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TRADES v2.19.0 by Luca Borsato - 2016-2023

Most of the information can be found in the papers:

and at the webpage TRADES@ESPG.
Feel free to use or modify the code, but please cite the three above papers.
Comments are welcome!

only tested on a Unix/Linux machine (i.e., Centos Rocks 5.3, Ubuntu > 12.04 and derivatives)
Please use gfortran version greater than 4.8.1. Previous versions could fail to compile.
openMP required to compile parallel versions of TRADES
Required python packages:

  • numpy (conda),
  • matplotlib (conda),
  • h5py (conda),
  • yaml (conda),
  • scipy (conda),
  • pandas (conda),
  • scikit-learn (conda-forge),
  • statsmodels (conda-forge),
  • emcee (conda-forge) with tqdm (conda-forge),
  • pygtc (conda-forge),
  • PyDE (it is preferred to install pytransit with pip or github that store an updated version of PyDE; be aware that pytransit needs astropy and arviz and sometimes you have to re-install the semantic_version package...),
  • ultranest only for a testing script (currently not working).

TRADES user guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Install and Compile
  3. How to run TRADES
  4. Files needed by TRADES
  5. Output files by TRADES
  6. Python Library

For the impatient search for: COMMON WAY TO COMPILE

Introduction {#intro}

We have developed a computer program (in Fortran 90, openMP, and MPI) for determining the possible physical and dynamical configurations of extra-solar planetary systems from observational data, known as TRADES, which stands for TRAnsits and Dynamics of Exoplanetary Systems.
The program TRADES models the dynamics of multiple planet systems and reproduces the observed transit times ($T_{0}$, or mid-transit times), full transit durations ($T_{14}$ or $T_{41}$), and radial velocities (RVs). These $T_{0}\textrm{s}$ and RVs are computed during the integration of the planetary orbits.

We have developed TRADES from scratch because we want to avoid black-box programs, it would be easier to parallelise it with openMP, and include additional algorithms.
To solve the inverse problem, TRADES can be run in different modes:

  • integration:
    it runs a simple integration of the orbits of the planetary system calculating the $T_0$s and the RVs.

  • grid search:
    TRADES samples the orbital elements of one perturbing body (all the parameters are allowed in the grid, but remember that the number of simulations will increase hugely). The grid parameters can be evenly sampled on a fixed grid by setting the number of steps, or the step size, or by a number of points chosen randomly within the parameter bounds. For any given set of values, the orbits are integrated, and the residuals between the observed and computed $T_0$s and RVs are computed. For each combination of the parameters, the LM algorithm can be called and the best case is the one with the lowest residuals (lowest reduced chi-squared = $\chi^{2}/\textrm{dof} = \chi^{2}_\textrm{r}$).

  • Levenberg-Marquardt (LM, lmdif from MINPACK) algorithm:
    After an initial guess on the orbital parameters of the perturber, which could be provided by the previously described grid approach, the LM algorithm exploits the Levenberg-Marquardt minimization method to find the solution with the lowest residuals. The LM algorithm requires the analytic derivative of the model with respect to the parameters to be fitted. Since the $T_0$s are determined by an iterative method and the radial velocities are computed using the numerical integrator, we cannot express these as analytic functions of fitting parameters. We have adopted the method described in Moré et al. (1980) to compute the Jacobian matrix, which is determined by a forward-difference approximation. The epsfcn parameter, which is the parameter that determines the first Jacobian matrix, is automatically selected in a logarithmic range from the machine precision up to $10^{−6}$ ; the best value is the one that returns the lower $\chi^2_\textrm{r}$. This method has the advantage to be scale invariant, but it assumes that each parameter is varied by the same epsfcn value (e.g., a variation of 10% of the period has a different effect than a variation of the same percentage of the argument of pericenter).

  • genetic algorithm (GA or PIK, we used the implementation named PIKAIA, Charbonneau 1995): the GA mode searches for the best orbit by performing a genetic optimization (e.g. Holland 1975; Goldberg 1989), where the fitness parameter was the inverse of the $\chi^2_\textrm{r}$, now it is set to the log-likelihood ($\log{\mathcal{L}}$). This algorithm is inspired by natural selection which is the biological process of evolution. Each generation is a new population of offspring orbital configurations, that are the result of parent pairs of orbital configurations that are ranked following the fitness parameter. A drawback of the GA is the slowness of the algorithm, when compared to other optimizers. However, the GA should converge to a global solution (if it exists) after the appropriate number of iterations.

