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241 lines (149 loc) · 9.11 KB


File metadata and controls

241 lines (149 loc) · 9.11 KB



Never push to master. Always create a new branch for changes, rebase your branch with master git pull --rebase origin master and use the branch for creating a pull-request to merge with master. This keeps master mergeable for everyone for all development.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


Development Workflow

Changes should be tested properly ( "it compiles" is not sufficient ). We use the git rebase workflow.

New User

This is for users who do not have write access to UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers to make branches. Instead, they fork and write their changes to their own repository and submit pull-requests.

  • For very new users, you may want to setup SSH key access to your personal repository. To do this, follow the instructions at Generating SSH keys. So you go here: and just click the 'Fork' at top right. This forks a copy into your account (yourAccount/xAODAnaHelpers). Next, clone it. Set the upstream:

    git clone
    cd xAODAnaHelpers
    git remote add upstream

Make your changes, and when you are ready to submit a pull-request, do the following first:

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

to make sure your code is up to date with the forked repository. You will want to rebase all of your changes into a single commit if you wish, and that can be done via:

git rebase -i HEAD~N

where N is the number of commits to rebase. Then you just follow the instructions. Take care not to rebase through commits that are already on master of the upstream repo. Then submit a pull-request! See for information on this.

After the pull-request has been merged, you can bring yourself up to date with:

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

Trusted Dev User

In this case, you have write access to this repository. Any new feature you wish to add will need to be in a new branch:

git checkout -b feature/newFeature

and then make your commits... then maybe rebase all commits into a few good ones:

git rebase -i HEAD~N

where N is the number of commits to rebase. And then rebase with master to make sure your branch is as up-to-date as possible when making the pull-request:

git pull --rebase origin master

and push your commits to the remote (setting upstream):

git push -u origin newFeature

and then submit a pull request by going to xAODAnaHelpers, finding your branch, and making a pull request (usually shiny green buttons). When it's been merged, you can run:

git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin master
git remote prune origin

to delete your local copy of the branch after bringing your local copy up to date.

Helpful Suggestions

Changing Author Info

See for more information.

Renaming lots of tags

git tag -l "xAODAnaHelpers*" |
cut -d "-" -f 2-4 |
while read ref
  git tag "$ref" "xAODAnaHelpers-$ref"
  git tag -d "xAODAnaHelpers-$ref"
  git push origin ":refs/tags/xAODAnaHelpers-$ref"
  git push --tags

Tagging and releasing on svn

Only a few people should be doing this. Encourage folks to checkout tags using git. Here are my general steps:

git clone xAHGIT
svn co svn+ssh:// xAODAnaHelpers
mv xAHGIT/.git xAODAnaHelpers/.git
rm -rf xAHGIT
cd xAODAnaHelpers

At this point, I need to reset all changes locally (these are due to svn):

git reset HEAD --hard

and then I can look at the changes with:

git status

If I'm happy with things on the git side, I move over to svn side with:

svn status

and make sure any new files to add svn add newFile and remove svn del oldFile are dealt with. Then I can commit to trunk:

svn commit -m "Release a tag for xAH"

then I can copy trunk to my new tag xx-yy-zz:

svn copy svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://

and I should be good to go.

Skimming new test files

In order to skim some new test files, I use athena:


with the following python file executed via on an input.root file

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool

svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = ['input.root']

from GaudiSequencer.PyComps import PyEvtFilter
filterseq = CfgMgr.AthSequencer("AthFilterSeq")
#filterseq += PyEvtFilter("MyFilter",evt_list=[18559067]) #will execute main sequence only for these eventnumbers

# Create a POOL output file with the StoreGate contents:
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
xaodStream = MSMgr.NewPoolRootStream( "StreamXAOD", "xAOD.root" )

DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00'

# Set up its contents:
xaodStream.GetEventStream().TakeItemsFromInput = True
#needed to have xAOD readable outside athena (but I thought this is not needed any more?)
#theApp.CreateSvc += [ "xAODMaker::EventFormatSvc" ]


which will skim 5 events. I've found that sometimes it will not work because of the wrong geometry information specified, eg:

GeoModelSvc         ERROR *** *** Geometry configured through jobOptions does not match TagInfo tags! *** ***
GeoModelSvc          INFO ** Job Option configuration:
GeoModelSvc          INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-R2-2015-01-01-00
GeoModelSvc          INFO ** TAG INFO configuration:
GeoModelSvc          INFO * ATLAS tag: ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00

and I just have to change the line in the above python file:

DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00'

to match the correct geometry. Ask Giordon Stark for more information if you're stuck.

Files with trigger data

On tier3, we have MC:


13 TeV data:


which are useful for testing using:

test_multiAlgo submitDir /atlas/uct3/data/users/fizisist/xAOD <sample> <root file>


As a follow-up on the discussions in yesterday's meeting, xAOD decorations can be assigned and read more efficiently defining an decorators/accessors, since auxdata requires a string-comparison search for the correct branch on every call, whereas the static accessor finds this once and then no longer has the overhead.

You can define a decorator static SG::AuxElement::Decorator<char> dec_baseline("baseline"); which then can be used like dec_baseline(input) = isbaseline; and then in your code you can replace:




These are the relevant lines of code inside SUSYObjDef _xAOD:

In SUSYToolsTester there is also an example of an AuxElement::Accessor like this:

static SG::AuxElement::Accessor<int> acc_truthType("truthType");
if (acc_truthType.isAvailable(*trackParticle)  ) muonTruthType = acc_truthType(*trackParticle);


Note that the difference between accessors and decorators is that accessors are for auxdata branches in general but will not let you modify a const object, whereas Decorators permit adding information to const collections.

TString versus std::string

I've noticed that TString slows us down a little bit, so try to use std::string where possible. Code changes and equivalencies look like:


m_event->retrieve(jets, m_inContainerName.Data());
m_event->retrieve(jets, m_inContainerName);

Info("%s", m_inContainerName.Data());
Info("%s", m_inContainerName.c_str());