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PhenotypeSpace: quantifying phenotypic trait spaces

lifecycle Dependencies Project Status: Active The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Licence minimal R version packageversion Last-changedate CRAN_Status_Badge Total Downloads

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PhenotypeSpace is intended to facilitate the quantification of phenotypic space features.

The package offers functions for:

  • Estimate absolute values of phenotypic spaces
  • Compare trait spaces across groups
  • Modify output formats to facilitate statistical analysis

All functions allow the parallelization of tasks, which distributes the tasks among several processors to improve computational efficiency.

To install the latest developmental version from github you will need the R package remotes:


#load package

Please cite PhenotypeSpace as follows:

Araya-Salas, M., & K. Odom. 2022. PhenotypeSpace: and R package to quantify and compare phenotypic trait spaces. R package version 0.1.0.


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