  • particle swarm optimization (PSO, Tada 2007):
    the PSO is another optimization algorithm that searches for the global solution of the problem; this approach is inspired by the social behavior of bird flock and fish school (e.g., Kennedy & Eberhart 1995; Eberhart 2007). The fitness parameter used is the same as the GA,

    the log-likelihood ($\log{\mathcal{L}}$). For each particle, the next step (or iteration) in the space of the fitted parameters is mainly given by the combination of three terms: random walk, best particle position (combination of parameters), and best global position (best orbital configuration of the all particles and all iterations).

  • emcee (emcee):
    see emcee docs and papers.

  • PyDE (PyDE):
    see PyDE docs and papers.

In each mode, TRADES compares observed transit times ($T_{0,\textrm{obs}}$) and radial velocities ($\textrm{RV}{\textrm{obs}}$) with the simulated ones ($T{0,\textrm{sim}}$ and $\textrm{RV}\textrm{sim}$). From version 1.1.2 of TRADES, it is possible to use different set of RV, with different RV offset (the so-called gamma point); TRADES will compute a $\gamma$ for each RV data set.
The grid search is a good approach in case that we want to explore a limited subset of the parameter space or if we want to analyze the behavior of the system by varying some parameters, for example to test the effects of a growing mass for the perturbing planet.
GA and PSO are good methods to be used in case of a wider space of parameters. The orbital solution determined with the GA or the PSO method is eventually refined with the LM mode.
PC is well described in the paper by Handle et al. (2015), and it uses a Bayesian approach with the nested sampling. It works also on parameter bounds, but it would be better to limit the boundaries, and not used them as wide as those for GA and PSO.
For each mode, but PC, TRADES can perform a bootstrap analysis to calculate the interval of confidence of the best-fit parameter set. We generate a set of $T_0$s and RVs from the fitted parameters, and we add a Gaussian noise having the calculated value (of $T_0$s and RVs) as the mean and the corresponding measurement error as variance, scaled by the $\sqrt{\chi^{2}
\textrm{reduced}}$. We fit each new set of observables with the LM with default options. We iterate the whole process thousands of times to analyze the distribution for each fitted parameter.

For the mathematical and computational description see Borsato et al. (2014).

Install and Compile {#install_compile}

  1. TRADES source is available at
    Download the .zip file or clone the repository (see github help).

  2. Extract the .zip file in your drive or enter the cloned repository. It should contain a file, bin/, src/, and pytrades/ folders.
    The src/ folder should countains the following f90 source files:

    • Module source files: see Makefile
    • simple integration+LM+bootstrap main: trades_int_lm_bootstrap.f90
    • simple grid main: trades_grid.f90
    • simple PIK and PSO main: trades_pik_pso.f90
    • Makefile: Makefile
    • python script to create example simulation folder:

Look at section 6. for the pytrades/ folder (install and execution).
3. Edit the Makefile with your Fortran 90 - MPI compiler, and with the needed compiling options.
- flag CC for the compiler to use. From the implementation of PC the mpif90 must be used;
- flag CFLAGS for the compiler options;
from the implementation of PC the -ccp preprocessor option must be used
add options or uncomment following rows for other debugging options
- flag COPT for the compiler optimization
from the implementation of PC the -ccp preprocessor option must be used
- flag CFLAGS2 for the opemMP version
- flag TARGET_SER_X is relative path and executable name for the serial program
- flag TARGET_OMP_X is relative path and executable name for the openMP parallel program
4. To compile:
in the src/ folder type make and with Tab the user can see all the possible compile options. Check the Makefile for more information.

Remember to type make clean to remove *.o and *.mod files before re-compiling TRADES.
Remember to type make cleanall to remove *.o, *.mod, and all the executable files before re-compiling TRADES.
To compile in parallel mode the openMP libraries must be properly installed (as suggested by your Linux distribution).
Please, change properly your Fortran compiler in the Makefile.


cd /path/to/trades/src
make cleanall
make full_parallel_release

In /path/to/trades/pytrades there will be the *.so and files to be loaded with python.

