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AppInsights SDK iOS (1.0-alpha.2)


This article describes how to integrate AppInsights into your iOS apps. The SDK allows to send application metrics (events, traces, metrics, and pageviews) to the server.

This document contains the following sections:


The SDK runs on devices with iOS 6.0 or higher.

Download & Extract

  1. Download the latest AppInsights SDK for iOS framework.

  2. Unzip the file. A new folder AppInsights is created.

  3. Move the folder into your project directory. We usually put 3rd-party code into a subdirectory named Vendor, so we move the directory into it.

Set up Xcode

  1. Drag & drop AppInsights.framework from your project directory to your Xcode project.
  2. Similar to above, our projects have a group Vendor, so we drop it there.
  3. Select Create groups for any added folders and set the checkmark for your target. Then click Finish.
  4. Select your project in the Project Navigator (⌘+1).
  5. Select your app target.
  6. Select the tab Build Phases.
  7. Expand Link Binary With Libraries.
  8. Add the following system frameworks, if they are missing:
    • Foundation
    • SystemConfiguration
    • UIKit
    • CoreTelephony(only required if iOS > 7.0)
  9. Open the info.plist of your app target and add a new field of type String. Name it MSAIInstrumentationKey and set your AppInsights instrumentation key as its value.

Modify Code


  1. Open your AppDelegate.m file.

  2. Add the following line at the top of the file below your own #import statements:

    #import <AppInsights/AppInsights.h>
  3. Search for the method application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

  4. Add the following lines to setup and start the AppInsights SDK:

    [[MSAIAppInsights sharedInstance] setup];
    // Do some additional configuration if needed here
    [[MSAIAppInsights sharedInstance] start];

    You can also use the following shortcut:

    [MSAIAppInsights setup];
    [MSAIAppInsights start];
  5. Send some data to the server:

    // Send an event with custom properties and measuremnts data
    [MSAIMetricsManager trackEventWithName:@"Hello World event!"
    							properties:@{@"Test property 1":@"Some value",
    										 @"Test property 2":@"Some other value"}
    						   mesurements:@{@"Test measurement 1":@(4.8),
    										 @"Test measurement 2":@(15.16),
    	                                	 @"Test measurement 3":@(23.42)}];
    // Send a message
    [MSAIMetricsManager trackTraceWithMessage:@"Test message"];
    // Manually send pageviews (note: this will also be done automatically)
    [MSAIMetricsManager trackPageView:@"MyViewController"
    				 	   properties:@{@"Test measurement 1":@(4.8)}];
    // Send custom metrics
    [MSAIMetricsManager trackMetricWithName:@"Test metric" 

Note: The SDK is optimized to defer everything possible to a later time while making sure e.g. crashes on startup can also be caught and each module executes other code with a delay some seconds. This ensures that applicationDidFinishLaunching will process as fast as possible and the SDK will not block the startup sequence resulting in a possible kill by the watchdog process.


  1. Open your AppDelegate.swift file.

  2. Add the following line at the top of the file below your own #import statements:

    #import AppInsights
  3. Search for the method

    application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool`
  4. Add the following lines to setup and start the AppInsights SDK:


    You can also use the following shortcut:

  5. Send some data to the server:

    // Send an event with custom properties and measuremnts data
    MSAIMetricsManager.trackEventWithName(name:"Hello World event!", 
    								properties:@{"Test property 1":"Some value",
    											 "Test property 2":"Some other value"},
    							   mesurements:@{"Test measurement 1":@(4.8),
    											 "Test measurement 2":@(15.16),
    										     "Test measurement 3":@(23.42)});
    // Send a message
    MSAIMetricsManager.trackTraceWithMessage(message:"Test message");
    // Manually send pageviews
    							   properties:@{"Test measurement 1":@(4.8)});
    // Send a message
    MSAIMetricsManager.trackMetricWithName(name:"Test metric",


At this point exceptions as well as other telemetry data are sent to different endpoints. By default the following endpoints are used to work with the Azure portal:

  • Exceptions:
  • Telemetry Data:

To change those endpoints open the AppInsights.h file and change the following define statements:

#define MSAI_CRASH_DATA_URL   @""
#define MSAI_EVENT_DATA_URL   @""

iOS 8 Extensions

The following points need to be considered to use AppInsights SDK iOS with iOS 8 Extensions:

  1. Each extension is required to use the same values for version (CFBundleShortVersionString) and build number (CFBundleVersion) as the main app uses. (This is required only if you are using the same MSAIInstrumentationKey for your app and extensions).

  2. You need to make sure the SDK setup code is only invoked once. Since there is no applicationDidFinishLaunching: equivalent and viewDidLoad can run multiple times, you need to use a setup like the following example:

    @interface TodayViewController () <NCWidgetProviding>
    @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL didSetupAppInsightsSDK;
    @implementation TodayViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    	[super viewDidLoad];
    	if (!self.didSetupAppInsightsSDK) {
    		[MSAIAppInsights setup];
    		[MSAIAppInsights start];
          self.didSetupAppInsightsSDK = YES;

Additional Options

Set up with xcconfig

Instead of manually adding the missing frameworks, you can also use our bundled xcconfig file.

  1. Select your project in the Project Navigator (⌘+1).

  2. Select your project.

  3. Select the tab Info.

  4. Expand Configurations.

  5. Select AppInsights.xcconfig for all your configurations (if you don't already use a .xcconfig file)

    Note: You can also add the required frameworks manually to your targets Build Phases and continue with step 7. instead.

  6. If you are already using a .xcconfig file, simply add the following line to it

    #include "../Vendor/AppInsights/Support/AppInsights.xcconfig"

    (Adjust the path depending where the Project.xcconfig file is located related to the Xcode project package)

    Important note: Check if you overwrite any of the build settings and add a missing $(inherited) entry on the projects build settings level, so the AppInsights.xcconfig settings will be passed through successfully.

  7. If you are getting build warnings, then the .xcconfig setting wasn't included successfully or its settings in Other Linker Flags get ignored because $(inherited) is missing on project or target level. Either add $(inherited) or link the following frameworks manually in Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases:

    • Foundation
    • SystemConfiguration
    • UIKit
    • CoreTelephony(only required if iOS > 7.0)


Microsoft Application Insights SDK for iOS







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