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File metadata and controls

391 lines (330 loc) · 18.9 KB


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An alternative syntax to generate YAML (or JSON) from commandline.

The ultimate commanline YAML (or JSON) generator! ... I'm kidding of course! but I'd like to know what you think.


Interactive mode

$ yo eval
[hit CTRL+d to finish]
>> apiVersion=v1
>> kind=Secret
>> type=Opaque
>> data.username=(b64enc "USER")
>> data.password=(b64enc "PASS")
kind: Project
  name: example-project
  namespace: default
  replicas: 1

👉 interactive mode supports history! (try hitting the up arrow ⬆️).

With piping (example using cat):

$ cat testdata/sample1.yo | ./yo eval
apiVersion: v1
  password: UEFTUw==
  username: VVNFUg==
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque

Syntax Overview

  • a field is a key/value pair
  • curly braces hold objects
  • square brackets hold arrays


A field is defined by: IDENTIFIER = VALUE .

  • field key/value pairs have a equal = between them as in key = value
  • each field is eventually separated by space (zero, one or more does not matter)
$ yo eval 'firstName=Scarlett lastName=Johansson'


firstName: Scarlett
lastName: Johansson
  • booleans, integeres, floating numbers are automatically resolved
  • put the text beween quotes " to enter spaces and others unicode chars
    • es. proverb = "interface{} says nothing"
$ yo eval 'fullName="Scarlett Johansson" hot=true'


fullName: Scarlett Johansson
hot: true


An object is defined by: IDENTIFIER = { fields... }.

  • begin a new object using the left curly brace {
  • close the object with a right curly brace }
$ yo eval 'user = { name=foo age=30 active=true address = { zip="123" country=IT } }'


  active: true
    country: IT
    zip: 123
  age: 30
  name: foo
  • you can also use dotted notation (and/or eventually mix things!)
$ yo eval 'user = { name=foo age=30 active=true"123" }'
$ yo eval ' user.age=30 user.address = {zip="123" country=IT}'
$ yo eval ' user.age=30"123"'

All the previous examples produce the same's up to you to find your way.


An array is defined by: IDENTIFIER = [ fields...].

  • begin a new array using the left square brace [
  • end the array with a right quare brace ]
$ yo eval 'tags = [ foo bar qix ]'
- foo
- bar
- qix

You can create an array of object too:

$ yo eval 'pets = [ { name=Dash kind=cat age=3 } {name=Harley kind=dog age=4} ]'
- age: 3
  kind: cat
  name: Dash
- age: 4
  kind: dog
  name: Harley

Built-in functions

yo has also built-in handy functions

$ yo funcs
| FUNCTION     | SUMMARY                                                                 |
| b64dec       | Decode with Base64                                                      |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( b64dec "Hello world!" )'                            |
| b64enc       | Encode or decode with Base64                                            |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( b64enc "Hello world!" )'                            |
| coalesce     | Takes a list of values and returns the first non-empty one.             |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( coalesce .name "Scarlett" )'           |
| contains     | Test to see if one string is contained inside of another.               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( contains "cat" "catch" )'                           |
| date         | Formats a date.                                                         |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( now | date "2006-01-02" )'                          |
| dateInZone   | Formats a date with a timezone.                                         |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( dateInZone "2006-01-02" (now) "UTC" )'              |
| dateModify   | Modify a date.                                                          |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( now | dateModify "-1.5h" )'                         |
| decr         | Decrement an integer value by one.                                      |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( decr 9 )'                                           |
| default      | Set a simple default value.                                             |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( default "foo" .Bar )'                               |
| duration     | Formats seconds as a time.Duration.                                     |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( duration 95 )'                                      |
| env          | Reads an environment variable.                                          |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( env "HOME" )'                                       |
| expandenv    | Substitute environment variables in a string.                           |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( expandenv "Your path is set to $PATH" )'            |
| has          | Test to see if a list has a particular element.                         |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( has 4 $myList )'                                    |
| hasPrefix    | Test whether a string has a given prefix.                               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( hasPrefix "cat" "catch" )'                          |
| hasSuffix    | Test whether a string has a given suffix.                               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( hasSuffix "tch" "catch" )'                          |
| incr         | Increment an integer value by one.                                      |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( incr 7 )'                                           |
| join         | Join a list of strings into a single string, with the given separator.  |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( join "-" .Names )'                                  |
| lower        | Convert the entire string to lowercase.                                 |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( lower "HELLO" )'                                    |
| now          | The current date/time.                                                  |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( now | date "2006-01-02" )'                          |
| pathListSep  | Returns OS-specific path list separator.                                |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( pathSep )'                                          |
| pathSep      | Returns OS-specific path separator.                                     |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( pathSep )'                                          |
| rand         | Returns a random integer value from min (inclusive) to max (exclusive). |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( rand 8 16 )'                                        |
| regexFind    | Return the first match of the regular expression.                       |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( regexFind "[a-zA-Z][1-9]" "abcd1234" )'             |
| regexFindAll | Returns a slice of all matches of the regular expression.               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( regexFindAll "[2,4,6,8]" "123456789" -1 )'          |
| regexMatch   | Test if the input string matches a regular expression.                  |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( regexMatch "dog$" "bulldog" )'                      |
| repeat       | Repeat a string multiple times.                                         |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( repeat 3 "hello" )'                                 |
| replace      | Perform simple string replacement.                                      |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( "I Am Henry VIII" | replace " " "-" )'              |
| sha1sum      | Computes the SHA1 digest of a specified string                          |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( sha1sum "Hello world!" )'                           |
| sha256sum    | Computes the SHA256 digest of a specified string                        |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( sha256sum "Hello world!" )'                         |
| split        | Split a string into a list of strings.                                  |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( split "$" "foo$bar$baz$bar" )'                      |
| substr       | Get a substring from a string.                                          |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( substr 0 5 "hello world" )'                         |
| tempDir      | Returns the default directory to use for temporary files.               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( tempDir )'                                          |
| title        | Convert to title case.                                                  |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( title "hello world" )'                              |
| toDate       | Converts a string to a date.                                            |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( toDate "2006-01-02" "2017-12-31" )'                 |
| trim         | Removes space from either side of a string.                             |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( trim "   hello    " )'                              |
| trimPrefix   | Trim just the prefix from a string.                                     |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( trimPrefix "-" "-hello" )'                          |
| trimSuffix   | Trim just the suffix from a string.                                     |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( trimSuffix "-" "hello-" )'                          |
| uniq         | Generate a list with all of the duplicates removed.                     |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( split "$" "foo$bar$baz$bar" | uniq )'               |
| unixEpoch    | Returns the seconds since the unix epoch.                               |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( now | unixEpoch )'                                  |
| upper        | Convert the entire string to uppercase.                                 |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( upper "hello" )'                                    |
| uuid         | Generate UUID v4 universally unique IDs.                                |
|              |                                                                         |
|              | >> yo eval 'key = ( uuid )'                                             |


$ yo eval 'key = ( upper "hello" )'
key: HELLO

Yes but i want JSON!

Ok, use the -j / --json flag:

$ yo eval 'pets = [ { name=Dash kind=cat age=3 } {name=Harley kind=dog age=4} ]' -j
   "pets": [
         "age": 3,
         "kind": "cat",
         "name": "Dash"
         "age": 4,
         "kind": "dog",
         "name": "Harley"

How to install?

In order to use the yo command, compile it using the following command:

$ go install

This will create the executable under your $GOPATH/bin directory.

Ready-To-Use Releases

If you don't want to compile the sourcecode yourself, Here you can find the tool already compiled for:

  • MacOS
  • Linux
  • Windows

Why this tool?
