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Welcome to the Veriscope Installation Guide

Veriscope (VS) ships with a number of services (all open sourced) that in tandem enable VASPs to: Create Trust Anchor accounts (TAs) Create test User accounts (VASP users) Register a TA account in the Veriscope Discovery Layer Set Wallet Attestations Become discovered by other peers on the network Share PII between two peers as they are related to an originating crypto transaction from VASP A to VASP B.

By the end of this guide, you should have completed all of the above.

In order to accomplish the above, VS utilizes a number of self managed services: Shyft Relay Node - a Nethermind POA client that synchronizes with the Shyft Mainnet. VS communicates with the Relay Node over a local RPC connection (HTTP and Websocket) Web Application - a laravel and vuejs framework for managing TA accounts, sharing KYC data over the peer network Node JS application scripts that interface the Web Application with either the Relay Node or various web3 libraries for cryptography functions.

This repository comes with a complete installer that sets up a running installation, complete with Postgres database, nginx serving SSL connections with a reverse-proxy to backend services running Node.js and PHP Artisan.

To use the all-in-one setup script, you first need a machine which can be reached from the internet on ports 80 and 443, with a DNS name that points to it. The script is tested on Ubuntu 20.10. Minimum 2 GB of RAM.

If necessary, create a new Unix account to act as the service user. Ensure the service user is in appropriate groups. The setup recipe assumes the user who invokes 'sudo' is the service user.


Please begin the installation by cloning this repository.

├── Dockerfile
├── docker
├── docker-compose.yml
├── images
├── scripts
├── vasp_testnet
├── veriscope_ta_dashboard
└── veriscope_ta_node

Note: scripts/ is the installation setup guide vasp_testnet/ is the Nethermind POA relay node configuration veriscope_ta_dashboard/ is the Web Application (Laravel/VueJS) veriscipe_ta_node/ is the NodeJS interface between the Web Application and the Relay Node

Before continuing ensure you have a sudo user and run the following commands (for example “forge”):

$ sudo adduser forge
$ sudo adduser forge syslog
Adding user `forge' to group `syslog' ...
Adding user forge to group syslog
$ sudo adduser forge www-data

Next move the repository directory to opt/

$ mv veriscope /opt

Change the owner of opt/ to forge

$ sudo chown -R forge /opt

Setup su to your user

$ sudo su - forge

Then navigate to opt/veriscope/

$ ​​cd /opt/veriscope

Edit the .env file in the directory and add your host name and TA name. The TA name is only referenced locally. Ensure you use your own domain name that has been configured with DNS. For example:


Now we can run the setup script where you are presented with a number of options:

$ sudo scripts/
+ Located in /opt/veriscope/
+ Service user will be forge

1) Refresh dependencies
2) Install/update nethermind
3) Set up new postgres user
4) Obtain/renew SSL certificate
5) Install/update NGINX
6) Install/update node.js web service
7) Install/update PHP web service
8) Update static node list for nethermind
9) Create admin user
10) Regenerate webhook secret
i) install everything
p) show daemon status
w) restart all services
r) reboot
q) quit
Choose what to do: 

This script deploys an all-in-one installation that is intended to be a template for integration into your own environments' database servers, load balancers, and SSL key management.

1. Refresh dependencies

Updates all packages on the operating system, and installs software dependencies for all subsequent components - examples include libsnappy for Nethermind, PHP and node.js for web services, and npm and composer for managing web service dependencies.

This step also installs unconfigured PostgreSQL and Nginx servers and two cron jobs for housekeeping: automatic clock synchronication with internet time servers, and purging old logs.

2. Install/update nethermind

Nethermind is the Etherum implementation used on Shyft. This is installed to /opt/nm/ with its config file in /opt/nm/config.cfg, and the chain state in /opt/nm/nethermind_db.

This step will create a random sealer account, and provide its private key and public address. These should be kept someplace safe for permanent systems.

3. Set up new postgres user

The Trust Anchor web service relies on PostgreSQL to store attestations. This will create a new Postgres user, displaying its password and storing it where the web services can find it. It will also create a database called trustanchor. The database schema will be created when the PHP webservice is installed.

4. Obtain/renew SSL certificate

This obtains a SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt for the domain name that you configured in /opt/veriscope/.env, and deploys it in a place where Nginx can find it.

5. Install/update NGINX

This creates a config file for the web services in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ta-dashboard.conf, enables nginx to start on boot, and starts nginx.

