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Add units 'numeric' arg, add docs snippets, cleanup
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lukelbd committed Aug 16, 2021
1 parent 51d480d commit 88f3dc8
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 95 deletions.
235 changes: 140 additions & 95 deletions proplot/
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Various tools that may be useful while making plots.
# WARNING: Cannot import 'rc' anywhere in this file or we get circular import
# issues. The rc param validators need functions in this file.
import re
from numbers import Integral, Number
from numbers import Integral, Real

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.font_manager as mfonts
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib import rcParams as rc_matplotlib

from .externals import hsluv
from .internals import ic # noqa: F401
from .internals import docstring, warnings
from .internals import _not_none, docstring, warnings

__all__ = [
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'shade', # deprecated
'saturate', # deprecated

NUMBER = re.compile(r'\A([-+]?[0-9._]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)(.*)\Z')
UNIT_REGEX = re.compile(
r'\A([-+]?[0-9._]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)(.*)\Z' # float with trailing units
'in': 1.0,
'ft': 12.0,
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'dm': 3.937,
'cm': 0.3937,
'mm': 0.03937,
'pt': 1 / 72.0,
'pc': 1 / 6.0,
'pt': 1 / 72.0,
'ly': 3.725e+17,

# Shared parameters

# Unit docstrings
# NOTE: Try to fit this into a single line. Cannot break up with newline as that will
# mess up docstring indentation since this is placed in indented param lines.
_units_docstring = (
'If float, units are {units}. If string, interpreted by `~proplot.utils.units`.'
docstring.snippets[''] = _units_docstring.format(units='points')
docstring.snippets[''] = _units_docstring.format(units='inches')
docstring.snippets['units.em'] = _units_docstring.format(units='em-widths')

# Color docstrings
docstring.snippets['param.rgba'] = """
color : color-spec
The color. Sanitized with `to_rgba`.
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The hue-saturation-luminance-like colorspace used to transform the color.
Default is the perceptually uniform colorspace ``'hcl'``.

# Shared return values
docstring.snippets['return.hex'] = """
color : str
A HEX string.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,6 +487,35 @@ def set_alpha(color, alpha):
return to_hex(color)

def _translate_cycle_color(color, cycle=None):
Parse the input cycle color.
if isinstance(cycle, str):
from .colors import _cmap_database
cycle = _cmap_database[cycle].colors
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
cycles = sorted(
name for name, cmap in _cmap_database.items()
if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap)
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid color cycle {cycle!r}. Options are: '
+ ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.'
elif cycle is None:
cycle = rc_matplotlib['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()
if 'color' not in cycle:
cycle = ['k']
cycle = cycle['color']
raise ValueError(f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}.')

return cycle[int(color[-1]) % len(cycle)]

def to_hex(color, space='rgb', cycle=None, keep_alpha=True):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,37 +593,16 @@ def to_rgba(color, space='rgb', cycle=None):
# Convert color cycle strings
# Translate color cycle strings
if isinstance(color, str) and re.match(r'\AC[0-9]\Z', color):
if isinstance(cycle, str):
from .colors import _cmap_database
cycle = _cmap_database[cycle].colors
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
cycles = sorted(
name for name, cmap in _cmap_database.items()
if isinstance(cmap, mcolors.ListedColormap)
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}. Options are: '
+ ', '.join(map(repr, cycles)) + '.'
elif cycle is None:
cycle = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()
if 'color' not in cycle:
cycle = ['k']
cycle = cycle['color']
raise ValueError(f'Invalid cycle {cycle!r}.')
color = cycle[int(color[-1]) % len(cycle)]
color = _translate_cycle_color(color, cycle=cycle)

# Translate RGB strings and (colormap, index) tuples
opacity = 1
if isinstance(color, str) or np.iterable(color) and len(color) == 2:
*color, opacity = mcolors.to_rgba(color) # ensure is valid color
except (ValueError, TypeError):
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.')

# Pull out alpha channel
Expand All @@ -594,7 +617,7 @@ def to_rgba(color, space='rgb', cycle=None):
if any(c > 2 for c in color):
color = [c / 255 for c in color] # scale to within 0-1
color = tuple(color)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid RGB argument {color!r}.')
elif space == 'hsv':
color = hsluv.hsl_to_rgb(*color)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,8 +704,28 @@ def to_xyza(color, space='hcl'):
return (*color, opacity)

def _fontsize_to_pt(size):
Translate font preset size or unit string to points.
scalings = mfonts.font_scalings
if not isinstance(size, str):
return size
if size in mfonts.font_scalings:
return rc_matplotlib['font.size'] * scalings[size]
return units(size, 'pt')
except ValueError:
raise KeyError(
f'Invalid font size {size!r}. Can be points or one of the preset scalings: '
+ ', '.join(f'{key!r} ({value})' for key, value in scalings.items()) + '.'

