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1. Guessing game 🤔

  • Objective: usage of a random number

The Mission

Hungry? No? If you really were not, then look at this picture for five minutes straight and come back.

It's typical Portuguese pastry. Unfortunately, there is only one left... we will make a little game to decide who will get it. If a player guesses a secret number, he or she wins it!

Okay, if you still pretend not to be hungry - the game goal will be to guess the wrong number

Must-have features

  • A secret number will be generated. To make things fair, the number should be between 1 and (learners in the class)
  • A user can enter a guess (what html element can be useful for this?)
  • When he or she pushes the "play" button, the number will be compared to the secret number
  • Depending on the outcome, an alert box will show:
    • Awesome! You number (actual number) was correct. You can be named many things, hungry not being one of them.
    • Bummer... You guessed (guess) and the secret number was (secret number).

Nice-to-have features

Show fun text: When a guess was just one number from the secret number, show another message: "So close, but you just missed it! Are you in a class that started on the thirteenth or what?"

Limit guessing turns: See if you can guess it in 10 turns or fewer. and show the correct answer in the end

Give hints: We'll tell you if your guess was too high or too low.

Color: give color to text depending on whether she is right: green, or wrong: red

Keep guessing until correct answer

Show game over and start new game buttons, or clear game-board

Show user guesses

Other guessing games?

2. Rock paper scissors 🗿📃✂️

Learning objectives

  • Select a random element
  • Conditional statements (if)

The Mission

You decide that kids these days only know about Fortnite and Tik Tok, but have no clue about great old games like a rock-paper-scissors game. Time to build the next viral (retro) game!

Must-have features: phase 1

  • Have three buttons that the player can press to pick their weapon of choice (feel free to use emoji's for this)
  • Have a play button to have the computer pick one randomly
  • Announce the winner -[ ] No alert box, add a message to your html. What does this mean is ... -[x] Possible outcomes: draw (when both chose the same thing) or player won/lost
Step by step guidance (up to you if you want it)
1. Create the HTML you need
    - Three buttons for the player to choose from
    - Player button to trigger the computer's turn
    - A message we can use to show the result. Put some temporary content ([a random message]() there to test the styling
2. Add some *basic* styling for those
3. Figure out a way to know when the "play" button was clicked (tip: you'll need `events` in JavaScript for that, and you'll need to `handle` those)
4. Next up, we want to determine the computer's choice
    - How many choices does the computer have? What can be a suitable datatype to store multiple things?
    - How can you select a random element from these choices? The math options in JavaScript might help you here
5. Determine the payers result: draw / win / lose. It's okay if this involves a lot of conditional statements (if)
6. Depending on the result, change the `inner html` (hint hint) of the message to congratulate or comfort the player

Must-have features: phase 2

  • Show a play again button after a game ended
  • Nice graphics
  • Different end message styling depending on the outcome (hint: you might need to add or remove classes via JavaScript for this)
  • If you want, you can add a fun factor by changing the three choices
  • Clean your code
    • Delete unused code or out of date comments
    • Try to write hard to understand parts in a way that's easier to understand for other developers
    • Can you use functions to make your code easier to read or reuse?

Nice-to-have features

  • Add extra options for the player: lizard & spock
  • Keep track of the score after multiple games
  • Show what the player picked by highlighting the correct button
  • Add more options for a player to choose from (example: a risky option that awards more points but has a higher chance of losing)
  • Add even more options (but avoid using 100 if statements)
  • Can you make a player win 100% of the games? Or win 75%? (not to raise any suspicion)

You've got this!


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