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MQTT Topics for HeishaMon

Availability Topic:

ID Topic Response
LWT Online/Offline (automatically returns to Offline if connection with the HeishaMon lost)

Log Topic:

ID Topic Response
LOG1 log response from headpump (level switchable)

Sensor Topics:

ID Topic Response/Description
TOP0 sdc/Heatpump_State Heatpump state (0=off, 1=on)
TOP1 sdc/Pump_Flow Pump flow (l/min)
TOP2 sdc/Force_DHW_State DHW status (0=off, 1=on)
TOP3 sdc/Quiet_Mode_Schedule Quiet mode schedule (0=inactive, 1=active)
TOP4 sdc/Operating_Mode_State Operating mode (0=Heat only, 1=Cool only, 2=Auto, 3=DHW only, 4=Heat+DHW, 5=Cool+DHW, 6=Auto+DHW)
TOP5 sdc/Main_Inlet_Temp Main inlet water temperature (°C)
TOP6 sdc/Main_Outlet_Temp Main outlet water temperature (°C)
TOP7 sdc/Main_Target_Temp Main outlet water target temperature (°C)
TOP8 sdc/Compressor_Freq Compressor frequency (Hz)
TOP9 sdc/DHW_Target_Temp DHW target temperature (°C)
TOP10 sdc/DHW_Temp Actual DHW temperature (°C)
TOP11 sdc/Operations_Hours Heatpump operating time (Hour)
TOP12 sdc/Operations_Counter Heatpump starts (counter)
TOP13 sdc/Main_Schedule_State Main thermostat schedule state (inactive - active)
TOP14 sdc/Outside_Temp Outside ambient temperature (°C)
TOP15 sdc/Heat_Energy_Production Thermal heat power production (Watt)
TOP16 sdc/Heat_Energy_Consumption Elektrical heat power consumption at heat mode (Watt)
TOP17 sdc/Powerful_Mode_Time Powerful state in minutes (0, 1, 2 or 3 x 30min)
TOP18 sdc/Quiet_Mode_Level Quiet mode level (0, 1, 2, 3)
TOP19 sdc/Holiday_Mode_State Holiday mode (0=off, 1=scheduled, 2=active)
TOP20 sdc/ThreeWay_Valve_State 3-way valve mode (0=Room, 1=DHW)
TOP21 sdc/Outside_Pipe_Temp Outside pipe temperature (°C)
TOP22 sdc/DHW_Heat_Delta DHW heating delta (-12 to -2) (K)
TOP23 sdc/Heat_Delta Heat delta (K)
TOP24 sdc/Cool_Delta Cool delta (K)
TOP25 sdc/DHW_Holiday_Shift_Temp DHW Holiday shift temperature (-15 to +15)
TOP26 sdc/Defrosting_State Defrost state (0=off, 1=on)
TOP27 sdc/Z1_Heat_Request_Temp Zone 1 Heat Requested shift temp (-5 to 5) or direct heat temp (20 to max)
TOP28 sdc/Z1_Cool_Request_Temp Zone 1 Cool Requested shift temp (-5 to 5) or direct cool temp (5 to 20)
TOP29 sdc/Z1_Heat_Curve_Target_High_Temp Target temperature at lowest point on the heating curve (°C)
TOP30 sdc/Z1_Heat_Curve_Target_Low_Temp Target temperature at highest point on the heating curve (°C)
TOP31 sdc/Z1_Heat_Curve_Outside_High_Temp Lowest outside temperature on the heating curve (°C)
TOP32 sdc/Z1_Heat_Curve_Outside_Low_Temp Highest outside temperature on the heating curve (°C)
TOP33 sdc/Room_Thermostat_Temp Remote control thermostat temp (°C)
TOP34 sdc/Z2_Heat_Request_Temp Zone 2 Heat Requested shift temp (-5 to 5) or direct heat temp (20 to max)
TOP35 sdc/Z2_Cool_Request_Temp Zone 2 Cool Requested shift temp (-5 to 5) or direct cool temp (5 to 20)
TOP36 sdc/Z1_Water_Temp Zone 1 Water outlet temperature (°C)
TOP37 sdc/Z2_Water_Temp Zone 2 Water outlet temperature (°C)
TOP38 sdc/Cool_Energy_Production Thermal cooling power production (Watt)
TOP39 sdc/Cool_Energy_Consumption Elektrical cooling power consumption (Watt)
TOP40 sdc/DHW_Energy_Production Thermal DHW power production (Watt)
TOP41 sdc/DHW_Energy_Consumption Elektrical DHW power consumption (Watt)
TOP42 sdc/Z1_Water_Target_Temp Zone 1 water target temperature (°C)
TOP43 sdc/Z2_Water_Target_Temp Zone 2 water target temperature (°C)
TOP44 sdc/Error Last active Error from Heat Pump
TOP45 sdc/Room_Holiday_Shift_Temp Room heating Holiday shift temperature (-15 to 15)
TOP46 sdc/Buffer_Temp Actual Buffer temperature (°C)
TOP47 sdc/Solar_Temp Actual Solar temperature (°C)
TOP48 sdc/Pool_Temp Actual Pool temperature (°C)
TOP49 sdc/Main_Hex_Outlet_Temp Outlet 2, after heat exchanger water temperature (°C)
TOP50 sdc/Discharge_Temp Discharge Temperature (°C)
TOP51 sdc/Inside_Pipe_Temp Inside pipe temperature (°C)
TOP52 sdc/Defrost_Temp Defrost temperature (°C)
TOP53 sdc/Eva_Outlet_Temp Eva Outlet temperature (°C)
TOP54 sdc/Bypass_Outlet_Temp Bypass Outlet temperature (°C)
TOP55 sdc/Ipm_Temp Ipm temperature (°C)
TOP56 sdc/Z1_Temp Zone1: Actual Temperature (°C)
TOP57 sdc/Z2_Temp Zone2: Actual Temperature (°C)
TOP58 sdc/DHW_Heater_State When enabled, backup/booster heater can be used for DHW heating (disabled - enabled)
TOP59 sdc/Room_Heater_State When enabled, backup heater can be used for room heating (disabled - enabled)
TOP60 sdc/Internal_Heater_State Internal backup heater state (inactive - active)
TOP61 sdc/External_Heater_State External backup/booster heater state (inactive - active)
TOP62 sdc/Fan1_Motor_Speed Fan 1 Motor rotation speed (R/Min)
TOP63 sdc/Fan2_Motor_Speed Fan 2 Motor rotation speed (R/Min)
TOP64 sdc/High_Pressure High Pressure (Kgf/Cm2)
TOP65 sdc/Pump_Speed Pump Rotation Speed (R/Min)
TOP66 sdc/Low_Pressure Low Pressure (Kgf/Cm2)
TOP67 sdc/Compressor_Current Compressor/Outdoor unit Current (Ampere)
TOP68 sdc/Force_Heater_State Force heater status (0=inactive, 1=active)
TOP69 sdC/Sterilization_State Sterilisation State (0=inactive, 1=active)
TOP70 sdC/Sterilization_Temp Sterilisation Temperature (°C)
TOP71 sdC/Sterilization_Max_Time Sterilisation maximum time (minutes)
TOP72 sdc/Z1_Cool_Curve_Target_High_Temp Target temperature at lowest point on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP73 sdc/Z1_Cool_Curve_Target_Low_Temp Target temperature at highest point on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP74 sdc/Z1_Cool_Curve_Outside_High_Temp Lowest outside temperature on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP75 sdc/Z1_Cool_Curve_Outside_Low_Temp Highest outside temperature on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP76 sdc/Heating_Mode Compensation / Direct mode for heat (0 = compensation curve, 1 = direct)
TOP77 sdc/Heating_Off_Outdoor_Temp Above this outdoor temperature all heating is turned off(5 to 35 °C)
TOP78 sdc/Heater_On_Outdoor_Temp Below this temperature the backup heater is allowed to be used by heatpump heating logic(-15 to 20 °C)
TOP79 sdc/Heat_To_Cool_Temp Outdoor temperature to switch from heat to cool mode when in auto setting(°C)
TOP80 sdc/Cool_To_Heat_Temp Outdoor temperature to switch from cool to heat mode when in auto setting (°C)
TOP81 sdc/Cooling_Mode Compensation / Direct mode for cool (0 = compensation curve, 1 = direct)
TOP82 sdc/Z2_Heat_Curve_Target_High_Temp Target temperature at lowest point on the heating curve (°C)
TOP83 sdc/Z2_Heat_Curve_Target_Low_Temp Target temperature at highest point on the heating curve (°C)
TOP84 sdc/Z2_Heat_Curve_Outside_High_Temp Lowest outside temperature on the heating curve (°C)
TOP85 sdc/Z2_Heat_Curve_Outside_Low_Temp Highest outside temperature on the heating curve (°C)
TOP86 sdc/Z2_Cool_Curve_Target_High_Temp Target temperature at lowest point on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP87 sdc/Z2_Cool_Curve_Target_Low_Temp Target temperature at highest point on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP88 sdc/Z2_Cool_Curve_Outside_High_Temp Lowest outside temperature on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP89 sdc/Z2_Cool_Curve_Outside_Low_Temp Highest outside temperature on the cooling curve (°C)
TOP90 sdc/Room_Heater_Operations_Hours Electric heater operating time for Room (Hour)
TOP91 sdc/DHW_Heater_Operations_Hours Electric heater operating time for DHW (Hour)

