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executable file
486 lines (408 loc) · 19.5 KB


  • lib: boost/libs/property_map
  • repo: boostorg/property_map
  • commit: 1d232e43, 2016-11-16

Parallel Property Map Concepts

Process Group

struct attach_distributed_object {}; // ctor selecting tag
enum trigger_receive_context {
  trc_none, trc_in_synchronization, trc_early_receive, trc_out_of_band, trc_irecv_out_of_band

struct process_group_tag {};  // tag type root, virtual inheritance
  // linear
  // messaging: immediate, bsp, batch
  // locking
  // spawning

concept bool ProcessGroup<PG,T> = Serializable<T> &&
  require (PG& pg, const PG& cpg, T& val, T const& cval, T pval[], std::size_t n,
      PG::process_id_type id, int tag) {
    typename PG::process_id_type;
    PG(cpg, attach_distributed_object()); { cpg.base() } -> PG;
    { probe(cpg) } -> optional<std::pair<int,int>>; // source id and tag
    { process_id(cpg) } -> PG::process_id_type;
    { num_processes(cpg) } -> int;
    send(pg, id, tag, cval);
    { receive(cpg, id, tag, val) } -> PG::process_id_type;
    { receive(cpg, tag, pval, n) } -> std::pair<PG::process_id_type, std::size_t>;
    { receive(cpg, id, tag, pval, n) } -> std::pair<PG::process_id_type, std::size_t>;

concept bool OobProcessGroup<PG,T,U,F1,F2,Result> = ProcessGroup<PG,T> &&
  require (PG& pg, PG const& cpg, F1 const& f1, F2 const& f2, int tag, int id, T& v, T const& cv, U& u) {
    pg.template trigger<T>(tag, f1);
    pg.template trigger_with_reply<T>(tag, f2);
    { cpg.trigger_context() } -> trc;
    send_oob(cpg, id, tag, cv);
    send_oob_with_reply(cpg, id, tag, cv, u);
    receive_oob(cpg, id, tag, v);
  • Basic process group supports BSP model: superstep(computation,synchronization) loop
  • Out-of-band messages will invoke registered trigger handler function

Distributed Property Map

Header <boost/property_map/parallel/parallel_property_maps.hpp>

concept bool Reduce<Red, Key, T> = requires(Red const& r, Key const& k, T const local, T const& remote) {
  { T::non_default_resolver } -> bool;      // flag whether 'r(k)' is unusable for default value
  { r(k) } -> T;                            // Make a default value for ghost cell
  { r(k, local, remote) } -> T;             // Make a value from local and remote

struct basic_reduce<T>;     // return default 'T()' for ghost, always use remote for combine

enum consistency_model {    // combinable bit flags
  cm_forward = 0b1,
  cm_backward = 0b10,
  cm_bidirectional = 0b11,
  cm_flush = 0b100,
  cm_reset = 0b1000,
  cm_clear = 0b10000,

class distributed_property_map<PG, GM, SM>
  requires ProcessGroup<PG> && ReadablePropertyMap<GM> && PropertyMap<SM>
  enum property_map_messages {        // totally 5 messages used to implement dist-pm
    pm_put, pm_get, pm_multiget, pm_multiget_reply, pm_multiput

  using ghost_cells_type = multi_index_container<pair<key_type, value_type>,  // how to store ghost cells
                            sequenced<>, hashed_unique<pair_first>>;

  struct data_t {               // data holder type
    PG        process_group;    // the process group;
    GM        global;           // maps key to <owner, local_key> pair
    SM        storage;          // local map
    shared_ptr<ghost_cells_type>    ghost_cells;        // storage for ghost cells
    size_t    max_ghost_cells = 1000000;    // 0 for infinite
    function<value_type(key_type)>  get_default_value;  // get default value for ghost
    bool      has_default_resolver;         // flag so that the resolver can provide default value
    consistency_model     model = cm_forward;           // the consistency model flags
    function<void()>      reset;            // resets all ghost cells to default
    void      clear() { ghost_cells->clear(); }         // clear out all ghost cells
    void      flush() {                     // flush all values destined for remote processes
      vector<vector<pair<SM::key_type, value_type>>> values(num_processes(process_group));
      for (auto cell : ghost_cells) {
        auto g = get(global, cell.first);   // get owner/local_key pair for each cell
        values[g.first].emplace_back(g.second, cell.second); // put each owner's cell
      for (int p = 0; p < values.size(); ++p)
        if (!values[p].empty()) send(process_group, p, pm_multiput, values[p]);
    void      refresh_ghost_cells() {       // send requests to refresh ghost cells
      vector<vector<key_type>> keys(num_processes(process_group));
      for (auto cell : ghost_cells) keys[get(global, cell.first).first].push_back(cell.first);
      auto id = process_id(process_group);  // self id
      for (int p = (id+1)%keys.size(); p != id; p = (p+1)%keys.size())  // cycle from next until self
        if (!keys[p].empty()) send(process_group, p, pm_multiget, keys[p]);
  shared_ptr<data_t>  data;     // all data