How to run TRADES {#run_trades}

Main way to run TRADES with python+PyDE+emcee:

  cd /path/to/exoplanet/system/path
  python /path/to/trades/pytrades/ --input configuration.yml

After it finished you can obtain the analysis and human-readable output with:

  cd /path/to/exoplanet/system/path/
  python /path/to/trades/pytrades/ --input configuration.yml

An example of a configuration.yml file in configuration.yml.
The folder /path/to/exoplanet/system/path/ must have the files described later in Files needed by TRADES

Other different ways to launch TRADES:

  • export the path of the executables in your ~/.bahsrc or ~/.profile:

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/trades/executables

  • it is possible to execute trades from the bin/ folder by typing:


Before running TRADES in parallel with open-MP (trades_o_xxx) remember to set the number of cpus (Ncpu) to use in the file or by exporting:
and type it in a terminal; in short way:

If TRADES has been launched without any arguments, it will search for the needed files in the current folder:

`cd /home/user/Simulation/`  

it is equal to type:

`cd /home/user/Simulation/`  
`trades_s_xxx .`  


`cd /home/user/`  
`trades_s_xxx /home/user/Simulation/`  

In any of these three cases, TRADES will write the output files in the folder /home/user/Simulation/

Provide orbital elements (and boundaries) in the bodies file.
Algorithm selection in

  1. grid
  2. integration + LM + bootstrap
  3. PIKAIA (+ LM + bootstrap)
  4. PSO (+ LM + bootstrap)

Files needed by TRADES {#in_files}

In the src/ folder you can find the python script that allows to create all the files needed by TRADES. The files are based on Kepler-9 system, with the original data ($T_0$ and RV) from the discovery paper by Holman et al. (2010).

List of the files with explanation: bodies.lst star.dat b.dat c.dat
lm.opt pikaia.opt pso.opt
obsRV.dat NB2_observations.dat NB3_observations.dat

  1. file with program arguments, needed for the integration, fitting type, output files.
    Example file

  2. bodies.lst: file with list of the files with the parameters for each body.
    The first column is always the file name of the body, followed by 0 or 1 for each parameter. 0 means do not fit it, 1 means fit it.
    The first row is always the star file with the Mass and Radius fitting parameter type.
    From the second row, each line is the body file name followed by the parameters to fit in this order:
    mass radius period eccentricity argument_of_pericenter mean_anomaly inclination longitude_of_node.
    Remember that the number of the lines of this file has to match the NB parameter in the file.
    Example file bodies.lst

    • star.dat: Mass (and sigma) and Radius (and sigma) of the star in Solar units. First row the Mass, second the Radius.
      In the code will be identified with the id == 1.
      Example file star.dat
    • b.dat: file with parameters of the planet in the second row of the bodies.lst, that is in the code will be identified with the id == 2.
      Each row is a different parameter (3 columns + flag for grid), in the order:
      mass min max [M_Jup]
      radius min max [R_Jup]
      period min max [days]
      semi-major_axis min max [au]
      eccentricity min max
      argument_of_pericenter min max [deg]
      mean_anomaly min max [deg]
      time_of_pericenter_passage min max [JD]
      inclination min max [deg]
      longitude_of_node min max [deg]
      When not specified the min max values are set by default (i.e. eccentricity < 1, angles between 0 and 360 deg, inclination between 0 and 180 deg, radius < 5 R_Jup, and mass < 1 M_Sun in M_Jup.
      In the grid mode the mean of the columns is: min max step type. The step is used as true step, or step number, and so on accordingly to the fourth column type.
      Keywords for column 4 are: ss (means step size), rn (random number), and sn (step number).
      semi-major axis in au instead of period (set period greater than 9000000., while setting semi-major axis equal to 999. will let you use the period);
      time of passage at pericentre is used if mean anomaly is greater than 999., while set time of passage at pericentre greater than 9.e8 to use mean anomaly. Example file b.dat
    • c.dat: same as file b.dat, but with different parameter values for the body in the third row in bodies.lst, that is in the code will be identified with the id == 3.
      Example file c.dat
  3. lm.opt: parameter options for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm; they are based on the original manual. Keep it as it for standard analysis.
    Example file lm.opt

  4. pikaia.opt: parameter options for the GA algorithm. The most important parameters to tune are
    (1pik) the number of individuals (row 1, ctrl(1)), that is the number of set of parameters for each generation;
    (2pik) the number of generation (row 2, ctrl(2)), that is the number of iteration that GA has to perform, the last iteration returns the best set of parameters;
    (3pik) the seed (row 13), that is a integer number that defines the seed for the random generator, if you keep the same value it repeat the same analysis;
    (4pik) the wrtAll (row 14) is a parameter that defines if you want to that the GA writes all the individuals for each generation, set it to 1 to write, 0 not write;
    (5pik) the nGlobal (row 15) is the number of global search to perform with the GA, each search returns a solution, and the seed of each analysis is different (seed + i, i=1..nGlobal).
    Example file pikaia.opt

