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Releases: mParticle/mparticle-apple-sdk


20 Jan 15:43
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8.6.0 (2022-01-13)

Bug Fixes

  • remove infinite values from message data (#138) (3ea7370)
  • update reusable workflow urls (0d1dc43)


  • add upload bypass support to logscreenevent (#137) (1bfd098)


04 Oct 18:12
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8.5.4 (2021-10-04)

Bug Fixes


20 Sep 23:30
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8.5.3 (2021-09-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Calling -[MParticle reset] doesn't clean up our app delegate proxy (d7932da)
  • Mapped screen events forwarding to kits (86e7c75)


10 Sep 21:42
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8.5.2 (2021-09-10)


The iOS SDK version 8.5.0 introduced a regression that incorrectly formatted currency values for users with a device’s region set to any region that uses commas as the decimal separator (e.g. France or Brazil). This would cause a value like 100.25 to be formatted as 100,25 by the SDK and then stored by mParticle as 10025, making it 100x the actual value. This did not affect integer values such as 100 or 100.00, which would be received as 100 regardless of device region. The issue is resolved in the iOS SDK version 8.5.2 and 100.25 will again be stored as 100.25, regardless of the user's device region.

Bug Fixes

  • Gracefully Handle Invalid Message Data (b618e5b)
  • Preserve attributes when mapping commerce events (0ff8414)
  • Remove duplicate key in dictionary literal (b1ecb17)
  • Ensure accurate app/device info after restart (match Android SDK behavior) (e1fdc94)
  • Transaction attributes revenue logic differs from Android (c274e42)


  • Event upload bypass option (e58ae23)

Version 8.4.0

20 May 20:24
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  • This release adds a new API allowing kits to consumed batched data. This allows you to create custom kits that process uploaded mParticle data while taking advantage of the SDK's offline and batching capability.

  • SDK 8.4.0 also marks a critical change in functionality for our Kochava integration. Event mapping will now be performed client side rather than via the server to server integration. This allows Kochava to be aware of SKAd conversion events and update the SKAd conversionValue. If you utilize Kochava and have updated to this version please ensure that you also update your mParticle Kochava kit to its most recent version or later, 8.1.0.

Version 8.3.3

11 May 22:30
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  • Fix app fore thread logic if not awaiting kits

This release resolves an issue where if automatic session tracking was enabled, the SDK could potentially block the main thread when handling app foreground notifications, if those resulted in a new session being started and the SDK was not waiting for kits to set integration attributes.

Version 8.3.2

22 Apr 22:11
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  • Fix Filtering for MPBaseEvent. Resolves an issue where MediaEvents where not properly forwarded to kits

Version 8.3.1

07 Apr 19:11
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  • Add Crash Logging for PLCrashReporter
  • Accept Custom Flags from WebView JS Bridge
  • Add previous foreground time to app_fore messages

Version 8.3.0

02 Apr 14:07
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  • Ensure the latest ATT status is included with every upload. Uploads are typically immutable once stored. For ATT status and IDFA, the SDK will update pending, stored uploads with the latest ATT status and remove IDFA based on ATT status prior to upload

  • Block asserts for SPM in release mode. This prevents crashes in production apps if e.g. an NSNull value is set as an event attribute

Version 8.2.0

25 Feb 00:49
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This release adds support for collecting a device’s App Tracking Transparency authorization status for improved iOS 14 compatibility.

You can call setATTStatus:withTimestampMillis: on the MParticle sharedInstance to specify the result of prompting the user. If you pass nil for the timestamp, the SDK will use the current date and time.

  • Support for Xcode 12.5 beta
  • Update the sample app to set ATT status, as well as login and logout support