  using key_type = GM::key_type;      // a key go through GM and becomes <owner, local_key> pair
  using value_type = SM::value_type;  // value_type and reference are the same as local storage map's
  using reference = SM::reference;
  using category = SM::category == lvalue_property_map_tag ? read_write_property_map_tag : SM::category;

  distributed_property_map<Reduce=basic_reduce>(PG const& pg, GM const& gm, SM const& sm, // ctor
          Reduce const& r=Reduce()) {
    data.reset(new data_t {pg, gm, sm});
  reference operator[](key_type const& key) const {   // return either local or ghost
    auto p = get(data->global, key);
    if (p.first == process_id(data->process_group)) return data->storage[p.second];
    else return cell(key);
  PG process_group() const { return data->process_group.base(); }
  SM [const]& base() [const] { return data->storage; }
  GM [const]& global() [const] { return data->global; }

  void set_reduce<Reduce>(Reduce const& r) {
    data->process_group.replace_handler([] { assert(false); }); // all messages are handled by triggers

    auto handle_put =            [=](int, int, pair<key_type, value_type> const& req, trc) {
      auto local_key = get(data->global, req.first).second;
      auto local = get(data->storage, local_key);
      auto reduced = r(req.first, local, req.second);
      put(data->storage, local_key, reduced);
    auto handle_get = [=](int, int, key_type const& key, trc) -> value_type {
      return get(data->storage, get(data->global, key).second);       // immediately reply via OOB return
    auto handle_multiget = [=](int source, int, vector<key_type> const& keys, trc) {
      vector<pair<key_type, value_type>> results; results.reserve(keys.size());
      for (auto k : msg) {
        auto local_key = get(data->global, k).second;
        results.emplace_back(k, get(data->storage, local_key));
      send(data->process_group, source, pm_multiget_reply, results);  // reply via message
    auto handle_multiget_reply = [=](int, int, vector<pair<key_type, value_type>> const& msg, trc) {
      auto const& key_index = data->ghost_cells->get<1>();  // the hashed key index
      for (auto p : msg) {
        auto pos = data->ghost_cells->project<0>(key_index.find(p.first));  // get positional iterator
        if (pos != data->ghost_cells->end()) pos->second = p.second;    // update ghost cell's value
    auto handle_multiput = [=](int, int, vector<pair<SM::key_type, value_type>> const values&, trc) {
      for (auto p : values) {
        auto local = get(data->storage, p.first);   // first is local key
        auto reduced = r(p.first, local, p.second); // second is remote pushed value
        put(data->storage, p.first, reduced);

    data->process_group.trigger           (pm_put,            handle_put);
    data->process_group.trigger_with_reply(pm_get,            handle_get);
    data->process_group.trigger           (pm_multiget,       handle_multiget);
    data->process_group.trigger           (pm_multiget_reply, handle_multiget_reply);
    data->process_group.trigger           (pm_multiput,       handle_multiput);

    data->get_default_value = r;
    data->has_default_resolver = Reduce::non_default_resolver;
    data->reset = []() {          // clear all ghost cell to default value
      for (auto p : ghost_cells) p.second = data->get_default_value(p.first);

  int get_consistency_model() const;
  void set_consistency_model(consistency_model model) {
    data->model = model;
    if (model & cm_backward) data->max_ghost_cells = 0; // don't drop ghost cells for backward model
    if (model != cm_forward) {
        [weak_ptr<data_t> data=data]() {    // callback before each synchronize
          if (data->model & cm_flush)                 data->flush();
          if (data->model & cm_backward && !(data->model & (cm_flush | cm_clear | cm_reset)))
          if (data->model & cm_clear)                 data->clear();
          if (data->model & cm_reset && data->reset)  data->reset();
  void set_max_ghost_cells(size_t max_ghost_cells) {  // throw if 'cm_backward'
    data->max_ghost_cells = max(max_ghost_cells, 2);  // at least 2

  void clear() { data->clear(); }
  void reset() { data->reset && data->reset(); }
  void flush() { data->flush(); }

