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We are dedicated to provide great software support for excellent teaching. To achieve that, we develop Artemis as free and open-source software. The core ideas of free software always have been "use", "study", "share", and "improve".

With Artemis, we embrace all of those aspects:

  • Artemis is used by over ten universities and thousands of students.
  • Artemis is part of active research and is constantly improved by students as part of university courses or masters/bachelors theses. Studying the Artemis source code helps our students to improve their software engineering skills while working on a real, actively used product.
  • The foundation of learning and teaching is sharing knowledge. Artemis is used to conduct courses at universities and, at the same time, used as an education research platform.
  • With more than 140 contributors and a regular release cycle, we are constantly improving Artemis.