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Run a bundled node module while watching for changes.

CircleCI Greenkeeper


npm i --save-dev @ls-age/rollup-plugin-run


Include the following in the rollup config:

import run from '@ls-age/rollup-plugin-run';

export default {
  plugins: [
    run(/* options */),
  output: {
    file: './out/server.js',
    format: 'cjs',


For a full list of options browse the source code.

The plugin decides what command / module to run based on some options:

  • command The command to run. Defaults to 'node'.

  • args An array with arguments to pass. Useful in combination with command.

  • run The file to watch. If no args are passed run is passed to command. Defaults to the first file in the output configuration with format set to 'cjs'.


  • onStart Called when the process has been started, with the process passed.
  • onStop Called when the process has been stopped.


Assuming output is set to { file: './out/server.js', format: 'cjs' } in the rollup configuration.

run() // 'node ./out/server.js' is run after each build
run({ run: './another.js' }) // 'node ./another.js' is run
run({ command: 'echo' }) // 'echo ./out/server.js' is run
run({ command: 'micro-dev', args: [] }) // 'micro' is run