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Experiments in Parser Combinators, Modular Grammars, Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), Indentation-Based Grammars and Symbiotic Programming Languages (that compile to JavaScript). Written in tasty CoffeeScript.

6: Names and Routes

Symbolic Crumbs

Symbolic crumbs are (for now) only allowed in leading position—unlike file system routes and URLs, you may not write things like /foo/bar/../baz.

Address variable x in...

  • x — any provided implicit scope
  • ./x — this scope
  • ../x — the directly enclosing scope
  • */x (or .*/x??) — this or any enclosing scope
  • y/x – the scope named y (which may itself be written ./y, /y, ...)

Not yet sure about these:

  • ~/x — the current module scope (?)
  • /x — the global scope (?)

Doing it this way seems logical, but has the disadvantage that referring to the global scope is made easier than referring to the module scope.

We also have to keep in mind that requiring users to write /x to refer to a global variable will break the analogy between global variables and global keywords—unless we want people to use, say, /parse-integer instead of parse-integer. Maybe there should be some kind of 'standard vocabulary' namespace, i.e. all names that can be referred to without any kind of licensing qualification.

Indirect Crumbs

Marked with a $ (Dollar sign; interpolation mark).

Indirect crumbs take the (serialized) value of the referred variable instead of the name itself; therefore, bar: 42; x: foo/$bar will set x to the value of foo/42.

  • allowed:

    • foo/bar
    • foo/$bar
    • /foo
    • ./foo
    • ../foo
  • forbidden:

    • foo/bar/

7: Pagoda (Indentation-Parsing)

Semantic indentation is known to be 'hard to parse'; it has typically been done 'outside the grammar', using tricks that are not normally available within classical parsing setups (think BNF, Yacc, Bison...). To quote a recent paper:

Several popular languages, such as Haskell, Python, and F#, use the indentation and layout of code as part of their syntax. Because context-free grammars cannot express the rules of indenta- tion, parsers for these languages currently use ad hoc techniques to handle layout. These techniques tend to be low-level and operational in nature and forgo the advantages of more declarative specifications like context-free grammars. For example, they are often coded by hand instead of being generated by a parser generator.

Arabika takes a somewhat novel approach in parsing semantic indentation.

It is known to be possible to simplify parsing significant whitespace when meaningful indentations are turned into regular parsing tokens; this is the approach both Python and the much less popular parboiled parsing library take.

I'm not quite sure how Python's somewhat opaque implementation works—whether it acts on strings or whether abstract tokens are inserted into a parse tree—but parboiled definitely inserts Unicode code points into the source to be parsed. In this particular case, implementors have chosen to recruit a number of lesser-used and otherwise 'illegal' Unicode codepoints (all of which have a status of 'reserved') to function as 'anchors' within the transformed source text:

del_error:    u/fdea
ins_error:    u/fdeb
resync:       u/fdec
resync_start: u/fded
resync_end:   u/fdee
resync_eoi:   u/fdef
eoi:          u/ffff
indent:       u/fdd0
dedent:       u/fdd1

For a while, i have considered to use this exact same solution: pick some characters that 'should not' occur in 'regular' source code and use that to signal indentation structure.

But then, what to do if such codepoints should inadvertently crop up in a source file? Well, i thought, you could always escape such occurrances, do all the parsing stuff, and when the AST is there, you unescape all those occurrances. But... that's (1) a real nuisance to do, because you have a lot of tiny source snippets that are handled all across your grammar, and (2) whatever means you use to escape regular occurrances of such characters, there can not be any guarantee that such escape sequences do not already occur inside, say, a string literal (where they were intended to signify something completely different, and were not meant to be mutated by the parser). For this reason, escaping is not an option.

Having implemented some form of indentation parsing for the n-th iteration this time round, it occurred to me that i dislike the use of 'weird' codepoints to signal indentation steps. Sure, the computer won't mind whether that's a u/4e01 or a u/fdd0 in your string, but i do—and certainly so when i print out that string for diagnostic purposes. Using reserved codepoints mean your terminal output will be littered with lots of —you know, that u/fffd Replacement Character guy. This is ugly, uninformative, and also misleading, as it could also indicate an encoding error. You'd have to translate that string before printing it. Not good.

But then i realized i have been looking the wrong direction all the time: What if, instead of trying to hide our tokens, as it were, we made it part of the Official Syntax? I mean, Arabika and all that Parser Combinators stuff has long been intended to lead to modular, dynamically redefinable grammars that mainly function as high-level-to-high-level code translators, so, importantly:

(1) If a particular choice of meta-codepoints conflicts with what you want to use for other purposes in your source, you can always choose to use another dialect (of indentation parsing) to avoid that conflict.