The deployed configuration is set to serve the web services over port 443, by reverse-proxying connections to backend node.js and PHP servers.

6. Install/update node.js web service

The node webservice is several components - operating in systemd units called ta-node-1 and ta-node-2. This step installed node.js dependencies into /opt/veriscope/node_modules, then installs activatges and starts the systemd units.

7. Install/update PHP web service

The PHP webservice is several components - operating in systemd units called ta-schedule, ta-wss and ta. These carry out respectively, scheduled cron-type jobs, a websocket server, and web server. This step installs installs some PHP dependencies via composer, builds the schema and seed data in the Postgres Database, then installs, enables and starts those systemd units,

8. Update static node list for nethermind

Nethermind relies upon a list of static nodes to find servers to exchange blockchain information with. The nethermind config sets this to be in /opt/nm/static-nodes.json. Each machine is identified by an enode url, formatted like enode://{key}@{ip_address}:{port}. The Nethermind setup step obtains your server's enode, and adds it to the 'contact' field used in the ethstats service at . This command replaces your enode list with one obtained from the ethstats server, then restarts nethermind to use it.

9. Create admin user

The Web Application requires an admin user to manage the Trust Anchor account. Use this option to create an account so you can sign into the application.

10. Regenerate webhook secret

The Web Application receives data from the node scripts over a webhook url. This url is secured using a shared key. This step creates or refreshes the share key in each .env file.

Ongoing updates

Fetching the veriscope repository and re-running the installation steps will not damage any part of your installation. If you have customized your installation, here are the manual steps:

# log in as service user
$ cd /opt/veriscope
$ git pull
$ cd veriscope_ta_dashboard
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run production
$ php artisan migrate

$ cd ../veriscope_ta_node
$ npm install
$ sudo systemctl restart ta ta-wss ta-schedule ta-node-1 ta-node-2

Veriscope Docker Setup

The docker setup requires public hostname must not be a bare IP address.

Step 1 - Docker install


Step 2 - Docker Compose

Step 3 - Docker Compose UP

sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker exec -it veriscope_laravel.test_1 bash
1) Refresh dependencies
2) Install/update nethermind
3) Set up new postgres user
4) Obtain/renew SSL certificate
5) Install/update NGINX
6) Install/update node.js web service
7) Install/update PHP web service
8) Update static node list for nethermind
9) Create admin user
10) Regenerate webhook secret
i) install everything
p) show daemon status
w) restart all services
r) reboot
q) quit
Choose what to do: [Press i to install]
Choose what to do: [Press 9 to create admin user and enter the required information]

Post-setup steps

Load Blockchain Data

LOAD ALL ATTESTATIONS, Discovery Layer data

$ node -e 'require("./blockchain-data").getAllAttestations()'

$ node -e 'require("./blockchain-data").getTrustAnchorKeyValuePairCreated()'

$ node -e 'require("./blockchain-data").getTrustAnchorKeyValuePairUpdated()'

$ node -e 'require("./blockchain-data").getTrustAnchorDataRetrievalParametersCreated()'

$ node -e 'require("./blockchain-data").getVerifiedTrustAnchors()'
**Check if things work as expected by:
* Proceeding to [](
and see if your node is in the list and wait for the node to fully synchronize
* In your terminal, Use Option p to confirm you have the following services running:
  - nethermind.service - Nethermind Ethereum Daemon
  - ta.service - Trust Anchor Dashboard
  - ta-wss.service - Trust Anchor Dashboard Websockets
  - ta-schedule.service - Trust Anchor Dashboard Schedule
  - ta-node-1.service - Trust Anchor Node API
  - ta-node-2.service - Trust Anchor Node Template Helper
  - nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
  - postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS

Press q to quit the Options list. **

Get comfortable with the Web Application

Login in to the application with the account you created in Option 9 above by navigating to the domain set in your root .env For example:


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Manage Your Organization: auth/attestations/manage-organization Use this page to setup your TA account Choose “Load TA Account”. This will load the TA account stored in

$ cat /opt/veriscope/veriscope_ta_node/.env



#vasp testnet

Note, if you need to create a new TA account, simply replace TRUST_ANCHOR_PK and TRUST_ANCHOR_ACCOUNT with a new Account and Private Key

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At this stage you can query if your account has been verified and has a balance.

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**ACTION: If your account is not verified, please request to have your account on boarded and 
verified by your Veriscope Account manager and ensure you are granted Shyft Testnet tokens before proceeding further.**

Once your account has been verified, you can confirm as shown here:

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Now you can proceed with completing your account registration.

