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189 lines (144 loc) · 4.74 KB

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189 lines (144 loc) · 4.74 KB
theme info title hideInToc colorSchema fonts
## Codeg My first [Slidev]( presentations!
Codeg Theme
Fira Code

<Codeg> slidev theme

Presentations slides for developers

layout: quote titleHeader: deep thought

Nostrud do tempor sit deserunt cillum ullamco velit. Nulla aliqua veniam proident sint enim non est Lorem. Nostrud non exercitation minim nulla excepteur eiusmod sint. Quis qui et nostrud proident fugiat aliqua officia deserunt velit cillum. Ullamco sunt culpa minim velit minim. Est labore amet amet anim esse non ipsum cupidatat dolore dolor aliquip ullamco voluptate. --- Lewis V.

layout: section hideInToc: true

Layout section

Consequat esse aute cillum tempor.

title: Title 01 titleHeader: Title 01

What is Slidev?

Heading 2: The large title in the slide

Slidev is a slides maker and presenter designed for developers, consist of the following features

  • 📝 Text-based - focus on the content with Markdown, and then style them later
  • 🎨 Themable - theme can be shared and used with npm packages
  • 🧑‍💻 Developer Friendly - code highlighting, live coding with autocompletion
  • 🤹 Interactive - embedding Vue components to enhance your expressions
  • 🎥 Recording - built-in recording and camera view
  • 📤 Portable - export into PDF, PNGs, or even a hostable SPA
  • 🛠 Hackable - anything possible on a webpage

Read more about Why Slidev?

title: Title 02 titleHeader: Title 02 layout: image image: '' overlayClass: bg-[rgba(0,0,0,0.5)]

Image Layout

You can set your own background overlay with the overlayClass property.

  <div class="slidev-layout w-full h-full" :style="style">
      :class="['fixed inset-0 w-full h-full', props.overlayClass ? props.overlayClass : 'bg-[rgba(0,0,0,0.5)]']"
    <layout-header :titleHeader="props.titleHeader" />
    <div class="relative z-4">
      <slot />

title: Title 03 titleHeader: Title 03


Hover on the bottom-left corner to see the navigation's controls panel

Keyboard Shortcuts

space / tab / right next animation or slide
left / shiftspace previous animation or slide
up previous slide
down next slide

titleHeader: Title 03


Esse ea fugiat anim aliqua Lorem sit. Cupidatat occaecat veniam non nisi dolore dolore ullamco. Occaecat ad nulla duis veniam consectetur cillum fugiat commodo. Proident in Lorem ad ea. Et amet voluptate culpa in cillum. Labore fugiat sit esse cupidatat magna proident aliqua anim.

title: Title 04 titleHeader: Title 04 layout: image-left image: ''


Use code snippets and get the highlighting directly!

interface User {
  id: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  role: string

function updateUser(id: number, update: Partial<User>) {
  const user = getUser(id)
  const newUser = { ...user, ...update }
  saveUser(id, newUser)

title: Title 05 titleHeader: Title 05 layout: image-right image: ''


Use code snippets and get the highlighting directly!

interface User {
  id: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  role: string

function updateUser(id: number, update: Partial<User>) {
  const user = getUser(id)
  const newUser = { ...user, ...update }
  saveUser(id, newUser)

title: Title 06 titleHeader: Title 06 layout: two-cols


Laboris quis mollit exercitation tempor dolor pariatur. Ad voluptate velit deserunt enim ipsum in do ex eiusmod tempor. Velit nisi minim labore nulla fugiat quis est ea voluptate non adipisicing tempor. Sint reprehenderit nisi consectetur ipsum aute cupidatat elit ad aute commodo eiusmod. Eiusmod dolor voluptate elit do incididunt amet commodo.




title: Title 07 titleHeader: Title 07 layout: center class: text-center

Learn more of slidev, thanks

Documentations / GitHub Repo