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The code should be documented enough to make this library easy to use for anyone familiar with blockchain technology and especially the Tendermint engine and the Cosmos SDK.


A couple examples to help you get started.


import { LumWalletFactory, LumClient, LumTypes, LumUtils, LumConstants, LumMessages } from '@lum-network/sdk-javascript';

Software wallets


// Create a new cryptographically secure random mnemonic
const mnemonic = LumUtils.generateMnemonic(12);

// Create a wallet instance based on this fresh mnemonic
const wallet = await LumWalletFactory.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);

Private key

// Create a new cryptographically secure random private key
const privateKey = LumUtils.generatePrivateKey();

// Create a wallet instance based on this fresh private key
const wallet = await LumWalletFactory.fromPrivateKey(mnemonic);
console.log(`Wallet address: ${wallet.getAddress()}`);

// Create a wallet instance based on an hexadecimal private key (ex: user input - 0x is optional)
const hexPrivateKey = '0xb8e62c34928025cdd3aef6cbebc68694b5ad9209b2aff6d3891c8e61d22d3a3b';
const existingWallet = await LumWalletFactory.fromPrivateKey(LumUtils.keyFromHex(hexPrivateKey));
console.log(`Existing wallet address: ${wallet.getAddress()}`);


// Create a random private key for the sake of this example
const privateKey = LumUtils.generatePrivateKey();
// Create a keystore (or consume user input)
const keystore = LumUtils.generateKeyStore(privateKey, 'some-password');
const wallet = await LumWalletFactory.fromKeyStore(keystore, 'some-password');
console.log(`Wallet address: ${wallet.getAddress()}`);

Hardware wallets


  • Transaction signature using Ledger only works with legacy amino (wich will be deprecated at some point)
  • Derivation path using the Cosmos Ledger application cannot be set to the default Lum Path for now m/44'/880'/0'/*/* and must remain on the Cosmos path m/44'/'118/0'/*/*


The SDK only provides access to the Ledger API using a provided Transport. Ledger transport must be initialized and handled by the code using the SDK.

See LedgerHQ/ledgerjs documentation for more information.

import TransportNodeHid from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid';

// Connect your ledger device
// Unlock it
// Open the Cosmos application

// Create a Node HID transport
const transport = await TransportNodeHid.create();

// Create the ledger based wallet instance
const wallet = await LumWalletFactory.fromLedgerTransport(transport, `m/44'/118'/0'/0/0`, 'lum');

// Change account to 1 and wallet to 1 (optional)
await wallet.useAccount(`m/44'/118'/0'/1/1`, 'lum');

// Get account information
const account = await client.getAccount(wallet.getAddress());
if (account === null) {
    console.log('Account: not found');
} else {
    console.log(`Account: ${account.address}, ${account.accountNumber}, ${account.sequence}`);

Connect to the testnet

// Use to connect to the mainnet
const client = await LumClient.connect('');

Account information & balance

Get account information

const account = await client.getAccount(wallet.getAddress());
if (account === null) {
    console.log('Account: not found');
} else {
    console.log(`Account: ${account.address}, ${account.accountNumber}, ${account.sequence}`);

Get account balances

const balances = await client.getAllBalances(wallet.getAddress(), undefined);
if (balances.length === 0) {
    console.log('Balances: empty account');
} else {
        `Balances: ${ => {
            coin.denom + ': ' + coin.amount;


Get account transactions (sent and received)

// The client search feature supports multiple searches and merge+sort the results
const transactions = await client.searchTx([LumUtils.searchTxFrom(wallet.getAddress()), LumUtils.searchTxTo(wallet.getAddress())]);
console.log(`Transactions: ${ => tx.hash).join(', ')}`);

Send transaction

// Build transaction message (Send 100 LUM)
const sendMsg = LumMessages.BuildMsgSend(wallet.getAddress(), toAddress, [{ denom: LumConstants.LumDenom, amount: '100' }]);
// Define fees (1 LUM)
const fee = {
    amount: [{ denom: LumConstants.LumDenom, amount: '1' }],
    gas: '100000',
// Fetch account number and sequence
const account = await client.getAccount(wallet.getAddress());
// Create the transaction document
const doc = {
    fee: fee,
    memo: 'my transaction memo',
    messages: [sendMsg],
    signers: [
            accountNumber: account.accountNumber,
            sequence: account.sequence,
            publicKey: wallet.getPublicKey(),
// Sign and broadcast the transaction using the client
const broadcastResult = await client.signAndBroadcastTx(w1, doc);
// Verify the transaction was succesfully broadcasted and made it into a block
console.log(`Broadcast success: ${LumUtils.broadcastTxCommitSuccess(broadcastResult)}`);

Query Millions

const deposits = await client.queryClient.millions.deposits();
// query with account deposits - pass the desired pagination
const accountDeposit = await client.queryClient.millions.accountDeposits({ depositorAddress: deposit.depositorAddress, pagination: undefined });
const withdrawals = await client.queryClient.millions.withdrawals();
// query with account withdrawals - pass the desired pagination
const accountWithdrawals = await client.queryClient.millions.accountWithdrawals({ depositorAddress: withdrawal.depositorAddress, pagination: undefined });
const prizes = await client.queryClient.millions.prizes();
const draws = await client.queryClient.millions.draws();

Use all tendermint RPCs

The underlying tendermint client is directly accessible via the .tmClient property of the LumClient.

const health = await;
const status = await client.tmClient.status();
const genesis = await client.tmClient.genesis();
const latestBlock = await client.tmClient.block();

Use all modules RPCs

The underlying query client is directly accessible via the .queryClient property of the LumClient.

It allows to directly query all modules endpoints such as:

const supplies = await;
// [{ denom: 'lum', amount: '1000000' }]

Message signature & verification

Sign a message

const message = 'Lum network is an awesome decentralized protocol';
const signedPayload = await wallet.signMessage(message);
// { address, publicKey, msg, sig, version, signer }
const validSig = await LumUtils.verifySignMsg(signedPayload);
// true
const invalidSig = await LumUtils.verifySignMsg(Object.assign(signedPayload, { msg: 'Wrong message input' }));
// false