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Rollbar integration for SilverStripe

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Rolbar is an error and exception aggregation service. It takes your application's errors and stores them for later analysis and debugging.

Imagine this: You see exceptions before your client does. This means the error > report > debug > patch > deploy cycle is the most efficient it can possibly be.

This module binds Rollbar, to the error & exception handler of SilverStripe. If you've used systems like RayGun, Sentry, AirBrake and BugSnag before, you'll know roughly what to expect.


  • PHP5.4+
  • SilverStripe v3.1.0+ < 4.0


Add the Composer package as a dependency to your project:

composer require lundco/rollbar

Configure your application or site with the Rollbar Access tokens into your project's YML config:

    # Example tokens only. Obviously you'll need to setup your own Rollbar "Project"
    post_server_token: ciuad6lnc7323jccoapcn7327bf
    post_client_token: c7joadcad9klf8cwn48jndq7ghf


Rollbar is normally setup once in your project's _config.php as follows, but see the usage docs for more detail and options.

SS_Log::add_writer(\silverstripe\rollbar\SentryLogWriter::factory(), SS_Log::ERR, '<=');


See the TODO docs for more.