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Lua/LuaJIT C API binding

local luastate = require'luastate'

A ffi binding to the Lua/LuaJIT C API, allowing the creation and manipulation of Lua states.


states -> state create a new Lua state state:close() free the Lua state state:status() -> 0 | err | C.LUA_YIELD state runtime status state:newthread() -> state create a new coroutine as a Lua state state:resume(...) -> ok, ... same as coroutine.resume() state:resume_opt(opt, ...) -> ok, ... resume with options compiler state:openlibs([lib1, ...]) open standard libs (open all if no args given) state:loadbuffer(buf, sz, chunkname) load a Lua chunk from a buffer state:loadstring(s, name) load a Lua chunk from a string state:loadfile(filename) load a Lua chunk from a file state:load(reader, data, chunkname) load a Lua chunk from a reader function state:dofile(filename) -> ok, ... load and exec file state:dostring(string) -> ok, ... load and exec string state:dump([writer, [data]]) -> s dump function bytecode stack / indices state:abs_index() -> i absolute stack index state:gettop() -> i top stack index state:settop(i) set stack top index state:pop(n) pop n positions from stack state:checkstack(n) assert that stack can grow at least n positions state:xmove(dst_thread, i) move values between threads of the same top state state:insert(i) insert top element at i state:remove(i) remove element at i state:replace(i) replace element at i with top element stack / read state:type(i) -> type type at index (same as type()) state:objlen(i) -> n string/table/userdata length state:strlen(i) -> n string length state:isnumber(t) -> true | false check if number state:isstring(i) -> true | false check if string state:iscfunction(i) -> true | false check if C function state:isuserdata(i) -> true | false check if userdata state:isfunction(i) -> true | false check if function state:istable(i) -> true | false check if table state:islightuserdata(i) -> true|false check if lightuserdata state:isnil(i) -> true | false check if boolean state:isboolean(i) -> true | false check if thread state:isthread(i) -> true | false check if index invalid state:isnone(i) -> true | false check if index invalid or nil state:isnoneornil(i) -> true | false check if boolean state:toboolean(i) -> true | false get as boolean state:tonumber(i) -> n get as number state:tointeger(i) -> n get as integer state:tolstring(i) -> buf, sz get as C string state:tostring(i) -> s get as Lua string state:tothread(i) -> state get as Lua state state:touserdata(i) -> ptr get as userdata state:topointer(i) -> ptr get as void* pointer stack / read / tables state:next(i) -> true | false pop k and push the next k, v at i state:gettable(i) push t[k], where t at i and k at top state:getfield(i, k) push t[k], where t at i state:rawget(i) like gettable() but does raw access state:rawgeti(i, n) push t[n], where t at i state:getmetatable(tname) push metatable of tname from registry stack / get / any value state:get([i], [opt]) -> v get the value at i (default i = -1) stack / write state:pushnil() push nil state:pushboolean(bool) push a boolean state:pushinteger(n) push an integer state:pushcclosure(cfunc, nupvalues) push a lua_CFunction with upvalues state:pushcfunction(cfunc) push a lua_CFunction state:pushlightuserdata(ptr) push a lightuserdata state:pushlstring(buf, sz) push a string buffer state:pushstring(s) push a string state:pushthread(state) push a coroutine state:pushvalue(i) push value in stack at i stack / write / tables state:createtable(narr, nrec) push a new empty table with preallocations state:newtable() push a new empty table state:settable(i) t[k] = v, where t at i, v at top, k at top-1 state:setfield(i, k) t[k] = v, where t at i, v at top state:rawset(i) as settable() but does raw assignment state:rawseti(i, n) t[n] = v, where t at i, v at top state:setmetatable(i) pop mt and setmetatable(t, mt), where t at i stack / write / any value state:push(v, [opt]) push a value to the top of the stack __stack / compare __ state:equal(i1, i2) -> true | false compare two values for equality state:rawequal(i1, i2) -> true | false compare two values for equality state:lessthan(i1, i2) -> true | false compare two values for inequality interpreter state:pushvalues(...) push multiple values state:pushvalues_opt(opt, ...) push values with options state:popvalues(i) -> ... pop all values down to i state:popvalues_opt(opt, i) -> ... pop values with options state:xpcall(i,...) -> ok, ... pop func and args and xpcall it state:pcall(...) -> ok, ... pop func and args and pcall it state:call(...) -> ... pop func and args and call it state:xpcall_opt(opt,i,...) -> ok, ... xpcall with options state:pcall_opt(opt, ...) -> ok, ... pcall with options state:call_opt(opt, ...) -> ... call with options gc state:gc(luastate.C.LUA_GC*, n) control the garbage collector state:getgccount() -> n get the number of garbage items macros state:upvalueindex(i) -> i get upvalue pseudo-index state:register(name, func) set _G[name] = func state:setglobal(name) pop v and set _G[name] = v state:getglobal(name) push _G[name] state:getregistry() push the registry table debug state:getstack(level, dbg)->true|false get debug info on stack level state:getinfo(what, dbg) get debug on function or invocation state:getlocal(dbg, n) -> name get local variable value and name state:setlocal(dbg, n) -> name set value of local variable state:getupvalue(i, n) -> name get upvalue (and name) of func at i state:setupvalue(i, n) -> name set upvalue of func at i (and get its name) state:sethook(hook, mask, count)->? set hook function state:gethook() -> hook return current hook function state:gethookmask() -> mask get current hook mask state:gethookcount() -> n get current hook count C luastate.C C namespace (i.e. the ffi clib object)

API Notes

Getting data out from a Lua state with state:get():

  • internal identity of tables is not preserved: duplicate keys and values are dereferenced; no attempt is made to detect cycles.
  • the function for traversing tables is recursive so table depth is stack-bound.
  • coroutines are extracted as cdata of type lua_State*.
  • lightuserdata and userdata are extracted as void* pointers.
  • cdata cannot be extracted (an error is raised if attempted).
  • function upvalues are copied if the opt arg contains the character 'u'; all of the limitations above apply to copying upvalues as well.

Pushing data into a Lua state with state:push():

  • internal identity of tables is not preserved: duplicate keys and values are dereferenced; no attempt is made to detect cycles.
  • the function for traversing tables is recursive so table depth is stack-bound.
  • lightuserdata, userdata, cdata and coroutines cannot be pushed (an error is raised if attempted).
  • function upvalues are copied if the opt arg contains the character 'u'; all of the limitations above apply to copying upvalues as well.