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File metadata and controls

339 lines (209 loc) · 9.35 KB



The lv_observer module implements a standard Observer pattern.

It consists of:

  • subjects: each containing a value
  • observers: attached to subjects to be notified on value change

A typical use case looks like this:

//It's a global variable
lv_subject_t my_subject;

 * main.c

extern lv_subject_t my_subject;

void main(void)
    //Initialize the subject as integer with the default value of 10
    lv_subject_init_int(&my_subject, 10);


 * some_module.c

extern lv_subject_t some_subject;

//Will be called when the related subject's value changes
static void some_observer_cb(lv_observer_t * observer, lv_subject_t * subject)
    int32_t v = lv_subject_get_int(subject);

void some_module_init(void)
    //Subscribe to a subject
    lv_subject_add_observer(&some_subject, some_observer_cb, NULL);

 * some_system.c

extern lv_subject_t some_subject;

void some_event(void)
    //Set the subject's value to 30. It will notify `some_observer_cb`
    lv_subject_set_int(&some_subject, 30);


Subject initialization

Subjects have to be static or global :cpplv_subject_t type variables.

To initialize a subject use :cpplv_subject_init_<type>(&subject, params, init_value). The following initializations exist for types:

  • Integer :cppvoid lv_subject_init_int(lv_subject_t * subject, int32_t value)
  • String :cppvoid lv_subject_init_string(lv_subject_t * subject, char * buf, char * prev_buf, size_t size, const char * value)
  • Pointer :cppvoid lv_subject_init_pointer(lv_subject_t * subject, void * value)
  • Color :cppvoid lv_subject_init_color(lv_subject_t * subject, lv_color_t color)
  • Group :cppvoid lv_subject_init_group(lv_subject_t * subject, lv_subject_t * list[], uint32_t list_len)

Set subject value

The following functions can be used to set a subject's value:

  • Integer :cppvoid lv_subject_set_int(lv_subject_t * subject, int32_t value)
  • String :cppvoid lv_subject_copy_string(lv_subject_t * subject, char * buf)
  • Pointer :cppvoid lv_subject_set_pointer(lv_subject_t * subject, void * ptr)
  • Color :cppvoid lv_subject_set_color(lv_subject_t * subject, lv_color_t color)

Get subject's value

The following functions can be used to get a subject's value:

  • Integer :cppint32_t lv_subject_get_int(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • String :cppconst char * lv_subject_get_string(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • Pointer :cppconst void * lv_subject_get_pointer(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • Color :cpplv_color_t lv_subject_get_color(lv_subject_t * subject)

Get subject's previous value

The following functions can be used to get a subject's previous value:

  • Integer :cppint32_t lv_subject_get_previous_int(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • String :cppconst char * lv_subject_get_previous_string(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • Pointer :cppconst void * lv_subject_get_previous_pointer(lv_subject_t * subject)
  • Color :cpplv_color_t lv_subject_get_previous_color(lv_subject_t * subject)


Subscribe to a subject

To subscribe to a subject the following function can be used:

lv_observer_t * observer = lv_subject_add_observer(&some_subject, some_observer_cb, user_data);

Where the observer callback should look like this:

static void some_observer_cb(lv_observer_t * observer, lv_subject_t * subject)

It's also possible to save a target widget when subscribing to a subject. In this case when widget is deleted, it will automatically unsubscribe from the subject.

In the observer callback :cpplv_observer_get_target(observer) can be used to get the saved widget.

lv_observer_t * observer = lv_subject_add_observer_obj(&some_subject, some_observer_cb, obj, user_data);

In more generic case any pointer can be saved a target:

lv_observer_t * observer = lv_subject_add_observer_with_target(&some_subject, some_observer_cb, some_pointer, user_data);

Unsubscribe from a subject


To unsubscribe from a subject with all widgets you can use:

lv_subject_remove_obj(subject, obj)

Subject groups

There are cases when a subject changes and the value of some other subjects are also required by the observer. As a practical example imagine an instrument which measures either voltage or current. To display the measured value on a label 3 things are required:

  1. What do we measure (current or voltage)?
  2. What is the measured value?
  3. What is the range or unit (mV, V, mA, A)?

When any of these 3 parameters changes the label needs to be updated, and it needs to know all 3 parameters to compose its text.

To handle this you can create an array from some existing subjects and pass this array as a parameter when you initialize a subject with group type.

You can add observers to subject groups in the regular way. The trick is that when any element of the group is notified the subject group will be notified too.

The above Voltage/Current measurement example looks like this in the practice:

lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_screen_active());

lv_subject_t subject_mode;  //Voltage or Current
lv_subject_t subject_value; //Measured value
lv_subject_t subject_unit;  //The unit
lv_subject_t subject_all;   //It will be the subject group
lv_subject_t * subject_list[3] = {&subject_mode, &subject_value, &subject_unit};  //The elements of the group

lv_subject_init_int(&subject_mode, 0); //Let's say 0 is Voltage, 1 is Current
lv_subject_init_int(&subject_value, 0);
lv_subject_init_pointer(&subject_unit, "V");
lv_subject_init_group(&subject_all, subject_list, 3);

lv_subject_add_observer_obj(&subject_all, all_observer_cb, label, NULL);


static void all_observer_cb(lv_observer_t * observer, lv_subject_t * subject)
    lv_obj_t * label = lv_observer_get_target(observer);
    lv_subject_t * subject_mode = lv_subject_get_group_element(subject, 0);
    lv_subject_t * subject_value = lv_subject_get_group_element(subject, 1);
    lv_subject_t * subject_unit = lv_subject_get_group_element(subject, 2);

    int32_t mode = lv_subject_get_int(subject_mode);
    int32_t value = lv_subject_get_int(subject_value);
    const char * unit = lv_subject_get_pointer(subject_unit);

    lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "%s: %d %s", mode ? "Current" : "Voltage", value, unit);

Widget binding

Base object

Set an object flag if an integer subject's value is equal to a reference value, clear the flag otherwise

observer = lv_obj_bind_flag_if_eq(obj, &subject, LV_OBJ_FLAG_*, ref_value);

Set an object flag if an integer subject's value is not equal to a reference value, clear the flag otherwise

observer = lv_obj_bind_flag_if_not_eq(obj, &subject, LV_OBJ_FLAG_*, ref_value);

Set an object state if an integer subject's value is equal to a reference value, clear the flag otherwise

observer = lv_obj_bind_state_if_eq(obj, &subject, LV_STATE_*, ref_value);

Set an object state if an integer subject's value is not equal to a reference value, clear the flag otherwise

observer = lv_obj_bind_state_if_not_eq(obj, &subject, LV_STATE_*, ref_value);

Set an integer subject to 1 when an object is checked and set it 0 when unchecked.

observer = lv_obj_bind_checked(obj, &subject);


Bind an integer, string, or pointer (pointing to a string) subject to a label. An optional format string can be added with 1 format specifier (e.g. "%d °C") If the format string is NULL the value will be used directly. In this case on string and pointer type subjects can be used.

observer = lv_label_bind_text(obj, &subject, format_string);


Bind an integer subject to an arc's value.

observer = lv_arc_bind_value(obj, &subject);


Bind an integer subject to a slider's value

observer = lv_slider_bind_value(obj, &subject);


Bind an integer subject to a roller's value

observer = lv_roller_bind_value(obj, &subject);


Bind an integer subject to a drop-down's value

observer = lv_dropdown_bind_value(obj, &subject);
