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This tool is developed to scrape twitter data, process the data, and then create either an unsupervised network to identify interesting patterns or can be designed to specifically verify a concept or idea.


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TwitterSentimentAnalysisTool (TSAT)

A highly adaptable tool for analyzing twitter data. Auto scrapes Tweets based on user keyword from the previous week and applies a naive bayes classifier to analyze sentiment. Comes prebuilt with a docker postgres server managed by pgadmin Includes graphical visuals to analyze and categorize data.

Basic Usage:

  1. Clone the project
  2. Install docker and docker-compose (not listed in requirements.txt)
  3. Install requirements.txt
  4. In terminal navigate to the project and cd to Docker
  5. sudo docker-compose up
  6. Check localhost:5555 and sign in to postgres using 'user' and 'password' as email and password respectively
  7. create a server with the login 'user' and 'password' and the network 172.XX.0.1 - Look at the terminal for the ip address to fill in the XX
  8. Go to .env file and set environment variables (Assumes you created a twitter app)
  9. Run, classify tweets and view projections

Important References:

Advanced Usage: The tool consists of a series of classes for managing and classifying twitterdata documented here:


  • Constructor: * Initializes all the tweet properties to none. Properties include: {Text, User, Retweet_Count, Date, Favorite Count, Follower Count, Nlp Score, Given Score, Tokenized Text
  • insert_custom_value(name, value): * Allows user to add a custom tweet property
  • add_{insert_property}(property): * Allows users to update defined properties
  • add_tweet_json(tweet) * When referencing the twitter API, tweets are returned in Json. This parses the json into a tweet obj
  • add_tweet(text,user, favorite_count, retweet_count, follower_count, date, nlp_score, given_score, tokenized_text): * Allows the user to add multiple properties at once. None of the properties are required


  • Constructor: * Initializes the dict for storing counds a begins indexing
  • insert_data(tweet) * Inserts a tweet
  • remove_{insert_property}(property): * Removes any tweets in the list matching the proeprty
  • generate_random_tweet_list(size): * Returns a random subset of current tweet list (used to make test and training sets)


  • Constructor(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_key): * Initializes conncetion with twitter api. Access token and key not required
  • search(keyword, user, start_date, end_date): * Searches twitter and returns a tweet list. Keyword is the only reqauired value. Combinations of {keyword, user},{keyword, user, start_date, end_date}, and {keyword,end_date} are supported
  • get_weekly_tweets(keyword): * Gets tweets containing the keyword from the past week
  • list_members(user, slug): * Gets members of a list
  • get_valuable_users(base_user): * Gets all members of all base_users lists
  • users_lists(user): * Gets user lists

Data_To_Csv (Not used in Default Main)

  • Constructor: * Does nothing
  • write_data_to_csv(tweet_list, file_name): * Writes tweets to a csv file at the file_name path. File_name defaults to src/Database/output/tweetlist.csv
  • read_data_from_csv(file_name): * Reads tweets from a csv file and parses into a TweetList obj
  • write_userlist_to_csv(userlist, file_name): * Writes a list of users to a csv file at the file_name path. File_name defaults to src/Database/output/userlist.csv
  • read_userlist_from_csv(file_name): * Reads a column of users from csv. Returns python list


  • Constructor(user, password, host, port): * Attempts to initalize db
  • create_table(name, column_name, column_type): * Creates a table in the db with all column names in the vector column_name and their corresponding column_type. The number of column names and types must be equivalent.
  • num_rows(table_name, column_name): * Returns the number of rows in a column
  • update_column_by_id(table_name, column_name, tweet_id, new_value): * Updates the specified column name with a new value any time the id is the tweet_id
  • update_column_by_text(table_name, column_name, text, new_value): * Updates the specified column name with a new value any time the text is equal to the text param
  • insert_tweet(table_name, tweet_id, tweet): * Inserts a specific tweet
  • insert_tweet_list(table_name, tweet_list): * Inserts all tweets in order of their storage in tweet_list
  • parse_db_into_tweet_list(name): * Parses all tweets in the named table into tweet objs and then stores them in a TweetList obj


  • Constructor: * Builds stop words
  • process_tweets(list_tweets): * Tokenizes a list of tweets and returns their associated tokenized array and label
  • generate_token_array(token_arr): * Transforms the multiarray tokenized list of tweets into single dim array for inserting into db


  • Constructor(data, db, db_name): * Initializes Widget Values. Set data equal to training set to classify tweets
  • Classify: * Creates a ui for easily self-classifying tweets for the training set. Automatically updates DB\


  • constructor(db): * Sets inital values
  • generate_projections(db_name, column_name): * Gathers all manually classified tweet scores and assigns values
  • build_projections_histogram: * Displays a histogram of manually classified results
  • create_classification_plot(pos_score, neg_score, neutral_score, irr_score): * Displays a histogram of given params. Used to display results from NaiveBayes Classification Tool


This tool is developed to scrape twitter data, process the data, and then create either an unsupervised network to identify interesting patterns or can be designed to specifically verify a concept or idea.






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