(2) What we're doing here already is source translation, and as such it wouldn't hurt to keep it both out of the closet and readable. In other words, if

if x > 0
  x += 1
  print x

is the language you enjoy writing stuff in, and that gets turned into

if (x > 0) { x += 1; print(x); }

wouldn't you be interested in the fact that at some point that same program surfaces as

【if x > 0【x += 1〓print x】】

or maybe as

↳if x > 0↳x += 1↦print x↱↱

(3) Take note that although you're writing code in an indentation-based language, you can anytime insert code that is bracketed instead of indented—it makes no difference to the parser whether a ststement like if x > 0【x += 1〓print x】 was bracketed by the parser or by the programmer.

Indentation-sensitive syntax for Scheme

Languages, Dialects, Versions, and Packages

The SemVer Scheme and the use Statement

Idea: Repurpose Semantic Versioning to indicate Language number, Dialect number, and Dialect Version number. For example, Arabica gets designated language #1 (zero reserved for special purposes), and, say, FlowMatic Forth as language #42.

Each language numbers its own dialects, but there may be some conventions—say, to put all the basic numerical literals into a module called 4-number. That is, Arabika number literals are dealt with as SemVer 1.4.x, and FlowMatic Forth number literals as 42.4.x.

SemVer literals with no or one dot always refer to the current language; in order to use dialects from another language, you must provide a tripartite expression with two dots:

use 4           # use dialect #4 of the current language
use 4.*         # same as `4`, `@.4`, and `@.4.*`
use @.4         # see above
use ^4.3        # short for `^@.4.3`
use ^@.4.3      # use a version compatible with this language, dialect 4, release 3
use 42.4.*      # use latest or available version of language 42, dialect 4
use 42.*.*      # use latest or available version of language 42, complete official edition


Minimal npm module:

  main.js       # or other supported language

Dependencies regarding dialects not listed under package.json/dependencies, but under package.json/flowmatic/needs (or similar; TBD).

Why Arabika does not use Mozilla Parser API Nodes

Mozilla SpiderMonkey Parser API (MPA) nodes.

I first thought it would be a great idea to produce only MPA-compatible nodes as it would then be possible to use such great tools as esprima, estraverse, esquery and escodegen to transform nodes and produce source code. However, i realized that while it is well possible to produce custom nodes (with extra attributes) and produce arbitrary target code (with escodegen's verbatim feature), said tools seem to have a hard time when nodes are not nested in precisely the proscribed fashion. As an example, this means that in order to produce a working AST for, say, (JS) foo[ 'bar' ][ 'baz' ] ≙ (Arabika) foo/bar/baz, using MPA mandates the following nested object:

  { type: 'MemberExpression',
    computed: true,
     { type: 'MemberExpression',
       computed: true,
       object: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'foo' },
       property: { type: 'Literal', value: 'bar', raw: "'bar'" } },
    property: { type: 'Literal', value: 'baz', raw: "'baz'" } }

I believe we can make do with a more linear structure:

{ type: 'route',
  subtype: 'relative',
   [ { type: 'identifier', name: 'foo' },
     { type: 'identifier', name: 'bar' },
     { type: 'identifier', name: 'baz' } ] }

The JS parser both treats the root of the property chain entirely different from its member expressions; moreover, it's necessary to nest each step in its parent object, 'hiding' the root (foo here) in the innermost onion layer, as it were. By contrast, the Arabika parser just calls the construct a descriptive name (a relative route) and then lists the steps on the property chain. It gets worse with longer property chains; here is the general outline of what esprima produces for foo[ 'bar' ][ 'baz' ][ 'gnu' ][ 'foo' ][ 'due' ]:

            {}, {} },
          {} },
        {} },
      {} },
    {} }

This is the unremarkable output for the corresponding Arabika source:

      {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ] }

Notice that the structural difference becomes more pronounced as the chain becomes longer. There's an important piece of Wisdom in Programming i learned from the Zen of Python: Flat is Better than Nested, Simple is Better than Complex. As a rule of thumb, it is appreciably harder to mentally grasp deeply nested structures than flat ones, and, generally, recursive code to handle nested structures is harder to read, understand, and maintain. There certainly is a place for recursiveness, but where it can be avoided for the greater good, that should be strived for.

Given this state of affairs, i reverted back from producing MPA-compatible nodes and opted for a custom AST format. It's not only the nested structures, there's also a bunch of concepts that is very JavaScript-specific, while Arabika-specific stuff would have to get bolted on, all the time working hard to build exactly the structural outlines as envisioned by the MPA folks to keep all the tools functional.


A language that compiles to JavaScript






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