  void do_synchronize() {
    if (data->model & cm_backward) { synchronize(data->process_group); return; }
    synchronize(data->process_group); synchronize(data->process_group); // multiget and reply
  void request_put(int p, key_type const& k, value_type const& v) const {
    send(data->process_group, p, pm_put, make_pair(k, v));
  value_type& cell(key_type const& key, bool request_if_missing = true) const {
    auto const& key_index = data->ghost_cells->get<1>();  // the hashed key index
    auto pos = data->ghost_cells->project<0>(key_index.find(key));  // get positional iterator
    if (pos == data->ghost_cells->end()) {
      value_type value;
      if (data->has_default_resolver) value = data->get_default_value(key);
      else if (request_if_missing)
        send_oob_with_reply(data->process_group, get(data->global, key).first, pm_get, key, value);
      else value = value_type{};    // default
      pos = data->ghost_cells->emplace_front(key, value).first;       // at front

      if (data->max_ghost_cells > 0) prune_ghost_cells();             // prune from back
    } else if (data->max_ghost_cells > 0)
      data->ghost_cells->relocate(data->ghost_cells->begin(), pos);   // move to front, recent at front
    return pos->second;
  void prune_ghost_cells() const {
    if (data->max_ghost_cells == 0) return;
    while (data->ghost_cells->size() > data->max_ghost_cells) {
      if (data->model & cm_flush) {
        auto const& victim = data->ghost_cells->back();
        send(data->process_group, get(data->global, victim.first).first, pm_put, victim);
void request(distributed_property_map const& pm, key_type const& key) {
  if (get(, key).first != process_id(pm.process_group()))
      pm.cell(key, false);    // just allocate ghost cell, will send 'pm_multiget' on next sync
value_type get(distributed_property_map const& pm, key_type const& key) {   // similar to operator[]
  auto p = get(, key);
  if (p.first == process_id(pm.process_group())) return get(pm.base(), p.second);
  else return pm.cell(key);
void put(distributed_property_map const& pm, key_type const& key, value_type const& value) {
  auto p = get(, key);
  if (p.first == process_id(pm.process_group())) put(pm.base(), p.second, value);
  else {
    if (pm.get_consistency_model() & cm_forward) pm.request_put(p.first, key, value);
    pm.cell(key, false) = value;
void local_put(distributed_property_map const& pm, key_type const& key, value_type const& value) {
  auto p = get(, key);
  if (p.first == process_id(pm.process_group())) put(pm.base(), p.second, value);
  else pm.cell(key, false) = value;
void cache(distributed_property_map const& pm, key_type const& key, value_type const& value) {
  auto p = get(, key);
  if (p.first != process_id(pm.process_group()))
    pm.cell(key, false) = value;
void synchronize(distributed_property_map const& pm) { pm.do_synchronize(); }

auto make_distributed_property_map(PG const&, GM global, SM storage,[Reduce])
    -> distributed_property_map<PG, GM, SM, Reduce>;
  • Assert only put on writable and non-const lvalue property maps.
  • Use 5 messages, all handled by registered trigger handlers.
    • pm_put caused by put, synchronized
    • pm_get caused by get, out-of-band, immediately wait for response
    • pm_multiget and pm_multiget_reply, caused by refreshing ghost cells, synchronized
    • pm_multiput, caused by flushing ghost cells to owners, synchronized
  • Reducer have two roles:
    • Combiner for local value and remote value, decide how to update owned value against received put value
    • Default value provider, used by reset-ing all ghost cells to default value, or provide initial value for new ghost cells
    • non_default_resolver flag means use the reducer provided value as initial value for ghost cells, otherwise cell(key, true) will get value via oob pm_get, and cell(key, false) will use default-constructed value as initial value for ghost cell.
  • Setting max_ghost_cells will cause ghost cells be discarded, cm_backward don't allow discarding
  • Consistency models: (default is cm_forward)
    • when cm_forward is set, put will send pm_put, otherwise only cache the value in ghost cell
    • cm_backward not set:
      • ghost cell may discarded, but remaining cells are refreshed just before synchronize
      • on synchronize, handle cm_flush, cm_clear and cm_reset in order.
    • cm_backward is set:
      • ghost cell never discarded, but on synchronize, they are refreshed only none of cm_flush, cm_clear and cm_reset are set, because it is meaningless.
      • otherwise cm_flush, cm_clear and cm_reset are handled normally.
    • cm_flush ensure no value loss, discarded ghost cell will send pm_put before remove
    • cm_bidirectional (cm_forward | cm_backward) will keep all ghost cells in sync
    • cm_forward | cm_flush | cm_clear suitable to handle accumulated values
  • operator[] is like get, but use [] on local storage map.
  • local_put will store in ghost cell and don't send pm_put, cache don't store in local storage map
  • request will allocate ghost cell and expect it being refreshed on next synchronize