  5. pso.opt: parameter options for the PSO algorithm. The rows 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are the same parameters explained for the pikaia.opt file.
    In particular:
    (1pso) row 1 and (2pik) 2 are exactly the same as in pikaia.opt;
    (3pso) row 3 is an integer that specifies when write a summary during the PSO analysis;
    (4pso) row 4 is the same as (4pik) row 14 in pikaia.opt;
    (5pso) row 5 is the same as (5pik) row 15 in pikaia.opt;
    (6pso) row 6 is the same as (3pik) row 13 in pikaia.opt.
    Example file pso.opt

  6. obsRV.dat: list of radial velocities (RVs) data.
    Columns description:
    (1) RV observation time (JD, or time in same units of the integration time);
    (2) observed RVs in meter per seconds;
    (3) observed RV uncertainties in meter per seconds;
    (4) ID of the RV dataset, so if you have only one dataset set all column to 1, else increas value untill the number of different datasets, i.e., 1, 2 for 2 datasets (2 different facilities, or one facility before and after upgrade).
    Example file obsRV.dat

  7. NB2_observations.dat: list of transit times ($T_0$s) observed for planet in the second row of bodies.lst, i.e., b.dat is planet 2.
    Columns description:
    (1) transit epoch (N), an integer number that identifies the transit w.r.t. a reference transit time $T_\textrm{ref}$ and refined by a linear ephemeris of kind: $T_N = T_\textrm{ref} + P_\textrm{ref} \times N$;
    (2) the transit time ($T_0$) in JD or the same time unit of the integration/epoch/start time;
    (3) the uncertainty on the $T_0$. Example file NB2_observations.dat

  8. NB3_observations.dat: same kind of file NB2_observations.dat, but for the planet in the third row of bodies.lst, i.e., c.dat is planet 3.
    Example file NB3_observations.dat

  9. derived_boundaries.dat: this file a special file.
    If you have some derived parameters (or other values) that can reduce your parameter space you have to create this file in your simulation folder.
    if the argument secondary_parameters in file is set to 0, this file will not be used.
    If secondary_parameters = 1, but the file does not exist it will not be used (no derived parameters will be checked).
    The file should have a line for each parameter, the name in the first column (please keep it short), the min and the max value in the 2nd and 3rd column. Keep last line empty so the code can determine the end of file.
    derived_boundaries.dat example:
    # name phase_min phase_max
    ph2 34. 180.
    ph3 180. 270.
    In order to use the derived parameters you have to modify by your own the derived_parameters_mod.f90. In fitness_module.f90 check which subroutines/fuctions will be called to 'check_derived' or 'fix_derived' parameters.

  10. place here priors for Bayesian analysis with emcee.
    Follow the instructions in the file

Output files by TRADES {#out_files}

Each algorithm will write different files, and depends on the flag used in the and in the *.opt files.
Each file should have an self-explaning header.

  1. integration: depends only on file
    #ID_#LM_rotorbit.dat, #ID_#LM_constants.dat, #ID_#LM_NB#_elements.dat, #ID_#LM_NB#_tra.dat, #ID_#LM_gls_output.dat
    #ID_#LM_rotorbit.dat, if wrtorb = 1, where #ID is the simulation ID, #LM is the Levenberg-Marquardt flag (lmon = 0 or 1). Columns: 1 Time in JD; 2 Light-Time Travel Effect in days (LTE_d); 3:3+NB*6 {X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ} for each body (NB=number of bodies); last column is the radial velocity (RV) of the star due to the planets in m/s.
    #ID_#LM_constants.dat, if wrtcon = 1, naming convenction as previous. Columns: 1 Time in JD; 2 momentum; 3 delta between initial and current momentum; 4 Total Energy; 5 delta between initial and current Total Energy.
    #ID_#LM_gls_output.dat, it is the output of the General Lomb-Scargle (GLS) applied to the residuals: $\textrm{res}=\textrm{RV}\textrm{obs}-\textrm{RV}\textrm{sim}$.
    #ID_#LM_NB#_elements.dat, if wrtel = 1, naming convenction as previous, plus the body id NB#, starting from 2 to the number of bodies used. Columns: 1 Time in JD; 2 Period in days, 3 semi-major axis in astronomical unit (au), 3 eccentricity, 4 inclination in degrees, 4 mean anomaly in degrees, 5 argument of the pericenter in degrees, 6 longitude of the node in degrees, 7 true anomaly in degrees, 8 difference between time of refence (epoch) and time of the passage of pericenter tau in days
    #ID_#LM_NB#_tra.dat, if idtra > 0, naming convenction as previous. Columns: 1 trasit time, 2 LTE, 3 firt contact time, 4 second contact time, 5 third contact time, 6 fourth contact time, 7:7+NB*6 state vector {X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ} for each body (NB=number of bodies).

