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executable file
216 lines (164 loc) · 7.04 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
216 lines (164 loc) · 7.04 KB


  • lib: boost/libs/parameter
  • repo: boostorg/parameter
  • commit: a2da4c32, 2016-12-24


Header <boost/parameter.hpp>


struct void_{};
void_& void_reference(); // placeholder for (void)

yes_tag|no_tag to_yesno(mpl::true_|false_);

using unwrap_cv_reference<T> = is_cv_reference_wrapper<T> ? T::type : T;

struct template_keyword_tag {};
struct template_keyword<Tag, T> : template_keyword_tag {
    using key_type = Tag, value_type = T, reference = T;
using is_template_keyword<T> = !is_reference<T> && is_convertible<T*, template_keyword_tag*>;

struct default_<KW, V> {
  V& value;
  default_(V& x): value(x) {} // implicit
struct lazy_default<KW, DefComputer> {
  DefComputer const& compute_default;
  lazy_default(const DefComputer& x) : compute_default(x) {} // implicit

struct tagged_argument_base {};
struct tagged_argument<KW, Arg> : tagged_argument_base {
  using key_type = KW, value_type = Arg, reference = Arg&;
  reference value;  // stored argument value
  tagged_argument(reference x) : value(x) {}
  arg_list<tagged_argument<KW, Arg>, arg_list<tagged_argument<KW2, Arg2>>
  operator,<KW2, Arg2> (tagged_argument<KW2, Arg2> x) const; // combine at call site arg list
  // value fetching
  reference operator[](keyword<KW> const&) const { return value; }
  reference operator[]<Def>(default_<KW, Def> const&) const { return value; }
  reference operator[]<F>(lazy_default<KW, F> const&) const { return value; }
  Def& operator[]<KW2,Def>(default_<KW2, Def> const& x) const { return x.value; }
  result_of_t<F()> operator[]<KW2,F>(lazy_default<KW2, F> const& x) const { return x.compute_default(); }
using is_tagged_argument<T> = !is_reference<T> && is_convertible<T*, tagged_argument_base*>;
struct tag<KW, ActualArg> { using type = tagged_argument<KW, unwrap_cv_reference<ActualArg>>; }

struct parameter_requirements<KW, Pred, HasDef> { using keyword = KW, predicate = Pred, has_default = HasDef; }

struct maybe_base {};
struct maybe<T> : maybe_base {
  using reference = T const &, non_cv_value = remove_cv_t<remove_reference_t<reference>>

  optional<T> value;
  mutable bool constructed = false;
  aligned_storage<sizeof<non_cv_value>> m_storage;

  explicit maybe(T v) : value(v) {}
  maybe() {} // require construct()
  ~maybe() { if (constructed) destroy(); }
  reference construct(reference v) const { return v; }
  reference construct<U>(U const& v) const {
    new (m_storage.address()) non_cv_value(v); constructed = true;
    return *(non_cv_value*)m_storage.address();
  void destroy() { ((non_cv_value*)m_storage.address())->~non_cv_value(); }
  explicit operator bool() const { return value.has_value(); }
  reference get() const { return value.get(); }
using is_maybe<T> = is_base_and_derived<maybe_base, T>;

struct empty_arg_list {
  struct binding {
    using apply<KW,Def,Ref> = Def; // not matching anything
  empty_arg_list(void_, void_, ...);

  Def& operator[] <K, Def> (default_<K, Def> x) const { return x.value; }
  result_of_t<F()> operator[] <K, F> (lazy_default<K,F> x) const { return x.compute_default(); }
  static ParReq::has_default satisfies<ParReq,ArgPack>(ParReq*, ArgPack*);
struct arg_list<TaggedArg, Next=empty_arg_list> : Next {
  using self = arg_list<TaggedArg,Next>, key_type = TaggedArg::key_type;
  using reference = is_maybe<TaggedArg::value_type> ? TaggedArg::value_type::reference : TaggedArg::reference;
  using value_type = is_maybe<TaggedArg::value_type> ? reference : TaggedArg::value_type;
  struct binding {
    using apply<KW,Def,Ref> = is_same<KW, key_type> ? // recursive lookup for match type
        (Ref ? reference : value_type) : Next::binding::apply<KW,Def,Ref>

  TaggedArg arg; // storage of arg

  arg_list<A...>(A & a0, a1, ...) : Next(a1, ..., void_reference(), arg(a0) {} // init base and 'arg'
  Def& operator[] (keyword<key_type> const&) const { return arg.value; }
  Def& operator[] <Def> (default_<key_type, Def> d) const {
    return is_maybe<TaggedArg::value_type> ?
        arg.value ? arg.value.get() : arg.value.construct(d.value) : // arg is maybe
        arg.value;                                                   // arg is not maybe
  reference operator[] <Def> (lazy_default<key_type,Def>) const { return arg.value; }
  arg_list<tagged_argument<KW,T2>, self> operator, <KW, T2> (tagged_argument<KW,T2> x) const {
    return arg_list<tagged_argument<KW,T2>, self>(x, *this);
arg_list<...> operator() <...A> (A const & ... a) { arg_list<...>(a...); }

using binding<Args,KW,Def=void_> = ...::reference;
using lazy_binding<Args,KW,F> = binding<Args,KW,result_of_t<F()>>;
using value_type<Args,KW,Def=void_> = ...::value_type;
using lazy_value_type<Args,KW,F> = value_type<Args,KW,result_of_t<F()>>;

arg_list is called a ArgumentPack, which can be indexed by keyword object, or tagged (lazy) default object, to fetch for argument value (if any).

Keyword Object

struct keyword<Tag> {
  const tag<Tag, T> operator= <T> (T [const] & x) const { return x; }
  default_<Tag, Def> operator| <Def> (Def [const] & def) { return default_<Tag, Def>(def); }
  lazy_default<Tag, Def> operator|| <Def> (Def [const] & def) { return lazy_default<Tag, Def>(def); }
  static keyword<Tag> const instance; static keyword<Tag>& get() { return instance; }
namespace tag_ns { struct name {}; }
namespace { keyword<tag_ns::name> const & name = keyword<tag_ns::name>::instance; }

A keyword object is a constant with a tag type.

Parameter Declarations

struct required<Tag,Pred=use_default> { using key_type = Tag, predicate = Pred; }
struct optional<Tag,Pred=use_default> { using key_type = Tag, predicate = Pred; }
struct deduced<Tag> { using key_type = Tag; }
using is_required = ..., is_optional = ..., is_deduced = ...;
using tag_type<T> = ...;
using has_default = !is_required;
using predicate<T> = ...;
using satisfies<ArgList,ParReq> = ...
using deduce_tag<Arg,ArgList,Ded,UsedArgs,TagFn> = ...
using make_arg_list<List,DeduceArgs,TagFn,EmitErrors=true_> = ...

struct parameters<Ps...> {
  using deduced_list = ...;
  using match<As...> = ...;
  using bind<A...> = ...;
  empty_arg_list operator()() const;
  arg_list<...> operator()(A&...a) const;
  • BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION(result,name,tag_ns,arguments)
  • BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION(result,name,tag_ns,arguments)
  • BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR(cls,impl,tag_ns,arguments)
  • BOOST_PARAMETER_MATCH(param,args,x)



  • <boost/config.hpp>, <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>


  • <boost/detail/is_xxx.hpp>


  • <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>




<boost/type_traits/*.hpp> <boost/aligned_storage.hpp>







Standard Facilities