Caching Property Map

class caching_property_map<PM> requires DistributedPropertyMap<PM> {
  PM property_map;
  // process_group_type, value_type, key_type, reference, category
  // ctor(pm), base()
  // set_reduce(r), reset() forward to 'property_map'
// get(), put(), local_put(), cache()
auto make_caching_property_map<PM>(PM const&) -> caching_property_map<PM>;
  • Wraps a distributed_property_map and disable pm_put (by calling local_put in put)

Local Property Map

class distributed_property_map<PG, GM, SM>
  requires ProcessGroup<PG> && ReadablePropertyMap<GM> && PropertyMap<SM>
  PG process_group; GM global; SM storage;
  // process_group_type, value_type, key_type, reference, category
  // ctor(), ctor(pg, gm, sm)
  reference operator[]
  // global(), base(), process_group()
// get(), put()
  • Provides same API as distributed_property_map, but don't use process_group at all, just wraps a local map

Global Index Map

class global_index_map<IndexMap, GM> {
  GM global; IndexMap index_map;
  share_ptr<vector<value_type>> starting_index; // store index ranges for each process
  using key_type = IndexMap::key_type; using value_type = IndexMap::value_type;
  using category readable_property_map_tag;     // only readable, data prepared on ctor
  global_index_map<PG>(PG pg, value_type num_local_indices, IndexMap index_map, GM gm)
    : index_map(index_map), global(gm) {
    starting_index.reset(new vector(num_processes(pg) + 1));    // process 0 is master node
    send(pg, 0, 0, num_local_indices);  // report self capacity to process 0
    if (process_id(pg) == 0) {
      (*starting_index)[0] = 0;
      for (int dest = 1; dest < num_processes(pg); ++dest) {
        value_type n; receive(pg, dest, 0, n);      // receive reported size from each process
        (*starting_index)[dest + 1] = (*starting_index)[dest] + n;      // register index range
      for (int dest = 1; dest < num_processes(pg); ++dest)
        send(pg, dest, 1, &starting_index->front(), num_processes(pg)); // synchronize to all process
      synchronize(pg);                  // send result to each process
    } else {
      synchronize(pg);                  // wait for result
      receive(pg, 0, 1, &starting_index->front(), num_processes(pg));   // get data
value_type get(global_index_map const& gim, key_type const& key) {
  auto owner = get(, key).first;
  auto offset = get(gim.index_map, key);
  return (*gim.starting_index)[owner] + offset;
  • Maintains a global index range map, maps key_type to a global index.

Distributed Specialization For Predefined Property Maps

Iterator Property Maps

class [safe_]iterator_property_map<RAIter, local_property_map<PG,GM,SM>, T, Ref>
  : public distributed_property_map<PG, GM, [safe_]iterator_property_map<RAIter, SM, T, Ref>>;
class [safe_]iterator_property_map<RAIter, distributed_property_map<PG,GM,SM>, T, Ref>
  : public distributed_property_map<PG, GM, [safe_]iterator_property_map<RAIter, SM, T, Ref>>;
auto make_iterator_property_map(RAIter, local_property_map<PG,GM,SM>)
    -> distributed_property_map<PG, GM, iterator_property_map<RA,SM>>;
  • Inject a distributed_property_map to serve as index map.

Vector Property Maps

class vector_property_map<T, local_property_map<PG,GM,SM>>
  : public distributed_property_map<PG,GM, vector_property_map<T,SM>>;
class vector_property_map<T, distributed_property_map<PG,GM,SM>>
  : public distributed_property_map<PG,GM, vector_property_map<T,SM>>;
  • Inject a distributed_property_map to serve as index map.




  • <boost/config.hpp>
  • <boost/version.hpp>
  • <boost/cstdint.hpp>


  • <boost/assert.hpp>


  • <boost/static_assert.hpp>


  • <boost/detail/iterator.hpp> - deprecated


  • <boost/type_traits.hpp>
  • <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>, <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>


  • <boost/mpl/if.hpp>, <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>, <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
  • <boost/mpl/or.hpp>, <boost/mpl/and.hpp>, <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>


  • <boost/concept_check.hpp>
  • <boost/concept_archetype.hpp>


  • <boost/serialization/is_bitwise_serializable.hpp>
  • <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>


  • <boost/mpi/datatype.hpp>


  • <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>, <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>


  • <boost/bind.hpp>


  • <boost/optional.hpp>


  • <boost/function/function1.hpp>


  • <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
  • <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>, <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>, <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>

Standard Facilities