Python Library {#pylib}

TRADES can now be used in python scripts, thanks to f2py.
In the src/ folder there is the pytrades_lib.f90 that is the library that interface TRADES to python.
Compile: see Makefile

It creates the and it copies it into the folder ../pytrades/
Check if in the src/ folder there is an hidden file .f2py_f2cmap that contains one row: dict(real=dict(sp='float', dp='double'))
Run scripts:

In folder pytrades/ there are different scripts, look for the script to run beginning with trades_, that shows how to call the pytrades_lib and how to combine with emcee.
Run as python -h for instruction on the all the command line arguments to provide.
The file has different functions to write and read output files from PSO/PyDE and emcee and other stuff helpful to manage the output of the simulations.
The script is able to create all the summary reports and images of a TRADES+EMCEE analysis; it works also on a running simulation.
Check also other files in the pytrades folder to understand how to use the python library.

I am working on some scripts and notebook to use some possibility of TRADES, such as an implementation that could be used within PyORBIT, see folder python_examples



sorry, I will not be able to report all the small changes...

TRADES 2.19.0

Better management of ode subroutines and transit times detection and computation.
Main python script files: that run PyDE and emcee to analyse the emcee output
Added the folder with jupyter notebook to show some python ways to use TRADES.

TRADES 2.18.0

TRADES now fit the combination of ecccentricity ($e$) and argument of pericenter ($\omega$) as $(\sqrt{e}\cos\omega, \sqrt{e}\sin\omega)$ (also in PSO and GA).
Added the script that uses PyDE + emcee.
The default fitness parameter for the PSO is now the $\log{\mathcal{L}}$. Added python modules to plot the evolution of the PSO and PyDE.
Converted example script to and created

TRADES 2.17.1

pytrades_lib.f90 now has kelements_to_data subroutine that returns by default also the duration (T4 - T1, equal to zero if passed dur_check=0) and the keplerian orbital elements at each transit time.
The pytrades/ shows how to use it and it is based on the Kepler-9 example in trades_example/Kepler-9_example.

TRADES 2.17.0

New management of how it determines the transiting body to check during the integration of the orbits.
Removed the parameters (also in the for weight the chi square in the fit.
Now fitting RV offset (called gamma) and jitter parameters for each RV data-set, and it can fit a trend on RV of specified order.
Some better management of plots and confidence intervals python scripts.
Updates in the Makefile.
Testing ultranest version.

TRADES 2.16.0

Moved unused python files in two folders (do not used them, just there as control).
Updated plot_oc/ files for better x/y limits and visualisation.
Updated with better HDI computation (based on PyAstronomy), mode determination.
PyPolyChord not tested anymore, moved all files in old/control folders.
Added file for Bayesian analysis with emcee.

TRADES 2.15.2

Fixed bug in Makefile that does create a segfault running TRADES executables.

TRADES 2.15.1


  • moved pytrades from python 2 to python 3;
  • removed unused variables;
  • added a subroutine/function to get only the reduced chi square ($\chi^{2}_{r}$).

TRADES 2.15.0

Changed how TRADES stores and manages the observed and simulated data (Transit Times and Radial Velocities) and it uses new data type.
TRADES can now fit the transit duration in minutes defined as the difference between the last (T4) and the first (t1) contact time.
Improved the T0 and the T4/T1 determination, and now it uses the integrator in the Bisection-Newton-Raphson, in this way it avoids numericals issues with analytical f and g function when assuming constants keplerian orbital elements during transit.

TRADES 2.14.1

Updated computation of the initial state vector from the Keplerian orbital elements, and implemented the subroutine adapted from MERCURY to compute the Keplerian orbital elements from the state vector.


