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Simple Pool - PBA Cambridge 2022

Check, Test and Clippy


This project aims to create a pallet to manage a liquidity pool. A user can stake a token (e.g. a DOT) and receive a liquid token (e.g. LDOT). The user can:

  • Trade/transfer the LDOT
  • Hold it to receive more LDOTs every X blocks
  • Propose and vote changes about the economic parameters of the pool.

What is a liquidity pool? A liquidity pool is a digital pile of cryptocurrency locked in a smart contract. This results in creating liquidity for faster transactions. A major component of a liquidity pool is automated market makers (AMMs). An AMM is a protocol that uses liquidity pools to allow digital assets to be traded in an automated way rather than through a traditional market of buyers and sellers.


This is an educational purpose project only. Should NOT be used in a real production system.

Build and test (as a single pallet)

  1. Run tests with cargo test
  2. Build with cargo build --release

Build and test

  1. Clone this modified version of substrate-node-template.
  2. Build with cargo build --release
  3. Run the binary with ./target/release/node-template --dev
  4. Interact with the node using polkadot.js and/or with this modified version of substrate-front-end-template (Useful to see the balance in LDOT).

Anatomy of the pallet

The following is a summary of src/

Exposed extrinsics

  • stake(amount: u128)
  • unstake(amount: u128)
  • transfer(recv: T::AccountId, amount: u128)
  • change_percentage(percentage: u8)
  • change_block_time(block_time: u32)


  • on_finalize()


  • BlockToUnlock<T> = StorageValue<_, u32, ValueQuery, DefaultBlockTime<T>>
  • Percentage<T> = StorageValue<_, u8, ValueQuery, DefaultPercentage<T>>
  • StakedTimes<T> = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber, OptionQuery>


  • type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>
  • type MainToken: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId, Balance = u128>
  • type StakedToken: Currency<Self::AccountId, Balance = u128>
  • type PalletId: Get<PalletId>

Implementation and simplifications

  • Instead of sending the funds via pallet-staking I used a ReservableCurrency to handle the "main token", so I can do a reserve to lock the funds and give a Currency representing the Liquid Token in return.
  • When the user calls stake(amount) an amount of ReservableCurrency is reserved and a (amount + n%) of Currency is created and deposited to the user.
  • The user cannot call stake(amount) again before several blocks (BlockToUnlock).
  • The user cannot call unstake(amount) before some blocks (BlockToUnlock).
  • After several blocks (BlockToUnlock) the user can call unstake(amount) to burn an amount of Currency and unreserve his portion of ReservableCurrency.
  • The user can transfer using transfer(recv, amount) part of his Currency
  • Using pallet_democracy the user can create a proposal paying in Currency (so the liquid token, not in ReservableCurrency), as shown here.
  • Through governance then users holding the liquid token can vote to use change_percentage(percentage) and change_block_time(block_time) to vary the economic parameters of the pool.
  • As an incentive not to transfer liquid tokens, new tokens are issued every X blocks and distributed to users using logic inside the on_finalize hook.
  • At the moment you can only propose changes using the liquid token, but to vote you have to use the Main Token. To vote using the Liquid Token I would have to create a wrapper for pallet_democracy, but I would lose the integration with polkadot.js Governance tab, and I did not know if this was correct or not. A code example:
pub fn vote_in_favor(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    #[pallet::compact] referendum_index: ReferendumIndex,
    #[pallet::compact] weight: StakedTokenBalance<T>,
) -> DispatchResult {
    // Check that the extrinsic was signed and get the signer.
    // This function will return an error if the extrinsic is not signed.
    let _who = ensure_signed(origin.clone())?;

    let vote = pallet_democracy::AccountVote::Split {
        aye: weight.into(),
        nay: 0_u8.into(),

    pallet_democracy::Pallet::<T>::vote(origin, referendum_index, vote)?;


Of course, I am aware that it makes no economic sense, but I had fun experimenting by combining various pallets.

Future improvements

  • Use Cumulus to convert a Substrate FRAME runtime into a Parachain runtime.
  • Use XCM and XCMP to transfer the LDOT to other parachains.
  • Build a frontend that queries the DOT and LDOT balances