from 45.472735, 9.184019. For this, we use the _geoRadius() filter. It takes the attribute name, latitude and longitude as parameters. The fourth parameter defines the distance in meters. Then, we also want to sort them by their distance from 45.472735, 9.184019 so that the closest is listed first. For that, we can use the _geoPoint() sorter. We also want to know the distance, so we select the special _geoDistance(location) attribute as well:

$searchParameters = SearchParameters::create()
    ->withAttributesToRetrieve(['id', 'name', 'location', '_geoDistance(location)'])
    ->withFilter('_geoRadius(location, 45.472735, 9.184019, 2000)')
    ->withSort(['_geoPoint(location, 45.472735, 9.184019):asc'])

This will result in exactly what we want:

$results = [
    'hits' => [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => "Nàpiz' Milano",
            'location' => [
                'lat' => 45.4777599,
                'lng' => 9.1967508,
            '_geoDistance(location)' => 1139,
            'id' => 3,
            'name' => 'Artico Gelateria Tradizionale',
            'location' => [
                'lat' => 45.4632046,
                'lng' => 9.1719421,
            '_geoDistance(location)' => 1418,