@warnings._rename_kwargs('0.6', units='dest')
def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True):
def units(
value, numeric=None, dest=None, *, axes=None, figure=None, width=True, fontsize=None
Convert values and lists of values between arbitrary physical units. This
is used internally all over ProPlot, permitting flexible units for various
Expand All @@ -691,10 +734,11 @@ def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True):
value : float or str or list thereof
A size specifier or *list thereof*. If numeric, nothing is done.
If string, it is converted to the units `dest`. The string should look
like ``'123.456unit'``, where the number is the magnitude and
``'unit'`` is one of the following.
A size specifier or *list thereof*. If numeric, units are converted from
`numeric` to `dest`. If string, units are converted to `dest` according
to the string specifier. The string should look like ``'123.456unit'``,
where the number is the magnitude and ``'unit'`` matches a key in
the below table.
.. _units_table ::
Expand All @@ -708,8 +752,8 @@ def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True):
``'yd'`` Yards
``'ft'`` Feet
``'in'`` Inches
``'pt'`` `Points <pt_>`_ (1/72 inches)
``'pc'`` `Pica <pc_>`_ (1/6 inches)
``'pt'`` `Points <pt_>`_ (1/72 inches)
``'px'`` Pixels on screen, using dpi of :rcraw:`figure.dpi`
``'pp'`` Pixels once printed, using dpi of :rcraw:`savefig.dpi`
``'em'`` `Em square <em_>`_ for :rcraw:`font.size`
Expand All @@ -726,28 +770,28 @@ def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True):
.. _em:
.. _en:
numeric : str, optional
The units associated with numeric input. Default is inches.
dest : str, optional
The destination units. Default is inches, i.e. ``'in'``.
The destination units. Default is the same as `numeric`.
axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
The axes to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1ax'``.
figure : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional
The figure to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1fig'``. If
``None`` we try to get the figure from ``axes.figure``.
The figure to use for scaling units that look like ``'0.1fig'``.
If ``None`` we try to get the figure from ``axes.figure``.
width : bool, optional
Whether to use the width or height for the axes and figure relative
# Font unit scales
# NOTE: Delay font_manager import, because want to avoid rebuilding font
# cache, which means import must come after TTFPATH added to environ
# by register_fonts()!
fontsize_small = rcParams['font.size'] # must be absolute
fontsize_large = rcParams['axes.titlesize']
if isinstance(fontsize_large, str):
scale = mfonts.font_scalings.get(fontsize_large, 1)
fontsize_large = fontsize_small * scale

Whether to use the width or height for the axes and figure
relative coordinates.
fontsize : size-spec, optional
The font size in points used for scaling. Default is
:rcraw:`font.size` for ``em`` and ``en`` units and
:rcraw:`axes.titlesize` for ``Em`` and ``En`` units.
# Scales for converting physical units to inches
fontsize_small = _not_none(fontsize, rc_matplotlib['font.size']) # always absolute
fontsize_small = _fontsize_to_pt(fontsize_small)
fontsize_large = _not_none(fontsize, rc_matplotlib['axes.titlesize'])
fontsize_large = _fontsize_to_pt(fontsize_large)
unit_dict = UNIT_DICT.copy()
'em': fontsize_small / 72.0,
Expand All @@ -758,62 +802,63 @@ def units(value, dest='in', axes=None, figure=None, width=True):

# Scales for converting display units to inches
# WARNING: In ipython shell these take the value 'figure'
if not isinstance(rcParams['figure.dpi'], str):
# once generated by backend
unit_dict['px'] = 1 / rcParams['figure.dpi']
if not isinstance(rcParams['savefig.dpi'], str):
# once 'printed' i.e. saved
unit_dict['pp'] = 1 / rcParams['savefig.dpi']
if not isinstance(rc_matplotlib['figure.dpi'], str):
unit_dict['px'] = 1 / rc_matplotlib['figure.dpi'] # once generated by backend
if not isinstance(rc_matplotlib['savefig.dpi'], str):
unit_dict['pp'] = 1 / rc_matplotlib['savefig.dpi'] # once 'printed' i.e. saved

# Scales relative to axes and figure objects
if axes is not None and hasattr(axes, 'get_size_inches'): # proplot axes
unit_dict['ax'] = axes.get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)]
if axes is not None and hasattr(axes, '_get_size_inches'): # proplot axes
unit_dict['ax'] = axes._get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)]
if figure is None:
figure = getattr(axes, 'figure', None)
if figure is not None and hasattr(
figure, 'get_size_inches'): # proplot axes
if figure is not None and hasattr(figure, 'get_size_inches'):
unit_dict['fig'] = figure.get_size_inches()[1 - int(width)]

# Scale for converting inches to arbitrary other unit
if numeric is None and dest is None:
numeric = dest = 'in'
elif numeric is None:
numeric = dest
elif dest is None:
dest = numeric
options = 'Valid units are ' + ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict)) + '.'
scale = unit_dict[dest]
nscale = unit_dict[numeric]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid destination units {dest!r}. Valid units are '
+ ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.'
raise ValueError(f'Invalid numeric units {numeric!r}. ' + options)
dscale = unit_dict[dest]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid destination units {dest!r}. ' + options)

# Convert units for each value in list
result = []
singleton = not np.iterable(value) or isinstance(value, str)
for val in ((value,) if singleton else value):
if val is None or isinstance(val, Number):
# Silently pass None
if val is None:
elif not isinstance(val, str):
raise ValueError(
f'Size spec must be string or number or list thereof. '
f'Got {value!r}.'
regex = NUMBER.match(val)
if not regex:
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid size spec {val!r}. Valid units are '
+ ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.'
number, units = regex.groups() # second group is exponential
float(number) * (unit_dict[units] / scale if units else 1)
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid size spec {val!r}. Valid units are '
+ ', '.join(map(repr, unit_dict.keys())) + '.'
if singleton:
result = result[0]
return result
# Get unit string
if isinstance(val, Real):
number, units = val, None
elif isinstance(val, str):
regex = UNIT_REGEX.match(val)
if regex:
number, units = regex.groups() # second group is exponential
raise ValueError(f'Invalid unit size spec {val!r}.')
raise ValueError(f'Invalid unit size spec {val!r}.')
# Convert with units
if not units:
result.append(float(number) * nscale / dscale)
elif units in unit_dict:
result.append(float(number) * unit_dict[units] / dscale)
raise ValueError(f'Invalid input units {units!r}. ' + options)
return result[0] if singleton else result

# Deprecations
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