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151 lines (121 loc) · 11 KB

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151 lines (121 loc) · 11 KB
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 ~ Fullstack strategies by forking pterodactyls    ''              


why use dockistry?

"It is not our intention to create another tool or package manager, but rather... we intend to create a strategy engine and a community that contributes to it."

Dockistry was created specifically for developing and deploying fullstack solutions for:

  • websites and web-apps
  • mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows
  • desktop software for Linux, Darwin, and Windows

For each fullstack 'strategy' we require:

  • a single code base for 'end to end' (E2E) development
  • unit-testing and multi-platform devtools architectures
  • continuous integration and delivery support
  • horizontal scalability

Dockistry organizes web components, frameworks, databases, and other shiny-things our experts find useful.

Why clone hundreds of git repositories searching for an end-to-end solution?

We have done the leg-work for you. Our stacks are composed using some of the most popular frameworks and databases, and provide boilerplates that will save you time and money on your development effort. Enterprise support is available.

It's because of the overwhelming amount of fullstack customization options currently available that we identified a clear need for a more organized approach paired with architecture-specific devtools packages, one that also provides setup options for production/staging infrastructure.

Fact: Fullstack development is overwhelming. Setting up tooling & package managers is often a frustrating process.

Dockistry simplifies the setup process for many dev & production concerns using our multi-platorm toolkit and infrastructure tools, packaged in one desktop app.


  • Get running on a full docker-driven AWS/Google infrastructure, quickly & painlessly.
  • Shed light on language, database, framework, and boilerplate combinations your team hasn't considered
  • Makes you a programming rockstar, just generally speaking. ;)
  • Impress your friends/boss with your broad range of tooling knowledge

about infrastructure setup

Use Dockistry to instantly create the infrastructure necessary to operate any web development shop, freelancer, or software firm's baseline.

Here's what's included with our basic infrastructure setup:
  • Private Registry Services (optional)
    • NPM registry
    • Docker registry
    • Git registry
  • SSL-secured, Docker/ Rancher driven (optional) software such as:
    • Rancher with reverse-proxy for managing SSL websites and docker images
    • Discourse, a ruby-driven web forum that kicks major ass
    • Rocketchat-Hubot, because who doesn't want their own robot?
    • Wekan Board, to help your projects stay organized (kinda like Trello)
    • Gitlab CE for managing your very own git repositories
  • Stack development
    • Optionally pre-load test frameworks and boilerplates for local or production stacks
  • Our Go CLI can build test stacks for a variety of strategies in a single process, automatically for you.
  • You can easily fork a repository to make minor modifications for your own deployment pipeline

about stack deployment

Dockistry offers the following features for instantaneous fullstack software installation:

  • fullstacks are designed for various frameworks, components, and databases.
  • automated developer tooling packages are made for local development on your home/ office PC
  • our curated registry is easily cloned and it's simple to browse via the desktop app
  • we encourage forking and contributing to the development of stacks for various purposes, our ultimate goal is to create a community that focuses on this which will be integrated into the desktop app
  • our tools are extremely simple to setup and default-secured via our desktop-app & infrastructure. All tools can be downloaded and installed via our primary desktop app.

note: if you don't see anything you like, your can build your own stack solution using our directory of modular dockers and components


  • we utilize Docker Kung-fu "infrastructure through code" throughout Dockistry
  • we embrace 12-factor methods wherever possible in respect to the above
  • 100% open source code with enterprise capabilities and support services available


  • base installation includes access to our master registry of fullstack strategies
  • each strategy is easy to fork and modify, and we use many existing technologies to accomplish this
  • provides a comprehensive fullstack solution for deployment to dev/stage/prod envs.
  • peer-reviewed security practices and tools for keyring & cluster-devops security are included
  • a modular git-driven architecture containing many unit-tested skeletons/boilerplates
  • independent of any one cloud provider or platform
  • immediate deployment and configuration of many javascript frameworks and their associated tools
  • containers designed for docker-compose 2.0 and rancher-management
  • automated infrastructure setup
  • stacks and components are provided in categories for browsing outside of our desktop app
  • our stacks are designed for specific purposes, i.e.- backups, utilities, web software, servers, components
  • our boilerplates use the aforementioned categories and are built for specific purposes (i.e.- CRM, E-commerce, etc.)


  • we embrace port-80-shame because we believe the web should be default-secure
  • we fully automate SSL installation and renewal for all containers and websites by using the Let's Encrypt CA
  • we are well on the way to implementing Gnupg keyrings and validated GPG signatures into Dockistry CLI(s) using elliptical curve crypography

about the author

Dockistry was started on AWS by a devops guru with over 15 years of experience building multi-platform software.

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Devops by pTero                           "an overseer of things..."

other components