All Topics realated with state can have also value -1 - unknown - but only in ubnormal situations.

Command Topics:

ID Topic Description Value/Range
SET1 SetHeatpump Set heatpump on or off 0=off, 1=on
SET2 SetHolidayMode Set holiday mode on or off 0=off, 1=on
SET3 SetQuietMode Set quiet mode level 0, 1, 2 or 3
SET4 SetPowerfulMode Set powerful mode run time in minutes 0=off, 1=30, 2=60 or 3=90
SET5 SetZ1HeatRequestTemperature Set Z1 heat shift or direct heat temperature -5 to 5 or 20 to max
SET6 SetZ1CoolRequestTemperature Set Z1 cool shift or direct cool temperature -5 to 5 or 20 to max
SET7 SetZ2HeatRequestTemperature Set Z2 heat shift or direct heat temperature -5 to 5 or 20 to max
SET8 SetZ2CoolRequestTemperature Set Z2 cool shift or direct cool temperature -5 to 5 or 20 to max
SET9 SetOperationMode Sets operating mode 0=Heat only, 1=Cool only, 2=Auto, 3=DHW only, 4=Heat+DHW, 5=Cool+DHW, 6=Auto+DHW
SET10 SetForceDHW Forces DHW (Operating mode should be firstly set to one with DWH mode (3,4,5 or 6) to be effective. Plese look at SET9 ) 0, 1
SET11 SetDHWTemp Set DHW target temperature 40 - 75
SET12 SetForceDefrost Forces defrost routine 0, 1
SET13 SetForceSterilization Forces DHW sterilization routine 0, 1

If you operate your Heisha with direct temperature setup: topics ending xxxRequestTemperature will set the absolute target temperature