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Spec Transfer Process


The backend APIs fronted by API Management may be developed by a separate team in a different repository. The API Management configuration stored in /apim_templates is not a static set of files, and instead must change over time to accommodate changes in the backend APIs. As backend APIs change, their corresponding Open API Specs change as well. As new specs are created by the backend API team, the API Ops team must ingest the files and generate the required changes in API Management.


As new versions of a spec become available, new versions or revisions to an existing version should be created for the corresponding API Management API. Versions and revisions are captured in API Ops as entirely new folders within /apim_templates/apis. For reference, the Swagger Petstore API that has 3 versions (each with different spec) has the following corresponding folders in /apim_templates/apis:

  • swagger-petstore/
  • swagger-petstore-v2/
  • swagger-petstore-v3/

When a new version of a spec is released, a decision must be made whether the change is breaking or not. If the change is breaking, a new folder should be created in /apim_templates/apis that corresponds to the next available version. For the Swagger Petstore API, a new folder named swagger-petstore-v4 would be created. If the change is not breaking, a new folder should be created in /apim_templates/apis that corresponds to the next available revision for the version that the spec targets. For the Swagger Petstore API, if the spec referred to a revision to v3 of the API, a new folder named swagger-petstore-v3;rev=2 would be created. A subsequent revision would result in a new folder named swagger-petstore-v3;rev=3.

API Ops expects each API folder to contain the following files:

  • apiInformation.json, which contains the API configuration data
  • policy.xml, which contains the API Policy applied to all API Operations
  • specification.yaml, which contains the Open API Spec for the API

The specification.yaml file for a new version or revision will be the spec that is released by the backend API team. The apiInformation.json and policy.xml files from the previous versions or revisions should be used as templates to build the apiInformation.json and policy.xml files necessary for the newly created /apim_templates/apis folder. Generally, a new version's apiInformation.json will be nearly identical to the previous version's apiInformation.json file, with the apiVersion property updated. Similarly, a new revision's apiInformation.json will be nearly identical to the previous revision's apiInformation.json file, with the apiRevision, apiRevisionDescription, and isCurrent properties updated (only one revision may be current for each version). Additional properties may be updated, if necessary.

In addition to the APIM API configuration itself, the API may need to be associated with existing Products. API Ops Products are stored in the /apim_templates/products folder, where each Product has it's own directory that corresponds to its name. API Ops uses a few files to define Product configuration, but uses the /apim_templates/products/{PRODUCT_NAME}/apis.json file to set the APIs the Product should be associated with. Each apis.json file contains an array of API names that correspond to the folders in /apim_templates/apis. The name of the newly created /apim_templates/apis folder should be added to apis.json for each of the Products the new API version/revision should be associated with.

The backends, diagnostics, loggers, and named values folders in /apim_templates folder do not need to be updated on new spec changes. The url for the backend API does not change on spec updates and the monitoring configuration for the previous versions/revisions of the API will be applied to the new version/revision as well.

In total, when a new version or revision is created, a new folder should be created in /apim_templates/apis that includes the following files:

  • /apis/{API_NAME}/apiInformation.json
  • /apis/{API_NAME}/policy.xml
  • /apis/{API_NAME}/specification.yaml

And the apis.json file should be updated for each associated Product:

  • /products/{PRODUCT_NAME}/apis.json

Once the new folder and files are added and updated, the new configuration can be published to API Management.