Old PolyChord version has been removed, now the 1.10 version can be used. Follow the PolyChord compile and install instruction, with python support. It will be available as python module and used in the script ``.

Checking the conversion of the state vector to orbital elements during integration.

TRADES 2.13.6

Check few variable allocations when no data available.
Ready to move PolyChord to v1.12 with python support.

TRADES 2.13.5

Now TRADES uses the pool in emcee instead of threads to avoid memory overloading in loops.

TRADES 2.13.4

It is possible to save some parameter samples of the emcee analysis to be overplotted on the O-C and RV diagram.
Updated how it computes the orbits when the write step is smaller than the integration step.

TRADES 2.13.3

Nothing special, code-styling and better management of planet file names.

TRADES 2.13.2

In file added keyword: ncpu.
Set it to define the number of cpus to use in parallel with TRADES.
The flag -c passed to the python scripts override/overwrite it.
Updated the initialisation of the particles in PSO and PIK.

TRADES 2.12.1

Python scripts: and
Counterparts of and, but it runs or reads PSO before emcee.

TRADES 2.11.1

Python script, that allow to fit $\sqrt{e}\cos\omega,\sqrt{e}\sin\omega$ (in the python module, not in the fortran subroutines).
Added script that plot RV model and RV-phased curves.
Now the degrees of freedom (dof) take into account the free parameters (nfre, determined within the program, but not fitted). In particular they are the number of $\gamma$ RV offset (nfree = n_RVset).
dof = ndat - nfit - nfree

TRADES 2.10.1

More updates on python scripts.

TRADES 2.10.0

From the python library (pytrades_lib) it is possible to initialise TRADES without read files and given a set of orbital parameters, times of radial velocities, and transit epochs (integer numbers that identify each transit w.r.t. a transit of reference) it returns the simulated radial velocities and transit times.
To use this feature I added in the folder pytrades a test file Be aware that the radial velocities and transit times have been read from 2 files, so modify it accordingly to your file/data.
Added more files in pytrades folder and added files to plot and summarise simulation with emcee.

TRADES 2.9.1

Small bugfixes in check of the physical parameters.
Added optional argument for debug in the output subroutine in ode_run.

TRADES 2.9.0

Introduced flag in file: oc_fit.
oc_fit = F is false, it means that the difference between the observed transit times (T0_obs) and the simulated (T0_sim) is used to compute the $\chi^2$;
oc_fit = T is true, it means that $\chi^2$ is computed from the amplitude of the TTV, based on the O-C for the observed (OC_obs) and simulated data (OC_sim):
OC_obs = T0_obs - T0_lin,obs, where T0_lin,obs is the linear ephemeris of the observed data and
OC_sim = T0_sim - T0_lin,sim, where T0_lin,sim is the linear ephemeris of the simulated transit times.

TRADES 2.8.0

Python library of TRADES has been tested and now is public.

In bodies.lst file user can specify if a planet should transit or not.
At the end of each planet row (after 0/1 fit-flag and before the #), user adds a T (or leaves blank) if planet is allowed to transit, otherwise adds an F.
in bodies.lst row b.dat 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T is equal to b.dat 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: planet b could transit.
in bodies.lst row b.dat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 F: planet b could not transit (in case it discards the solution).

Converted all logical values in a consistent way.

TRADES 2.7.0

Fitting parameters examples:
in bodies.lst row b.dat 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: mass_planet / mass_star
in bodies.lst row b.dat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0: eccentricity
in bodies.lst row b.dat 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0: mass_planet / mass_star, e*cos(w), e*sin(w)
in bodies.lst row b.dat 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0: argument_of_pericenter, mean longitude (lambda), inclination
in bodies.lst row b.dat 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1: mass_planet / mass_star, e*cos(w), e*sin(w), lambda, i*cos(lN), i*sin(lN)

TRADES 2.6.0

The old main trades.f90 has been replaced (still in the sources, it compiles) by small easier-to-understand mains. As for the version 2.5.1 the user has to change the accordingly to the purpose. See [](How to run TRADES).
During RV fit, TRADES will run a GLS periodogram (Zechmeister and Kurster, 2009) and look for peaks close ($\Delta P = \pm 0.5\$ d) to the periods of the planets of the simulated system. In case of a positive signal, it means the period has been induced (bad RV fit) and the fitness ($\chi^{2}_\textrm{r}$) will be set to max value (bad fit).