Choose a Jurisdiction for your TA account.

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Add your TA account to the Discovery Layer

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And finally complete the form for each key in the list for “Add Key Value Pair to Discovery Layer”.

Important: For the API_URL key, ensure you enter the domain name associated with this Web Application as configured in step 1 above:



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Manage Users

In this section you can create a number of users to test the transfer of KYC between your account and another on the peer network.

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You can enter in some basic information for a user or choose Generate Random User. Note: Ensure your TA account is selected in the drop down box first.

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When a new user account is created, the system auto generates a unique Shyft User ID and associates it with this user account. Also unique BTC and ETH addresses are created and assigned to this user. Note: these BTC and ETH addresses represent deposit addresses on your exchange platform.

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For this guide we have prepared a second node (vs-node2) that has a user with Shyft ID, BTC and ETH deposit addresses as shown here:

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To simulate a crypto withdrawal from your exchange you can set a WALLET Attestation by completing the following fields and entering the crypto destination address.

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If there is a peer on the network with a deposit address on their exchange, they will pass the KYC Template directly to your peer and as a result your peer will respond with your user KYC data. Completed KYC Templates can be found in the backoffice/kyctemplates view.

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You can view details in the KYC Template by choosing view.

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Notice the KYC of both the sender and beneficiary of the crypto transaction.

Other views in the backoffice are the number of TAs on the network, Attestations and completed KYC Templates on your platform.

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Conduct a transaction with another VASP

**To do this, please reach out to your Veriscope Account Manager to coordinate a 
live transaction with another VASP on Veriscope**

VASP Test Accounts

Name Value
VASP TA Account 0xC0cA43B4848823d5417cAAFB9e8E6704b9d5375c
VASP User Felix Bailey, male, 1986-04-14, Latvia
BTC Address 19dvC5Q7AFRLoRGb5Y1StRTyXXMtboaKP6
ETH Address 0x3790EDF76F21d698ba546f0a3a9C7F479b49F39E
ZEC Address t1grwNXZPAe9WbaKow3TDYVSEbkFm4eVy6n
XMR Address 48yewBAmPAjeEHBkBghYL84hazvtmuRyGbtnwm8D6AKZDA4B8U5qA3TZP3BNqLxj2w9GTvEx44di4bHsEJPowACB1nKD5c6
Name Value
VASP TA Account 0xC0cA43B4848823d5417cAAFB9e8E6704b9d5375c
VASP User Suzanne Stokes, female, 1990-04-14, External Territories of Australia
BTC Address 14dbJRm3SeoufC6v3wizWxjeZzkfheQQ6i
ETH Address 0xFc982E152068dD7E019B5f9d5C9c42581883839a
ZEC Address t1TVhHkS9w3kRBdeAcUBy3LCFEGr216utF4
XMR Address 4312zYYwzjSW2uvnLD7RbcfE7KrNXrv4scNWokkfRGi99C8C7DdwYt28Lh1DRMv3dj68usEgRiVfRUbtKfYazGMpPKWwYXq
Name Value
VASP TA Account 0xc2106031Dac53b629976e12aF769F60afcB38793
VASP User Dora Carlson, female, 1989-05-02, Belize
BTC Address 1Kx4moeZBo2kNj7c22dzAce11X18NVHwx2
ETH Address 0x0723583074C28192CF2a22Ae8FD460C714388c3A
ZEC Address t1JEqXesZyoWyh7qN6ZNUaaG4krFS4QNpr4
XMR Address 43DcM4aRLZSE2gvG3n6U9V5JdfrJ1yEDCRXyUoxw1MHd7uW4xZ6Y1FhKo7urwvfoDCNPQczjGhP9nhLcBFBgu5Cw5A9bHFX
Name Value
VASP TA Account 0xc2106031Dac53b629976e12aF769F60afcB38793
VASP User Alice Jefferson, female, 1989-03-03, Barbados
BTC Address 1GyKFuKAZxqMVgXVvkaQY7r8JVJCnj33nP
ETH Address 0x815f5a46C7624522eBB1265e503a70A2fB14e922
ZEC Address t1fzX4yzBymD3raZm9siRjomVsMxo6ygVNo
XMR Address 42zCgVBptfgUYtkeANcbzy7ZsKCU5XTWTiRe6VvAeiaghRq4UFYqWpBjK4neZjktCKBzUZHJfZbUcTXBkV3i76uPPAfMw41