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Image Stacks

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We can download the data needed for this tutorial directly from Zenodo using Pylake. Since we don't want it in our working folder, we'll put it in a folder called "test_data":

filenames = lk.download_from_doi("10.5281/zenodo.7729700", "test_data")

Bluelake has the ability to export videos from different cameras as TIF files. These videos can be opened using :class:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack`:

stack = lk.ImageStack("test_data/stack.tiff")  # Loading a stack.

Long videos are exported as a set of multiple files due to the size constraint on the TIF format. In this case, you can supply the filenames consecutively (i.e. lk.ImageStack("tiff1.tiff", "tiff2.tiff")) to treat them as a single object.

Full color RGB fluorescence images recorded with the widefield or TIRF functionality are automatically reconstructed using the alignment matrices from Bluelake, if available. This functionality can be turned off with the optional align keyword. Note that the align parameter has to be provided as a keyworded argument:

raw_stack = lk.ImageStack("test_data/stack.tiff", align=False)

Slicing and cropping

We can slice the stack by frame index:

stack_slice = stack[2:10]  # Grab frame 3 to 9

or by time:

stack["2s":"10s"]  # Slice from 2 to 10 seconds from beginning of the stack

You can also spatially crop to select a smaller region of interest:

# pixel coordinates as x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
stack_roi = stack_slice.crop_by_pixels(10, 400, 10, 120)

Cropping can be useful, for instance, after applying color alignment to RGB images since many of the pixels near the edges don't have data. We can see this by plotting just the "red" channel (details of the plotting method are explained in the next section):



Alternatively, you can crop directly by slicing the stack:

# slice with [frames, rows (y), columns (x)]
# equivalent to stack[2:10].crop_by_pixels(10, 400, 10, 120)
stack[2:10, 10:120, 10:400]

Here the first index can be used to select a subset of frames and the second and third indices perform a cropping operation. Note how the axes are switched when compared to :meth:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.crop_by_pixels()` to follow the numpy convention (rows and then columns).

You can also obtain the image stack data as a :class:`numpy array <numpy.ndarray>` using the :meth:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.get_image()` method:

red_data = stack.get_image(channel="red") # shape = [n_frames, y_pixels, x_pixels]
rgb_data = stack.get_image(channel="rgb") # shape = [n_frames, y_pixels, x_pixels, 3 channels]

Plotting and exporting

Pylake provides a convenience :meth:`plot()<lumicks.ImageStack.plot>` method to quickly visualize your data. For details and examples see the :doc:`plotting_images` section.

The stack can also be exported to TIFF format:

stack_roi[3:7].export_tiff("aligned_short_stack.tiff")  # export a slice of the ImageStack

Image stacks can also be exported to video formats. Exporting the red channel as a GIF can be done as follows:

    adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(20, 99, mode="percentile")

Or if we want to export a subset of frames (the first frame being 2, and the last frame being 7) of all three channels at a frame rate of 2 frames per second, we can do this:

    adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(20, 99, mode="percentile")

You can also export a video including correlated channel data by providing :meth:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.export_video` with a :class:``:

file = lk.File("test_data/stack.h5")  # Loading a stack.
    adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(20, 99, mode="percentile"),


To export to an mp4 file, you will need to install ffmpeg. See :ref:`ffmpeg_installation` for more information.

Defining a tether

To define the location of the tether between beads, supply the (x, y) coordinates of the end points to the :func:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.define_tether()` method:

stack_roi = stack[40:].crop_by_pixels(10, 400, 10, 120)
stack_tether = stack_roi.define_tether((6.94423, 4.22381), (20.47474,  4.08063))

    adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(0, 99, mode="percentile"),,


Note, after defining a tether location the image is rotated such that the tether is horizontal in the field of view. You can also plot the overlay of the tether location using :func:`plot_tether(**kwargs) <lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.plot_tether()>`, which also accepts keyword arguments that are passed to :func:`plt.plot() <matplotlib.pyplot.plot()>`.

You can also define a tether interactively using the :meth:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.crop_and_rotate` method. See the :ref:`Notebook widgets<crop_and_rotate>` tutorial for more information.

Constructing a kymograph from an image stack

Once a tether is defined, the :class:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack` can be converted to a :class:`~lumicks.pylake.kymo.Kymo` using :meth:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack.to_kymo`:

kymograph = stack_tether.to_kymo(half_window=5)
kymograph.plot(adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(1200, 2400))


Here the argument half_window indicates how many additional pixels to average over on either side of the tether. The total number of lines averaged over is 2 * half_window + 1.

Correlating force with the image stack

Quite often, it is interesting to correlate events on the camera's to channel data. To quickly explore the correlation between images in a :class:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack` and channel data you can use the following function:

# Making a plot where force is correlated to images in the stack.
file = lk.File("test_data/stack.h5")  # Loading a stack.
stack[2:, 10:120, 10:400].plot_correlated(
    adjustment=lk.ColorAdjustment(20, [98, 99.9, 100], mode="percentile")


If the plot is interactive (for example, when %matplotlib notebook is used in a Jupyter notebook), you can click on the left graph to select a particular force. The corresponding video frame will then automatically appear on the right.

In some cases, additional processing may be needed, and we wish to have the data downsampled over the video frames. This can be done using the :meth:`` method with timestamps obtained from the :class:`~lumicks.pylake.ImageStack`:

# Determine the force trace averaged over frame 2...9.

By default, this averages only over the exposure time of the images in the stack. If you wish to average over the full time range from the start of the scan to the next scan, pass the extra parameter include_dead_time=True:
