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Global High-Strength Polyester Thread Market by Types, Applications, and Major Players, with Regional Growth Rate Analysis and Development Situation, from 2024 to 2031

High-Strength Polyester Thread Market Analysis and Latest Trends

High-Strength Polyester Thread is a type of durable thread commonly used in sewing, quilting, and other textile applications. It is known for its high tensile strength, resistance to UV rays and chemicals, and ability to retain its shape well. The market for High-Strength Polyester Thread is projected to experience substantial growth in the coming years.

The High-Strength Polyester Thread Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. One of the key factors driving this growth is the increasing demand for durable and long-lasting threads in various industries such as automotive, furniture, and textiles. Additionally, the growing trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly materials is also fueling the demand for polyester threads, as they are recyclable and require less energy to produce compared to other synthetic fibers.

Another trend in the High-Strength Polyester Thread Market is the development of innovative products with enhanced features such as fire-retardant, anti-bacterial, and water-resistant properties. Manufacturers are focusing on introducing new and improved polyester threads to cater to the evolving needs of customers in different industries.

Overall, the High-Strength Polyester Thread Market is poised for significant growth in the foreseeable future, driven by the increasing demand for durable and sustainable threads in various applications.

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High-Strength Polyester Thread Major Market Players

The High-Strength Polyester Thread Market is highly competitive with key players such as Coats Group, American & Efird, AMANN, Threads India, FUJIX, Hengxin, Shishi Flying Wheel Thread, Hoton Group, Xinglun, Huaxin, S.Derons, Zhejiang Dongyi, and HongRen Thread. These companies offer a wide range of high-strength polyester threads for various applications such as sewing, embroidery, and industrial use.

Coats Group is one of the leading players in the High-Strength Polyester Thread Market. The company has a strong global presence and offers a wide range of high-strength polyester threads for various industries. Coats Group has shown significant market growth in recent years through product innovation and strategic partnerships.

AMANN is another prominent player in the market known for its high-quality polyester threads. The company has a strong market presence in Europe and Asia and has been investing in research and development to introduce innovative products.

American & Efird is a key player in the High-Strength Polyester Thread Market with a focus on sustainable manufacturing practices. The company has seen steady market growth and is expected to expand its market share in the coming years.

In terms of sales revenue, Coats Group reported a revenue of $1.5 billion in 2020, while American & Efird reported a revenue of $600 million. AMANN reported a revenue of $700 million in the same year. These companies are expected to witness further market growth due to the increasing demand for high-strength polyester threads in various industries. The High-Strength Polyester Thread Market is predicted to grow at a steady rate in the coming years, driven by the growing textile industry and increasing disposable income of consumers.


What Are The Key Opportunities For High-Strength Polyester Thread Manufacturers?

The High-Strength Polyester Thread market is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years due to increasing demand in industries such as automotive, textiles, and packaging. The market is driven by factors such as the rising preference for high-strength, durable materials and the increasing focus on sustainability. Additionally, technological advancements in production processes and the growing awareness about the benefits of polyester thread are expected to further propel market growth. The future outlook for the High-Strength Polyester Thread market looks promising, with key players focusing on product innovation and expanding their presence in emerging markets.

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Market Segmentation

The High-Strength Polyester Thread Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

  • Nature Thread
  • Dyeing Thread

High-Strength Polyester Thread Market Types include Nature Thread and Dyeing Thread. Nature Thread is made from raw polyester material without any additional dyeing or coloring process, making it eco-friendly and natural-looking. On the other hand, Dyeing Thread is processed with various dyes and chemicals to achieve vibrant and customized colors. Nature Thread is popular among environmentally-conscious consumers while Dyeing Thread caters to those looking for a wide range of color options for their sewing projects. Both types have their own unique characteristics and benefits in the market.

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The High-Strength Polyester Thread Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

  • Packaging Products
  • Clothing
  • Leather and Shoes
  • Others

High-strength polyester thread is widely used in various industries due to its durability and reliability. In the packaging products sector, it is used for stitching and securing materials such as bags and boxes. In clothing, it is commonly used for sewing garments and accessories. In the leather and shoes industry, it is instrumental in the production of high-quality products. Additionally, it finds applications in other sectors such as automotive, textiles, and furniture for its strong and long-lasting properties.

In terms of Region, the High-Strength Polyester Thread Market Players available by Region are:

North America:

  • United States
  • Canada


  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Italy
  • Russia


  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Australia
  • China Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia

Latin America:

  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina Korea
  • Colombia

Middle East & Africa:

  • Turkey
  • Saudi
  • Arabia
  • UAE
  • Korea

The high-strength polyester thread market is expected to demonstrate notable growth in regions such as North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, the USA, and China due to increased demand for durable and versatile textile products. Among these regions, Asia Pacific is anticipated to dominate the market with a projected market share of 40%, followed by North America at 25%, Europe at 20%, the USA at 10%, and China at 5%. This growth can be attributed to the expanding textile industry and rising consumer preferences for high-quality fabrics.

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